Chapter 9:

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Monday update: people often ask me how I manage my school work with my writing. 

The answer is simple: I don't. High-five to Drowning with a smile on your face.

The things you do for the love of your readers... lol.


From a waterfall of secrets, one can only dive into a pool of secrets

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From a waterfall of secrets, one can only dive into a pool of secrets

The Secret Falls wasn't much of a secret. It earned the name simply because it was a hidden waterfall in a cavern where teenagers and college students went to hang out at, without their parents' knowledge.

The first time Mira had come to The Secret Falls was with Avery when she was back in 10th grade but when she thought about it the memories wouldn't appear clearly.

She frowned. 'What did we do at the Fall back then?'

Aiden had come down with a cold that week and so Avery and Mira hung out together instead but the details were fuzzy.

They arrived at the waterfall after a little hike through some vegetation and mild rock climbing. Mira was speechless because, well, she was unfit and that hike took a lot of stamina and because the place was gorgeous, like something you'd find in a book.

"Like in faerie land," she whispered. As she glanced around something about the place felt familiar like the garden from her dream.

Avery leaned down from behind her to whisper in her ear. "It's especially beautiful at night, in the moonlight when no one's around."

Mira shivered from her closeness and turned to face her. "I thought it was closed at night due to the tide."

Avery shrugged. "Certain nights the tide is low. People usually throw parties then but on the rare occasion you can get it to yourself, usually during winter."

Mira walked over to the water pool and dipped her feet in, before casually wading in further till it reached her mid-calf. "Have you ever been here with someone alone?"

Avery looked at her sadly. "Twice, and I feel this place may be cursed."

Mira stopped going deeper. "Why?"

Avery's eyes were dangerously dark. "Because both people eventually ended up getting hurt one way or another," she said with a finality that warned Mira to drop the subject.

Mira glanced at the top of the waterfall. She beamed as people jumped off. "Wanna give it a go?" She pointed up.

Avery smirked. "Think you got what it takes?"

Mira got out of the water and began to go to the path leading up. "We're about to find out."

When they got to the top Mira's stomach dropped as she took in the height of 'The Fall'.

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