Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys - how's it going? Long time, no see ;)

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“Hey bro”, says the same Irish voice as the door is opened. I see a medium heighted blonde guy lean in and give Zayn a hug and when he pulls away, he catches my eye and gives me a wide grin. “Ello, love. You must be Kat”. I take this as my cue to walk over and greet him. “Hi, Niall?” I ask, about 95% sure this is the guy Zayn described as Niall.

“That would be me”, he chuckles. “Nice to meet you”, I say smiling back, as I offer my hand out. He grabs it but pulls me forward into a huge bearhug, which Im not expecting. “No handshakes, love. Im a hugger”. I laugh and wrap my arms around him, noticing at once how comfortable it is. 

When we pull apart, he asks how I am and we make small talk in the lounge before another bell is rung. But this time, its Zayns phone. “Hello”, he says. I can mak e out that Harry’s on the line and by Zayns frustrated sigh, I know something wrong.

When he hngs up a couple of minutes later, the frown hasn’t left his face and heturns to Niall and somehow Niall understands whats on his mind in one second. “Wait, whats going on? Is Harry okay?” I ask, slightly worried as to why thereye so quiet.

Niall nods at Zayn and Zayn says, “Harry’s in a little but of a situation. He was out shopping and got mobbed. He’s waiting at a store now till thecr owd clears out but thatll take a coupole hours atleast”. No wonder the y look so tense. “Oh”, I say, which is practically all I can come up woth.

He told me to say that he's sorry for not being able to make it today.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts and wave my hand at them, saying, “What? Oh. No, that’s fine. It's not his fault”. They don’t say anything at I reach over to my bag to get my phone, telling them, “I should probably give him a quick call”.

I text him asking if he's okay and within moments he calls back. “Hey Kat”. He sounds down. "Hey Kat", he says, sounding down. "Hey Hazz, how are you?"

He sighs and I can tell he's sad as be says, "Fine, I guess I should be used to it by now". 

"Well, if you do get used to it, it'd be better; but you're not supposed to be".

The lines quiet for a minute and I almost ask if be wants to talk later, just to think things over, but he says, "I don't think I ever will be". He sighs again and changes the topic. 

"How long have you been there?" He asks. I glance at the clock and reply, "an hour, hour and a half tops". 

"Is anyone else there yet?" He continues. 

"Niall got here about 20 minutes ago", I say, ignoring the faint bell in the background. 

"Listen, don't worry about - ", I start, but a loud cheer interrupts. "Hold on", I say as I follow the direction of the noise. 

I peck atound a corner and see a third giy has joined the first two. "Was that the bell? Who's there?" Harry asks on the line. 

"Is it Louis? Or Liam?" He continues. "Uh, is Louis the one that always rolld his pants up?" I ask, looking at the boys ankles.


"We'll then it's him", I tepy.

"Hi", Louis' voice says loudly, aimed at me. I step out and approach tem, while Harry tells me to enjoy, saying he'll catch up with me later. 

I nod through the phone like the idiot I am and hang up, before once again nervously making my way to Louis.

"Hey", I say as I approach him, giving him a small wave. Niall chuckles on the couch beside me but Louis waves that off and smile back. 

"Haw are you doing? We've heard so much about you", he says. "Really?" I ask, shocked that the boys wouldn't have better things to talk about.

"Well, kind off. You guys have been seeing each other for what, three weeks now?" 

When I nod, he continues, "But the lads have only been talking about you for the past week. You were like their little secret before that".

I blush slightly, again, whacking myself mentally for doing so and glance at Zayn, who seems to be looking at the ground. He looks up through his eyelashes suddenly and in an instant, my stomach flips. 


This is so cute omg. But wait till the next chapter. 

It would be awesome to get some feedback so if you don't want to comment on my story directly, feel free to message me :)

Thanks for reading this

K x

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