Chapter Six

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Hey guys :) new chapter... This one I thought was quite funny, but that's just me. Anyways, hope you guys like it :)


*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

“Jess, get the alarm”, I moan, burying my face in my pillow. “It’s your phone, you get it”, she mutters back. I know that it’s useless arguing with her, because she won’t get up. See, I’ve known her long enough to know that she isn’t a morning person at all and if you interrupt her sleep without a life or death situation, you better be ready to hurt.

Luckily, because of our long friendship, she has learned to hold her anger in and just ignore any of my morning demands. I turn sleepily to the side table and shut my phone. Stressing into a weird cat position I learnt at a yoga class, I yawn loudly and get out of bed.

I go to the study table, which has our large suitcases on it and pick out some clothes for today. Taking them into the en-suite, I have a long warm shower, washing my long brown hair. A couple months ago, I wanted to have my hair ombred but after Jess’ bad experience at the hair dressers, I decided against it. Not only had the made the blonde look orange, but it felt plastic, like doll hair.

Finishing my shower, I wipe my body, moisturise and put on some leggings and an oversized grey sweater, pairing it with my grey boots and a long necklace. I walk to the bedroom again and shake Jess, telling her to get up, when she doesn’t, I turn her over so she’s lying on her back and shake my hair in the air, hoping to flick her with water, while yelling, “JESS! IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP!!”

Being her lazy self, she still doesn’t do anything, apart from shoving a pillow in my face. I grab the end half of my hair and squeeze the water out of it, letting it fall onto her face.  And that sure brings a response out it her. “Kat, you idiot! I can’t believe you did that!” she screams, sitting up in bed quickly.

When she lunges for me, I run away, letting her fall out of bed and onto the ground. She gets up and chases after me, which obviously, I knew would happen, so I’m prepared. I’m standing ready with my phone in my hand and take a photo as soon as she is in the room. When she gets to me, I can tell she is surprised and I say quietly, “One more step towards me, and I’ll send it to Ryan”.  Her eyes widen at this, and she gasps, saying “you wouldn’t”. I nod and raise an eyebrow, indicating that I will.

She has been crushing on him for ages now and I know she would hate for him to see her like that. Great. Suits me just fine. Being the amazing friend I am, I can hold it against her. She walks back to the room quietly and shuffles through her suitcases, finding some clothes.

Within another hour, we’re both completely ready to leave and we make our way downstairs to the lobby. Before we lose internet connection, I quickly send my Mum a message saying “We’re leaving for the day now. Should be out until evening. I’ll call tonight hopefully. Love you.”

I grab a map from the front desk and we walk out into the chilly morning ait. Several minutes later, we reach a small café, in which we grab a table and order some breakfast. Across from me, Jess is delivered a plate stacked with pancakes and fresh berries with a jug of maple syrup and I get a large plate of sausages, beans, hash browns, toast and eggs.

Yeah, seems like a lot, but if you ever say anything against my eggs, beware. Over breakfast, we decide to go downtown, and check out the mall. It’s the biggest one in the area, and we might as well check it out, being girls and all. Note the sarcasm.

We catch a bus to the mall and by lunchtime, we’ve only covered the first floor. Why on earth is this place so big? We stop for some Subway and then start again, quickly making our way through the rest of the floors.

Around 6pm, we make our way back out of the mall, hands full of shopping bags. I’m thankful that I’m a saver and have saved enough to not feel guilty about the spending. Jess, on the other hand, is not a saver, and has brought just enough for the trip and I’m sure will spend it all within a month. But she isn’t worried really; she will just call her Mum if she needs more money and being the spoiler she is, her Mum is sure to send over more money.

We tag all our purchases along with us back to the hotel with us, crashing in the lounge from tiredness. “What’s for dinner”, I ask Jess, who’s about to fall asleep. “I don’t know,” she shrugs. I walk over to the kitchen cabinets and see that they’ve given us complementary tea and biscuits. I rip a packet of the biscuits open and munch on that, while lying on the couch and flicking through the TV channels lazily.


Did you like it? If you seriously thought that it was good, please help me out and vote and comment. Have a great day guys :)

K x

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