Chapter 17

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Maybe, Bucky thought to himself sourly as he stood outside Natasha's room, hand-in-hand with Steve, he rushed into this. He was completely up for carrying the kid for Nat, it'd have been frustrating if he wasn't at this point, but actually going about telling her and doing it was what was killing him.

He loved the widow with all his heart, but the thought of having to shit a kid out of god knows where horrified him. Not only that, but he was experiencing excruciatingly painful cramps, headaches, and dizziness.

It was too late to voice his concerns anyway though, so as he stood in front of the door and watched it with his blonde lover, he sucked it up.

"Ready?" Steve asked him softly, going so far as to even squeeze his hand in a comforting manner. As always, he could tell Bucky was worrying.

"Ah... Sure." The assassin let an awkward chuckle out then grinned at the other. There was no point in worrying Steve any further.

Taking his lover's word, Steve nodded and knocked on Natasha's door. He would have just entered with Bucky, the widow had done that to them more times than he could count, but he decided not to. He wasn't there for a  social visit, so he should be serious--not that he wasn't already.

A few moments passed before Natasha was opening the door. Both men inhaled a silent, nervous breath.

"Oh, Steve, Bucky, hey." With a mildly surprised look, the widow quickly recovered and smiled at the two. "What's up?"

"Nothing much..." Steve began slowly before Bucky quickly intervened; his nerves were far too wrecked for them to start the conversation off slow.

"We thought it over. Can we come in?"

Shocked, Natasha nodded immediately. It had been only a day, maybe two if she had somehow lost count, they were already sure of their decision? Needless to say though, Natasha was excited anyway.

Moving out of the way, she ushered the men in. Once they entered, she quickly shut the door.

"Make yourselves at home." She murmured softly, making her way around them almost erratically. She was shaking with excitement as she sat down on a sofa, one that was across from the spot the two men had settled down on. Her fingers rattled against her thighs impatiently--what was their decision?

"So..." She started slowly, a helpless grin on her pink lips. "What do you guys say?" She spared a glance at Steve as she asked the question. It was important to her that Steve knew she valued his opinion, too.

The men gave each other a quick look before speaking. "We're honored you picked us to do this for you, Nat. We're more than happy to carry the baby for you and Bruce." Steve smiled warmly at the redhead across from them when he finished. Bucky also smiled at her, feeling a bit relieved. Now that some weight was lifted from his shoulders, he could breathe. Truth be told, he appreciated when Steve took control. He really doubted he would have been able to tell her.

Silence then passed for a few moments, a slightly uncomfortable tension in the air. Natasha wasn't saying anything... Looking at her, Steve and Bucky were then quickly surprised when the widow started to tear up, and very quickly cry.


"Thank you, guys...!" Natasha sprung up from her spot on the couch and gave the men a tight hug. Tears were running, though sprinting also sufficed as a descriptor, down her face but at that moment, she could care less. She was going to be a mom! Bruce was going to be a father--they were going to be parents! She looked like a mess, but really, who gave two shits? Not her.

Pulling away, she sniffled and dabbed at her eyes. "I can't say thank you enough..." Natasha smiled through her tears happily. It was the truth! Bucky and Steve were giving her everything she had ever wanted, she'd never be able to repay them.

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