Chapter Three

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Hey guys :) this is quite a long chapter and took me a while to do. I knew how I wanted it written but still had a little mind blank.



Kats POV

"So, what were you guys doing in America without the rest of your band?", I ask, confused as to why they're traveling alone of they're in a band.

"Oh, there were some rad rumors going on about me when we got home and so I had to go clear them up", Zayn says, clearly annoyed.

"And I just went along to keep him company", Harry adds, smiling.

"Oh right, that's normal", I say, thinking about how strange it must be for them to go to different countries just to clear up timeouts.

"Well, it is now, but the whole publicity thing took us a while to get used to. Actually, we still are", Harry replies.

"Yeah, it must be weird going places and having people screaming your name and trying to touch you guys nd stuff", Jess says, entering the conversation after the while.

"Well, it's weird only because we still aren't very used to it but its great to know that people out there support what we love doing, ya know?", Zayn asks.

Do I? Do I really know? Have I ever been in a situation like that? Don't think so....

"Actually, I don't know, but it must feel great", I say finally, still thinking about it.

"It is", he says simply. I feel the converataion coming to an end and turn back to Jess, wanting to speak about sight-seeing plans, but before I even open my mouth, Harry says, "So girls, what plans for your trip? Anywhere special?"

"Well, the fact that we're going to London is special enough, but apart from that, it'll just be sightseeing and shopping", Jess says.

I can tell by the twinkle in Harry's eye that he's going to say something cheeky and just as I assumed, he says, "Ah, well, you are girls, so shopping is a must". Jess only rolls her eyes but even though I know he was only teasing, I shoot back, "Shopping has nothing to do with being a girl. It's a unisex activity".

As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I realise how awkward what I have just said sounds. And right on cue, Jess, Zayn and Harry crack up laughing. "Hardy hardy har har, guys. So mature of you". When that doesn't shut them up, I get up and announce that I'm going to the toilet.

Fifteen seconds of awkwardly squeezing past their faces later, I'm in the aisle and on the way to the queen-sized toilets available in the wonderful economy class. Not the sarcasm.

But no matter how small the toilets are and how scary the flush is, I always love to rummage through the drawers below the sink, taking a couple of combs and using the soft hand cream.

As I make my way back to my small seat, I see a head in my seat and reach to see Harry sat in my seat. "Um, hey? What're you doing?" I ask, giving him a questioning look.

He looks up and awkwardly says, "Oh um, is it okay if I sit here? I uh... uh... wanted a window seat". I'm about to question further but one look from Jess' pleading eyes tell me to stop.

"Sure", I say, sitting next to Zayn instead. I notice him looking and raise my eyebrows at him, "What?", I ask. "Uh nothing, just, are you sure you're okay with sitting here?", he asks, a strange look in his eyes. "Yeah, don't worry about it. Besides, I'm doing her a favour", I say cheekily, nodding at Jess.

"Yeah, I noticed the way she was practically begging you to say okay", he whispers softly, chuckling quietly. I laugh along because she was so obvious and say, "She knows I know what she's thinking, so I don't think she tries to hide it".

"Good connection I guess?" he asks, and when I not he continues, "so, how long have you two known each other?"

Well, let's take a trip down memory lane shall we, I think as I remember when we first met. We met in drama class, but not school drama, this was an out of school club thing. I was eight years old and although I had a few good friends at school, my Mum thought it was important to make some more, and since I wasn't the most outgoing person, she thought these classes would boost my confidence and get me some friends. I got there, annoyed yet excited, and walked into my class to see a tough looking girl in black shorts and a graphic t-shirt surrounded by a group of girls in pink clothes. They were obviously bullying her but I don't have the guts to do anything. Didn't need to actually, because she stuck to her guns and soon enough they walked away, looking for a new victim, only to walk towards me. They said some mean things but I didn't say anything back, and when one of them shoved my shoulder, the girl in the black shorts ran over and shoved her to the ground. She introduced herself as Jess and I guess from that point on, we were buddies.

I sigh happily, grateful that I met her and turn to Zayn saying, "It's going to be ten years soon". He raises his eyebrows in shock and says, "Woah, that's ages". I laugh lightly, his reaction sort of amusing.

For a few hours after that, we speak about his friends, his family and the band. He lights up while speaking about his band members, which is quite sweet, and so I ask mainly about them. By lunchtime, I come to know that he has three sisters, that he misses his Mum's food the most on tour and that the other four guys in One Direction are like his brothers.

I tell him about my family too. I tell him abput the folks and my older brother, and even though I've only just met him, I don't feel uncomfortable talking about these things.


Okay, I know this is a weird ending, but don't worry, I'll cover for it in the next chapter :) Hope you liked it. Please vote for this and comment below because I'd love to have feedback on my work.

Hope you guys enjoyed 1DDAY as much as I did! But I didn't actually get to watch the whole thing. Too bad, I'll probably watch it soon anyways :)

K x

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