Chapter 13

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A knock sounded from the blonde's door and interrupted the two men's talking. Steve got up after excusing himself then strutted to the door. Opening it, he was surprised to see Sam and Rhodey.

"Hey." Sam greeted with a smile. "Didn't think you'd be up."

"Yeah, I just..." Steve quickly glanced back into his room and motioned for Bucky to hide. He looked back at the two men with a nervous grin. "Alarm clock was too loud. What, uh, what are you guys doing here?"

Sam rolled his eyes in a playful manner before pushing past the blonde and entering his room. Rhodey followed suit. "I know you, Steve. You probably just planned on staying home all day and watching sad romance movies."

He plopped down onto the couch where Bucky had been moments prior and silently took note of the disheveled state the cushions were in. He glanced at Rhodey with a suspicious glint in his eyes. The other male sat across from him.

"Sam was tellin' me you and Bucky got into a real nasty argument. How you holding up, Cap'?"

"Uhh, not too bad, I guess." The blonde rubbed his neck nervously. He stood while the two men sat and further observed the room calculatingly.

"Did you sleep on the couch?" Sam asked suddenly. Steve's hand faltered at the question.

"Y-yeah. Kinda just passed out. I was pretty exhausted last night."

"Yeah... Alright." Leaning back against the couch, Sam relaxed. "Anyway, Rhodey and I just decided to come by and see how you were doing. Figured you might wanna come with us and hang out."

"Tony might come." Rhodey chirped in, smiling. "Maybe you and him can talk."

Steve offered a small, weary smile. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, guys. I'm kinda tired. I might have to take a raincheck."

"Steve." Sam looked up at him, eyes suddenly serious. "It's not going to aid you any, staying inside like this. You need to get Bucky off your mind. I know it'd be too much to ask of you to try looking for someone else, so I won't. But what I will ask is for you to attempt to meet new people or at least focus on the ones you have right now." He gestured to Rhodey and himself as he spoke. "You have a whole group of people that love and care for you, don't focus on the one guy who doesn't."

Rhodey nodded in agreement. "He's telling you the truth, Steve. We all really care for you. So far only I know, but I can bet you anything that if everyone else knew what you were going through right now, they'd all be here too."

Both men stared at Steve in what the blonde could only describe as deep concern. He sighed softly before a smile took its place on his soft lips. "Thanks, guys. Really. It means a lot to know you guys are here for me in my time of need."

"Of course, Steve."

"Don't mention it. You'd do the same for me."

Nodding, Steve forced another smile on. His anxiousness was growing to be too strong, he needed to do something to get them to leave. It was obvious they already thought something was up. It'd only be a matter of time before they figured out just what that thing was.

"So what do you say? Come out and have a good time with us, or stay inside your room and..." Sam looked around the room, pausing. "Do whatever it is that you do in here."

"You don't have to say it like that." Steve laughed, faking offense. The other two men joined in, chuckling at the mock pouting face he wore. As they all laughed and exchanged joyous grins, Bucky listened in on them from the bathroom. He couldn't help the twinge of guilt and jealousy that flooded through him. He felt bad that he'd made such a bad impression on the two men, but could also care less, because, to put it simply, he was Steve's friend. No matter what. They weren't.

The sound of passing footsteps quickly pulled the brunette out of his thoughts. He stilled, heart racing. For a split second he could have sworn he heard a pair of footsteps stop outside the room before continuing to walk. He exited the bathroom once he was sure everyone was gone.

He sighed heavily. Great. Now he was alone. Deciding to do Steve a favor by cleaning the mess they'd made, he began picking up around the living room. His mind drifted a few times to the fetus inside himself, but he quickly pushed the lingering thoughts about it away. If he was being honest with himself, he was a bit disheartened about his and Steve's decision. It seemed like a wasted opportunity, the baby. Maybe this could've been the thing that made them normal, that allowed them to leave their lives behind.

But, thoughts like that were dangerous, so he ignored them.

He began to hum quietly as he cleaned his lovers living space. There wasn't much to pick up, Steve had always been a bit of a clean freak, but he still did his best to make the space cleaner than it was before. He was a guest, after all.

He was done before he knew it.

A soft huff left him. With nothing else to do, he should have just gone back to his own room and waited for Steve to be done with the others. But he was the man's lover now, it sounded better if he waited for him to come back. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself?

He swiftly shook his head at the question. Of course he wasn't. Steve was probably hoping he'd be there when he got back. And, truth be told, he didn't quite want to leave. He'd only been with Steve for going on two days, and he'd already felt like the world was lifted off his shoulders; the feeling was comparable to how he used to feel before the war--if he was remembering correctly.

So, plopping down onto the couch, he made himself comfortable. He switched the TV on and for a while, was able to block out whatever annoying thought tried to pop into his head.

However it didn't take long for him to grow bored of whatever was playing. Quickly, thoughts of when he should get the abortion and tell Natasha found their way into his head, a groan leaving his plump lips because of the sudden intrusion. When should he tell her? How should he tell her, first of all? Should he just come right out and say it? Or should he ease her into it?

Whatever way he decided to break the ice, he knew it wouldn't go down the way he wanted. The woman had no clue he had been having doubts about the kid, let alone him and Steve actually agreeing on getting rid of it. She'd most likely beat his ass either way, solely because he kept certain information away from her.

He sighed heavily, mild annoyance in the sound. Regardless of whatever second thoughts he may have been having, they were all gone now.

This is way too much trouble for one kid.

He sent her a text, one that read if she was still using that number and if she was doing OK, before laying back on the couch and closing his eyes. If the thoughts wouldn't go away, he'd just ignore them by going to sleep. He'd deal with them when he woke up.

A/N: Sorry for updating late ;")))

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