Chapter 4

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Plopping onto his bed when he was in his room, Bucky relished in the softness of his bedsheets for a few long moments. Whether he was doing that so he could push off finding the man who had stolen his purity, he didn't want to think about.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

He woke up at the crack of dawn with the overwhelming urge to puke. He quickly rushed to the bathroom inside his room and collapsed in front of the toilet. With no better way to describe it, he threw up until he was sure he'd need to eat all three of his daily meals to gain back the nutrients he just lost.

He groaned loudly when he was finally finished.

"Urgh... I hate being pregnant."

He got up, groggy, and proceeded to rinse his mouth out thoroughly. Once he was done he then brushed his teeth, taking extra time to brush his tongue. He sighed inwardly as he dried his mouth.

Sparing no more than a glance at the mirror, he nearly fainted when he saw his reflection. Contrary to his normal appearance, he had dark bags under his eyes, the stubble on his jawline and chin had started to grow into an actual beard, and his skin was eerily pale. If he wasn't so keen on forgetting his past, he'd have compared himself to the way he used to look when he was under Hydra's control.

"There is no way I'm keeping this kid..." His fingertips grazed his pale skin, the words leaving him softly. "It's completely fucking me up..."

After attempting to rinse his face beautiful for longer than he planned, he decided to give up and leave the room. What he needed was to be out in the sun. Maybe walk around for a bit, sightsee. That would surely give him back his somewhat youthful attitude and appearance.

He promptly changed his clothes and tied his hair back. He shaved afterward. He glanced at the mirror one last time before leaving, satisfied slightly by the difference just changing his clothes and cleaning his face up did, then walked out of his room.

Being pregnant really wasn't the thing for him.

Just as he was about to walk out the ginormous building he and the other Avengers called home, he heard his name being called by a familiar voice. His body stopped immediately and tensed.


The brunette suddenly felt a warm hand on his shoulder and the tenseness that was just in his body leave. He, however, had no time to ponder over the strangeness of feeling anxious because of his friend; Steve was already talking.

"Where you going, bud?"

He looked up at the blonde's smiling face and swallowed the urge to retreat back to his room. For some unknown reason, everything in his body was screaming at him to avoid Steve, to pretend he didn't exist--it confused Bucky to no extent. After all, Steve was his best friend, his brother, practically.

"Nowhere, really. Just decided I could use some fresh air.." Unknowingly, he trailed off and averted his eyes from Steve.

"Oh... Well, mind if I come along? It's about time we hung out, right?" The blonde's smile faltered only a few seconds from the other's passiveness before it went right back to being as bright as the sun.

"Sure. Exploring is always better with a friend. Come on."

"Great! Let me go change real quick, hold on a minute." The blonde offered Bucky another smile before quickly jogging off.

Watching as his friend's figure disappeared into an elevator, the ex-assassin leaned against the building's door and crossed his arms. His leg tapped on the floor idly as he waited. After a couple of minutes passed, the two friends were reunited once again.

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