Chapter 24

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Bucky woke up rather abruptly as he shot up from Steve's warm embrace and gasped. His body was covered in a cold sweat, hair glued to his damp skin and eyes wide in terror—from what, he wasn't sure. But there was an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach, and it made him feel like vomiting. The darkness of Steve's bedroom didn't quite help either.

Something was wrong. Something—something was going to go wrong.

He turned over to look at Steve, the large man still sleeping rather peacefully. Anxiousness was in his every move as he slowly reached for him. He didn't want to wake him, he actually looked really peaceful, lucky him, but Steve had made him promise after they kissed and made up that he'd talk to him if he felt depressed or anything of the sort.

"Steve, hey." Bucky shook him gently then waited for a moment to see if the sleeping beauty would wake up. He tried again when Steve didn't. "Stevie...come on, man, wake up..."

Slowly, Steve began to stir. His eyes opened up rather reluctantly but when he felt that Bucky was no longer in his arms—he had made sure he fell asleep holding the brunette—he shook the grogginess out of his system and sat up.

Yawning, he spoke, "Why are you up? It's like..." His eyes searched for the alarm clock on his bedside table. "4 am. Yikes."

Instead of replying, Bucky hugged the other man tightly. His nerves were everywhere and he couldn't find it in himself to speak. The awful feeling in his stomach only grew.

Large arms coming to wrap around the ex-assassin, Steve immediately felt how on-edge Bucky was. It was practically impossible not to—Bucky was drenched in sweat and shaking like a leaf.

"Hey, don't worry, Buck..." He began to rub the other man's back in a comforting manner. "Did you have a nightmare?"

As much as Bucky wanted to nod his head, he couldn't help but feel that that wasn't the case. The hairs on his neck were standing up and he had goosebumps lining every inch of his skin. Something was wrong.

"Something—something's wrong, Steve. I can feel it—" Bucky pulled away ever so slightly so that he could see the blonde man. "We need to leave."

Now that they were making eye contact, Steve could see just how serious and terrified Bucky really was. Had he not been the one trying to remain calm, he probably would've felt his own heart rate spike up.

"Leave? Buck, if something's going to happen we need to—" Steve stopped himself. Bucky was in no condition to fight. His pregnancy was already high-risk, any extra stress or negativity might be the end for the baby inside the man. He corrected himself, "I need to stay."


"But nothing. Nothing is going to happen."

Bucky stared at Steve with wide eyes, disbelief and slight betrayal in his gaze. This wasn't just some bullshit, fucked up nightmare! Bucky felt with his entire being that something was going to happen, and he knew that if they didn't leave right this fucking second, that they'd get caught up in whatever shit storm was brewing. But before he could voice his feelings, Steve began speaking once more.

"James, even if something were to happen, this is the safest place we could be. Tony's just a few stories up." Steve cupped Bucky's cheek as he spoke, voice confident but his stare a little unsure. The brunette's fear couldn't help but make him worried. "But nothing is going to happen, ok? It was just a nightm—"

The ringing of a phone interrupted Steve mid-sentence.

The two men exchanged a long stare before the larger of the duo finally tore his eyes away and grabbed the phone. It was on the last ring when he picked up.

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