Chapter 14

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Days went by, and Bucky did not deal with the thoughts that plagued his mind almost every single waking second. They'd become increasingly worrisome. When was he going to get the abortion? When would Natasha come back so that he could tell her the news? Would there be any complications while he got the abortion? Did Steve have any doubts about his decision? Did he have any?

A loud groan left him as he laid back on his couch, dark bags under his eyes. He'd been doing his best to block out the thoughts, but it seemed as if today wasn't going to allow him to do that. At least he wasn't having any nightmares, he reminded himself.

He closed his eyes as a sudden wave of exhaustion hit him. The symptoms, he noted, had become more and more drastic. There were days where he couldn't even stomach the thought of a specific food or brush against his chest without wincing because of his oversensitive nipples. He may have not been an expert on the subject of pregnancy, but he damn sure knew the symptoms weren't that strong at such an early stage.

Slowly, he began to drift off into a dreamless sleep. Steve slipped into his room right as he passed out. He hummed a soft tune as he walked into the man's room, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Sorry, I'm late, Buck. Sam just refuses to let me be by myself. He and Rhodey even managed to get Tony to speak with me again. It's actually kinda nice you know?" As he walked over to the living room area, he finally noticed Bucky's current state.

The blonde laughed softly when he saw. He quietly tip-toed over to him then ran his hand through his hair, relishing in the softness of the brunette's locks. He stared at Bucky in silence for a few long moments before taking a seat on the floor at the edge of the couch.

A quiet breath left him as he thought over his current situation. He honestly hadn't even thought about it the last few days--he'd just been busy enjoying the way he was being spoiled.

Bucky, he recalled, had been bedridden the past week. Normally he'd have stayed with him, but the brunette had made it clear he just needed to rest--he'd, "dealt with worse."

For a while, he allowed himself the undeserved pleasure of gently petting Bucky's soft hair. He would have continued to do so for an even longer while, too, if it wasn't for the loud buzz that came from the sleeping man's phone. Steve leisurely pulled his hand away from Bucky's hair and reached for the phone on the coffee table.

He briefly glanced at the notification before abruptly opening the message and beginning to type a message, fingers excitedly tapping a greeting. It was a message from Natasha, one that read, "Hey. :)".

How long had it been since he'd last seen the woman, let alone talk to her? Too long, he concluded after a few moments. Bucky had done an excellent job at hogging her to himself.

'Natasha! Hey, it's Steve. Bucky's currently asleep, sorry about that.' He paused, thinking over what to say next. It would probably be best to keep the message short and sweet--after all, knowing Natasha, she was on a mission.

'How have you been?' Pressing send once he felt the message was long enough to get what he wanted to say out but short enough to not waste time that could potentially save her life, Steve set the phone back where it was and sat back.

It took, surprisingly, only a few minutes for another buzz to sound from the phone.

'Hey, Steve :). Haven't heard from you in a while. I'm good, and you?'

A smile quickly formed on the old man's plump lips. Just by talking to the woman did he feel better already--and he wasn't even feeling down!

'I'm fine, great actually. Things have gotten better with me and Buck. I'm really happy with him...haha.'

Another few minutes passed after Steve sent the message before the redhead responded. 'Lol, I can tell things are're on his phone. :P Bucky wouldn't have let you near his phone if he still was upset with you. So? Give me the details, and don't skimp out on the good ones!'

After reading her message, Steve blushed profusely. He knew Nat was Nat, but even over text, she couldn't have been at least a little bit PG? A few coughs left him as he awkwardly tried to clear his throat. He spared a quick glance at Bucky before typing out a speedy response. If he was caught now, he'd be in trouble.

'Nat, you're so embarrassing...I'm not even going to attempt to wrestle with that one. Are you coming back soon? :('

Waiting for her response, he tapped his fingers on the coffee table, thumping the beat of an old song he'd been introduced to by Rhodey. It took more than a few minutes to get a response back.

'I should be back soon. I might stop by my apartment though. It's getting stuffy at Tony's, I need some alone time, lol.'

Steve rolled his eyes as he began his response. 'You know the agreement, Natasha. We have to stay with Tony for a while, to try and earn back his trust and forgiveness? We did kind of turn on him, you know?... You included.'

Natasha's response was quick and short, that time.

'You're just like a mom. See you soon, Rogers.'

Her response earned a smile from the blonde. He sent back a smiley face, which mirrored his own expression perfectly, before setting Bucky's phone down. Just as the small electronic met with the cold surface of the coffee table, the brunette began to stir, a discomforted grunt leaving him. Steve quickly turned to look at him.

"Buck." He grinned, turning around to look at him warmly. He rubbed the older man's belly as he slowly woke up. He didn't mean to, actually. The action just, somehow, displayed perfectly the happiness he was feeling, much like the simple smiley face he sent Natasha did.

Bucky was surprised nonetheless by his touch though, and it showed on his exhausted face.

"Hey...' He looked down at Steve's hand which was still nonchalantly rubbing his stomach. "Forgot you were coming, you took so long." He chuckled softly, the sound raspy, and began to sit up as slowly as he could without bothering the headache he somehow managed to get while he was passed out. Steve's hand slipped off of his belly once he was sat up completely.

Steve chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck with the hand he'd just used to violate Bucky's stomach--or at least, that was how the other man would have put it if he had to describe what Steve just did to him.

"Sorry, Buck. I got caught up with..." Steve quickly reviewed what he was going to say before he actually spoke it, and quickly came to the conclusion that it would be best to change his story up a bit.

Over the last few days since discovering Bucky was pregnant, Steve had done a bit of research on pregnancy symptoms. One of the symptoms that had stuck out most to him was the extreme mood swings a woman went through. Putting two and two together, Steve figured that, since Tony was more than just a touchy subject with Bucky, it would be best to keep the millionaire's name out of his mouth.

"I got caught up with Sam. He kept bugging me about working out with him." He took a seat next to Bucky as he spoke, cozying up with the man right away. He had sensed that the other man was in pain, so he wrapped his arm around his waist and forced--but not really--him to lay against him. Bucky rested his head on his shoulder thankfully, glad that he had something warm to distract the throbbing in his temple with.

"Hm..." The ex-assassin hummed softly, the sound a half-assed response. He quickly began to doze back off. "That's cool...tell him I said hi.."

It didn't take long for Bucky to fall asleep once more. He was in far too much pain to want to deal with any of it head on--he'd just sleep it off. That seemed to be how he solved most of his problems nowadays...

Steve chuckled softly, murmuring an amused, "I will," before pressing a kiss to the man's temple.

He watched TV as his lover slept, hand once more on his belly. 


also rip stan lee, man ;"(( im late on this, but i hope hes getting the rest he deserves

he was really an amazing man

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