Chapter 21

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It had been a few days since Bucky's 15 seconds of regression, and finally, he could say he was fine with the decision he had come to.

He was tired of going back on his word and worrying the man he loved, but more than that, he was tired of worrying himself.

He may have been new to this life of...comfort, but that didn't mean he could abuse it.

So now, as he was on his way to Bruce's temporary clinic, he held Steve's hand with confidence and wore a content, small smile. Nat would be there too. He had heard something about today finally being the day they told Bruce just what they actually had planned for Bucky's baby, so he figured it'd help if he was calm.

God only knew how Bruce would react, and they didn't need two worry warts just in case the shifter didn't react well.

As they walked into the clinic, Bucky spared a glance at Steve. The blonde man greeted the receptionist as he signed in with ease, almost as if he'd done this multiple times before. It made the brunette want to chuckle, and he almost did. The last time Bucky could recall he and Steve going to a medical place together was when they were kids, and Steve was sick. Bucky had had to sign in for them and, essentially, act as the blonde's caretaker.

But now the roles were reversed, and it made Bucky feel...pampered? Spoiled? He couldn't think of the right word, but what he did know was that it made him feel warm inside.

Before long, the duo was walking into the back room where Bruce and Natasha were waiting.

With a quick knock before entering, Bucky and Steve announced themselves then walked into the room.
Natasha's eyes immediately landed themselves on Bucky, and much to his surprise, he didn't feel anxious or...scrutinized? He felt self-assured; he knew what he was there to do, and for once in his life, he didn't feel any hesitance, because he had come to this decision for himself.

Instead, he smiled a little sheepishly at her. "Sorry for leaving. I had to think things over...the uh, death part kinda got to me. But I'm fine now." He added quickly when Natasha's stare suddenly turned worried.

"I'm glad, James." The widow said in a genuine tone. Before she could move in to hug him, Bucky began taking his shirt off. He then moved onto the bed and laid back.

He wasn't in a rush, but he was sure Bruce wanted to get things started already. Even he had noticed that the shifter was a bit negative when it came to the kid. Maybe he was jealous that Bucky, of all people, could have a family and not him and Natasha.

If that was the case, Bucky wasn't offended or angry at Bruce for feeling that way. In different circumstances, the brunette was sure that he'd be bitter too if someone as undeserving as himself was able to build a family but not him. That just made Bucky want to have this kid for Bruce and Nat even more.

And just as Bucky suspected he would, Bruce went right to work. He was already opening the bottle of jelly and spreading it onto the soldier's stomach. Then quickly after, he was pulling out a wand-like controller, and then rubbing that over the jelly. Bucky, closing his eyes once he realized a heartbeat would be heard soon after, took the time to ponder what that jelly stuff actually was.

Why's it always cold?, he thought humorously. Kinda looks like petroleum jelly, maybe it's that?...Were his thoughts an effort to distract himself from the sounds that had just started? Maybe. But was he ashamed to admit that? Maybe a little, but he still couldn't accept the fact that there was a child in him.

It was freaky.

Natasha and Steve could, though, and they were already aweing over the heartbeat of their unborn child.

"She sounds so strong..." Natasha muttered softly under her breath. Her words were quick to be met with interest from all three men.

"What makes you think it's a girl?" Steve asked curiously, his hand on Bucky's shoulder as he spoke. As to be expected, he could tell Bucky was uncomfortable.

Natasha grinned at the question, though, and simply shrugged. "Girls are the hardest to have, and she's giving James a wild ride. We're having a girl." A soft laugh left her before she realized what she had said. And much to her dismay, everyone else had heard it too—including Bruce. He was already staring at her, eyes confused and questioning.

We're?, he mouthed to her, brain racing with all kinds of possible reasons as to why she might say that. Maybe she was projecting too much onto Steve and Bucky, so she saw the kid as her own too? Or maybe it was just an accident, a slip of the tongue. Or maybe—

"She's ours, Bruce." Natasha said suddenly, breaking the pseudo-OB/GYN out of his (mildly) worried trance. The electronic wand dropped out of his hand as he stared at her incredulously, speechless.
Natasha took his silence as an opportunity to explain herself.

"I've been meaning to tell you, but with all the work we've both had to do, it's just...slipped out of my mind." She sighed softly and ran a hand through her red hair. She wasn't trying to make excuses, but so far, that's what it seemed like she was doing. "But the cat's out of the bag, and now you know."

Turning so that she could fully face him, she smiled sheepishly. "I asked Bucky to carry the baby for us. It just seemed like the best opportunity for us to actually have a family. We both know I can't do that for us, and adoption is out of the picture. I understand if you're angry at me, but Bruce, I promise I did it with the best intentions."

Once Natasha finished speaking, she stared anxiously at her partner. He still had yet to speak anything, but now a look of shock was on his face. He couldn't believe it.

Bucky and Steve, two people he didn't even know were romantic with each other, were having a baby...and they were giving it to him and Nat? This sounded like some really bad romantic comedy.

But before he knew it, there were tears welling up in his eyes and he was walking towards Nat, a wide grin on his face. There weren't any words he could use to describe the utter happiness he was feeling.

An audible sigh of relief could be heard leaving Nat before Bruce bear-hugged her.

Steve and Bucky smiled at the scene, glad that Bruce reacted positively. After a few long moments, Bruce pulled away, wiping away the few tears that had managed to sneak out of his eyes. He sniffled, turned to both men, and grinned even happier.

"Steve, James..." He began, but stopped when he realized he had no idea what to say. He was indebted to them, forever! Nothing he could say or do would ever be able to sum up the absolute gratefulness he felt toward them.

"I don't know what to say..." He finally muttered, voice soft and light. Steve simply chuckled and patted him on the back.

"Don't mention it."

Bucky then spoke. "Don't worry, Nat was the same. We get it, man." He offered a warm smile that he hoped relayed the friendliness he felt towards the shifter. He had sat up now, stomach still covered in the jelly, the image of the being inside him no longer on the monitor.

"What are you guys gonna name her then?"



Also quick question, what should they name the baby? 🤔

Alsox2, I hope you guys are safe and well, I'll try to update more often so you guys have something to read 👉👈

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