Chapter 5

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Steve was shaken out of his depressed stupor when Bucky's hand rested on his shoulder.

"You lead the way."

Steve quickly nodded, choosing not to speak just in case something he said hurt the man and began to walk ahead of his friend.

Whatever it was that Steve had done to annoy Bucky, he was damn sure he wouldn't ever do again. If he had to keep his mouth shut until the man spoke to him, he'd do it, even if he hated it. The night at Tony's party had proven to Steve that he felt strongly for his friend; anything the man wanted was what Steve would give.

Before long, they arrived at the cafe Steve had spoken about.

Both men entered the building and sat down at a table for two in the corner of the building. Two small menus were laid on the center of the table.

Grabbing one, Bucky's eyes scanned the contents of the small foldable. A few moments passed before he set the menu down and sighed softly. Steve looked up at him, eyes questioning the sound.

He only grunted in response.

"Place not what you thought it'd be?" A kind, joking smile made its way onto the blonde's lips as he stared at the brunette. Bucky rolled his eyes playfully.

"Nah, it just...feels crazy to be able to have a say in somethin', ya know? Just not all that used to it yet..." He trailed off softly, eyes turning away from his friend.

Steve immediately felt a wave of guilt and sympathy rush through him. It pained him to know that Bucky was still experiencing nostalgia and flashbacks of his days with HYDRA.

Slowly and a bit unsurely, he reached out to the brunette and rested his hand on his shoulder. Bucky's eyes glanced at him, a curious but confused look in them. He offered him a smile.

"You're always gonna have a choice with me, bud. I'm never gonna force you to do anything you don't wanna do. You're my friend; friends don't do that."

Had the two not been in a public place, Bucky could have sworn he'd cry. Steve's words, they meant so much more than he knew. After decades upon decades of not being in control, of having to follow someone else's rules and commands, it was a relief to hear that he could decide for himself.

The smirk he wore all too often began to grow on his lips.

"Since when did you become such a sap?" He joked fondly, placing his hand on top of Steve's.

The blonde chuckled softly and looked away for a few short moments before looking back. Had the hat on his head not camouflaged his face with a shadow, Bucky might have been able to see the pink blush that had made its way onto Steve's face.

"I've been this way for a while now, Buck. You're just barely paying any attention to it."

Before Bucky had any time to respond, the waiter appeared, holding a small notebook in his hands.

"Are you guys done looking, or should I come back in a few?" He asked politely, a smile on his face. He briefly scanned the situation Steve and Bucky seemed to be in, having noted Steve's hand on Bucky's shoulder, before broadening his smile.

"I'm sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting."

Bucky tore his hand away from Steve's almost immediately, Steve following suit and taking his hand away from his shoulder.

"No, it's fine." The brunette answered calmly and with a smile. "I'll just have some coffee if that's ok."

Nodding, the waiter began to write the beverage down. "Caf or decaf?"

"Er..." Bucky shot Steve a confused look. The blonde only shrugged, not paying any attention to him. His shoulders were slumped once more.

With a huff of frustration from his friend's lack of help, Bucky looked back at the waiter. "Just black, I guess? If that's available."

The waiter laughed softly and nodded. "Of course." After he finished writing down what Bucky wanted, he turned to Steve. "And you, sir?"

Steve glanced down at his menu, looked it over speedily, then promptly stated what he wanted.

"Alrighty, a black coffee for you and the American Classic for you. Anything else I can get you two?" He looked between the two men as he spoke. Earning a shake of the head from both, he nodded and smiled. "Well, my name is Mark. I'll be your waiter for today. If you guys need anything, just call me over."

The two nodded before Mark left.

Steve immediately went back to paying no mind to Bucky, much to Bucky's annoyance.

"So... Nice guy, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. He's always like that." Deflecting the question and his friend's obvious attempt at small talk, Steve focused on his phone, texting Sam. The brunette's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

The abrupt change in the blonde's behavior quickly started to confuse and irk him to no end.

He tapped his metal hand's fingers on the table and watched the other. "You know, you're really starting to remind me of all these people. Always on their phone, ignoring their friends."

"Uh huh, sure, Buck. Food should get here soon, don't worry."

"Steve, look at me."

"Hold on a sec', pal. I'm talkin' with Sam."

Doing just that, Bucky waited--albeit impatiently--for his friend to finish up his conversation with the other Avenger. A long while passed with no sign of Steve setting his phone down and paying Bucky the attention he demanded and so rightfully deserved.

The sudden sound of fists being slammed on the table immediately caused Steve to look up, eyes wide. The brunette could take no more of the agonizing silence.

"Unless the world's about to end and he's got some lead on the assholes behind it, put your damn phone down and talk to me." An agitated huff left the brunette after he spoke the words, his hands clenched.

Steve stared at his friend for a few moments, silent, before sighing softly and looking away, his head shaking slightly. He directed his gaze back to Bucky once he felt like he was calm enough to speak.

"Let's not make a scene here, Bucky. We're in public. Remember that." He made sure to speak softly and kindly. He knew all too well what would happen if you appeared hostile to an already angry being--he wasn't going to upset his friend any more than he already had, or at least try to.

A furious glint immediately glossed over the rugged man's eyes. His mouth slowly but surely curved into a deep frown at the blonde's irritating tactics of calming him. It was almost as if he was treating him like he was a kid about to throw a temper tantrum; trying to shut him up and give him what he wanted before he started to scream and cry.

The fact that Steve was leisurely inching his hand to his shoulder only ignited his fire more.

"Oh, I'm rememberin' somethin', Stevie," He spoke as he yanked his shoulder out of the blonde's reach. "Somethin's brewin' in my damn head and it ain't makin' me too happy." 

A/N: Bucky is kinda bratty in this, aint he XD


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