Chapter Eighteen

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It's been ages, I know. Wait no more, (bc people were totally waiting nervously), for the new chapter has been published!

Hope you love it!


When I walk back outside to the guys, I knock on the door with my free hand and wait for it to be opened. I hear someone on the other side, and see Zayn's head poke out between the gap for the second time today.

"Hey Kat", he says, a smile lighting up his face. "Hey Zayn. What're you up to?" I ask, equally brightly. He sqeezes himself through the door and stands infront of me. "We're ready in there, so just close your eyes and walk in".

I'm about to ask more questions but stop myself and close my eyes. I hear him move quietly and feel his presence behind me, while he places one hand over my eyes and the other gently on my back. I hear the door creak slightly and then him whisper, "Okay, start walking forwards", into my ear.

I walk out, not knowing what to do with my free hand, and awkwardly laugh.

"Oh! Yum!" Niall exclaims beside me. I hear him approach and take the plate of pancakes from my hand.

We stop moving and Zayn lifts his hand off my eyes, but still leaves his other on my back. "You can open your eyes now, Kat", he says brightly.

I open them and am genuinely surprised, because they've completely changed the layout of the lounge. The couches have been pushed back into a semi-circular shape, and the coffe table has been moved to the end of the room. In the middle of the room and heaps of pillows and a few blankets, and the TV is on and switched to the Netflix main screen.

"Oh, wow guys. This is so cool", I say, giving them all appreciative smiles. They all shrug it off, returning the smiles and I see Zayn running his hand through his hair, instantly noticing the fact that his hand is no longer on me.

Niall steps forward with a few bags, and says, "I even went down to the corner shop. Got some things I think you might like". I smile at him again, and say thanks.

We all settle around the lounge in a big circle, like a sleepover. Although it's my first time hanging out with the buys, I don't feel left out at all. They're all super friendly and kind of loud.

Niall, like Zayn and Harry have told me, is the kid of the group. He seems the youngest and he has a very innocent way of interacting with people. I can tell from now that we're going to get along really well.

Liam's truly the dad of the group, hushing them when they say something too inappropriate and blushing as he smiles at me. He even whacks Louis over the head when he starts to talk about his many sexual adventures in great detail.

By far, Louis is the loudest. He isn't the annoying kind of loud though; he just has a way with putting his point across, whether it's about movies or relationships. We're kind of similar in that way and I find myself hooping that that doesn't cause and tension.

Zayn's sitting to my right and occasionally leans in to further explain something the other guys have said. Although it's happened multiple times, I find myself smiling every time our shoulders bump or his arm brushes mine. I'm just hoping no one can see that I'm blushing.

After about an hour, Niall suggests we watch a movie, and Liam politely asks me what I would like to watch. "I don't really mind", I say, caught off guard. "Okay well then Marley and Me it is", Liam states quickly. There are groans of disagreement from the group and Liam looks amused.

"Guys", he says simply.

"No, Liam. Not again. Absolutely not", Louis states. Niall turns to be expectedly. "Liam, honestly, it's a great movie. I mean Owen Wilson is amazing". I give him the thumbs up sign. "Thank-you, Kat".

"But... It's kinda depressing. What about something more comedic?" I ask.

"What're you thinking?" Zayn asks from beside me.

I turn to him and say, "The Proposal?"

Niall smiles cheekily, raising his eyebrows. "What? Sandra Bullock is amazing".

There are murmurs of agreement from everyone and Liam hands me the remote so I can find it. Once its found, we all rearrange ourselves, but I make sure to grab a cushion and sit with Zayn. We lean on the sofa, and he puts one arm behind us on the sofa.

We start the movie, and luckily, Liam seems not to hold a grudge. I knew I was right about him. He seems like a really nice guy. Halfway through, I see that Louis has fallen asleep, and turn to Zayn to tell him. I'm surprised when I find that his eyes are already on me. "What", I say consciously.

He looks flustered and ends up just shaking his head, a amile tugging at his lips. "You okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine, I'm having a good time", I say. "Good", he replies, shuffling ever so slightly towards me. I move in slightly too, just enough so our legs are touching.

He can sense him smiling next to me, and I do the same, thankful that everyone is is distracted. I few minutes pass before I notice Louis again, and nudge Zayn, raising my eyebrows at Louis.

He chuckles and say, "Yeah, Louis isn't that big of a fan of Betty White's". He sees my confusion and continues, "We were at this function, and when we approached her, Louis accidently spilled her drink on her". He laughs quietly again when he sees my jaw drop and says, "She basically slapped him. Not very good-natured huh?"

I shake my head and giggle too.

Zayn streches one leg out to Louis, and shoves his side. He jumps awake and turns to us, looking confused. "Just didn't want you to miss your favourite actress, Lou", he teases. Louis looks ready to murder someone but luckily Niall starts laughing – Can always count on him- and soon so does Liam. We all start and Louis smiles, and eventually laughs with us.


Hey girlies (and guys if you're reading too!)

How was it? I genuinely liked writing this and am love with what's coming up so please comment or dm me and talk to me about it!

K x 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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