Chapter Two

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Hey guys,

Okay I know its been ages but I felt like no one was reading this so I stopped for a while. One more exam to go and then I have my summer holidays so I will update frequently, not to worry. Hope you guys like this one, took me a while :) x

Kat's POV

I look up to see two guys in dark sunnies and hoodies standing over us. To be honest, I'm a bit creeped out. Not only because there are two odd looking strangers standing over me but also because they're wearing weird clortyhes.

The one with the slightly tan skin speaks uop and says, "Uh hey, these are our seats".

"Oh right, you can sit down", I reply, still a bit scared that these guys are going to be sitting next to us for the next 8 hours.

They both put their small suitcases in the overhead department and sit down.

I scoot over to my right a little bit, without wanting to make it obvious that I want to get away from them slightly. Jessie nudges me and winks, and I roll my eyes because i know exactly what she is thinking. She likes tough, scary looking guys. She thinks it makes them more masculine or something like that. I, on the other hand, prefer a sensible, calm guy, who it's afraid to admit his feelings.

We don't say anything to eachother forthe next 5 to 10 minutes, and an awkward silence shadows our row. Once they anncounce that we are going to take of in a couple of minutes, I put my seatbelt on and get myself ready.

Closing my eyes, I lean back in my seat and breathe out deeply. It's not that I'm scared of flying or anything, its just that I get a little nervous at times like these.

I feel the engines vibrate deeply, and sense us taking off. A couple of minutes later Jess pokes my shoulder and points to the window. Releaved that all I see is blue sky, I sigh and lean over to have a look at our hoemtown below. New York appears in flashes before me, being blocked out by bits of cloud here and there, until finally all I see is a mass of land.

See you soon, I think to myself as I take my eyes away form the window and focus on Jess instead.

"I'm so excited!" she squels, grinning widely.

"Same! It's goiing to be so fun! Two whole freaking months in England!" I say excitedly, back to Jess.

Harry's POV

........"Two whole freaking months in England", I hear, as I play around in my phone, looking at the recent tweets from fans. England huh? Well, this could be fun. Don't think of it in the wrong way, I just think it would be great to know these girls now, since they will be going to the same place as us.

I'm about to put my phone back into the pocket of my jacket but it vibrates. '1 New Message from BradfordBadBoy'. I give Zayn a confused look, but he just shrugs and and nods at my phone.

I open the message and read 'they're going to England :) x aha'.

I grina at how in sync or minds are, and type out a quick message 'I know! Fun times ahead ;)'

Yes I know, that may have sounded a bit perverted but I meant that in the most innocent way possible. I look over at our companions and see the one next to me give us a weird look. What, why? Oh, we probably look a bit dodgy right now, with the hoodies and everything. Great, already made a bad impression on them and they haven't she even spoken to us yet. I shrug of my hoodie and Zayn does the same.

Taking of my glasses I think, time to turn the charm on Harry, and give my hair a quick flick. They always fall for that. I turn to Zayn and he gives me a look saying, go ahead.

I lean over slightly, and say "Hey girls".

Zayn's POV

I watch Harry flick his hair slighlty, as I've seen him do a thousand times before. He's the flirtly one, always chatting them up and getting what he wants.

He looks over at me and I give him a look, signaling him to speak. Leaning over slightly, he says "Hey girls".

I look at the both of them to see their reaction and they both look up at us at the same time. The one next to me gives a small, yet awkward smile and says "Hey".

"I hear you guys are of to England?" Harry asks smoothly.

She shuffles next to me in her seat a bit and faces us completely, an amused look on her face and says, "Yeah. We have a while before UNI starts so we thought we'd go there, since we have always wanted to".

"What about you two? Where are you going?" the girl near the window asks with a cheeky grin.

Already reading Harry's mind, I know what he's going to say next, something super cheesy - "Whereever you are babe", he replies, a grin lighting up his face.

They smirk like it's not the first time they've been flirted with and I decide that this would probably be a good time to introdcue ourselves. "I'm Zayn, by the way, and this is Harold". I smirk at Harry, knowing that he'll be annoyed.

Elbowing me, he says "You're hilarious Zayn", and then he turns his attention back to them saying "It's Harry, Zayn's just trying to piss me off".

"I'm Katrina - but my friends call me Kat, and this is Jessie, but everyone calls her Jess".

Back to his cheeky self Harry replies "Hey Kat, hey Jess", with a wink towards kat.

I see her riase an eyebrow and can't really read the expression on her face but I know is isn't won over just yet.

"I don't exactly remember where, but I've seen you guys before?", Kat says, a look of curiosity crossing her face.

"We're in a small band, One Direction. That's probably where", I say, a little surprised that they couldn't place our faces. I don't in any way mean that everyone should know us but they look our age and probably are since they're going to UNI so I thought they might have. But either way, I decided to play it like we weren't that big, so we wouldn't seem stuck up to them. We've already earned a few suspicious looks from them.

"Oh! That's right! You're the guys from the XFactorUK!", she exclaims and she finally places us. We grin at her quick burst of enthusiasm and give each other a look.

Before any one of us can say anything, a flight attendant arrives with a cart full of drinks and ask us if we want and beverages. "I'll have some apple juice", Harry and Kat say simultaneously. They both look at each other with their eyebrows raised and grin before Harry turns to the attendant and says "Two apple juices thanks".

Once they're poured, she holds them out and Harry passes Kats to her, which she responds to with a smile. 'What will you have, Jess?', I ask her before the flight attendant can. 'I'll have a Pepsi, thanks'.

I nod at the attendant and say 'And an orange juice as well please'.

Grabbing the drinks from her, I pass it down the row and have a sip of mine. Wow, cold, I think, as I gulp down half the glass, thirsty still, from the nonstop transport we've had since before six this morning.

I turn to continue the conversation with Katrina and Jess but see them, engrossed in a conversation of their own, so I turn back to my phone, distracting myself on Twitter, before getting a message from Harry, 'gonna try again :)'.

Oh boy.

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