Chapter 7:

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Two, four, six, eight Avery declares a sibling war

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Two, four, six, eight Avery declares a sibling war

Mira found herself in a garden, in the middle of the night. One she had never been in before, yet somehow the garden seemed familiar. There was a waterfall gushing in the distance and a pool of water next to her. Beneath her bare feet was soft beach sand instead of grass. She looked down at herself. She was wearing a dress; the red one from the party.

She looked around and saw a figure sitting on a nearby tree. She couldn't see them properly. Her feet began to move with a mind of their own towards the person. The moonlight washed over the garden after appearing from behind a cluster of clouds. There was music playing in the background. As she drew closer, the shadowed person looked down at her. They hopped down from the tree and tossed an apple at her.

She caught it; it felt as if she was holding the light. Mira glanced up at the person now standing in front of her. They pulled her close by the waist and she still couldn't see their features but their touch was oddly familiar. It pricked at her skin like cool water droplets at the beginning of a storm. It was strangely comforting even as thunder rumbled from above.

The person brought Mira's hand with the apple up to their mouth and took a leisurely bite of it. They then brought Mira's face to their own and kissed her. Mira could taste the juice from the apple on the person's lips and it gave her a boost of energy as if it were a drug, heightening her senses. She could feel every sand grain beneath her feet; see every colour painting the garden; hear every sound creating a symphony around her; smell the comforting saltiness of the ocean spray. She couldn't get enough of the addictive taste. Mira kissed the person back trying to get more of it.

Eventually, the person drew back from the kiss, much to Mira's disappointment. She reached for their face but her hand slipped through their face. They turned transparent as if they were merely an illusion created by the moonlight. As the moon was being locked away by the dark storm clouds, the person began to fade.

Lightning struck the tree in front of Mira causing a burst of red flames overpowering the gentle blue hues of the garden causing a wildfire of purple shades to dance around the garden. The pool beside Mira began to overflow until it reached up to Mira's knees, flooding the garden too. The flames grew uncontrollable, completely contrasting with the blue water. A combustion of purple appeared in the spots where the red and blue collided and embraced.

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