chapter nine

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"shop?" Luna ask him nodded she thought 'look like I have too' Luna said "okay just let me get ready" hina nod she walk to living room,luna walk back to her room but she see a shadow luna shurgged and start to get ready.

-after few minutes-
Luna walk out from her room she go to down and see a little boy and  hina still looking around luna said "hina?" hina look at luna and said "woah you so cute!". Luna look at little kid hina said "oh this is my little brother he name is naoto tachinana you can call him naoto" luna nodded
-her clothes-

 Luna look at little kid hina said "oh this is my little brother he name is naoto tachinana you can call him naoto" luna nodded-her clothes-

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She wearing black mask luna said "let's go" luna slowly walk because she can feel pain at her leg.

We walk away from my mansion i want ask her where is takemicchi but i so lazy after hour we arrive hina ask "do you want wait or come with me?" i answer "i going buy something at that shop so if you done let's meet at there"hina nodded i walk away.

-inside the shop-
Luna walk to find some water because she dont drink anything today the seller ask "what can i help you beutifull?" the guy wink luna thought ' i want slap him' luna answer "i want hot chocolate and walffle" the guy said "sure baby" luna rolling her eyes and wait.

"here you go" the guy give to luna she take but the guy hold her hand luna look at him and said "can you let go my hand" the seller smirk he ask "can i have your number?" luna sigh sunddenly hina calling her name "moon!"the seller shock.

"m-moon?"the guy ask luna yank her hand and take off her mask,she ask "scared?" the guy shout "i-i so-sorry!!!" before run luna wearing and walk to hina,she ask "done?" hina nodded but luna dont see anything she ask "where your things?" hina rubbed her head before answer "i dont find it, lets'go to somewhere"luna just put a blank face she walk.

Naoto and luna already get along  hina feel so happy when they walk hina see takemicchi luna and naoto notice she ask "is that takemicchi,what he doing?"luna feel someone pull her jacket she look see naoto point.

"huh?" i look see hina already beside takemicchi naoto sweatdrop we walk and ask "what are you guys doing?" takemicchi answer"mikey and emma have date" i thought 'but they are sibling' "it's takemicchi!....and moon!"after i hear that i turn see boy with glasses i thought 'well,i dont care' i walk to stair and  start eat my walffle.

*BAM!*luna ingro it she just don't care she drink her chocolote *breath heavily*luna turn beside her is draken while takemicchi sweatdrop luna stand walk she feel mikey staring at her draken said "mikey ...and...emma.." takemicchi shout "it's not what it look like draken-kun!!"luna closer her ear.

"pftf!" everyone look at draken weird except luna,mikey and emma "you takin your sister ouy for her birthday?!!"takemicchi ask "l-little sister?" draken answer "you dont know?" luna just quiet she feel relax after a cool air hit her face make her hair blow.

"hey?" luna open her eyes see mikey she ask "what"mikey point at two fingure luna said "i dont care,i just go to somewhere"luna about to walk away but mikey stop her luna ask "what,mikey?" he silent before said "let's g--" but hayako cut him "MOOOOONNNN!"luna push mikey and hayako hug mikey.

She rubbed her head at mikey chest before realized hayako jump and shout" pervert!?" but mikey just walk away,luna ask "what?" hayako put cat face and answer "let's go play bolling"luna thought 'hm, not bad' luna said "okay" hayako jump like crazy person.

-at bolling-
Luna and hayako arrive she said "i going to pay,you go" hayako nodded she walk away luna give money to the seller before walk away."huh?takemicchi"luna hear hayako voice she walk and hina notice she bow before shout "i sorry for left you behide!?" luna said "no is okay" she blush luna still wearing a mask so everyone dont know her.

"STRIKE !?" luna hear a double voice she look see guy beside takemicchi strike she thought 'lucky' hayako said "woah...we same !".

The guy said "yeah we're totally in sync"hayako and takemichi said "you huge" the guy said "aw,cmonm making captain hasn't go to your head has it?"takemichi ask "what?!".the guy said" i'm the second division vice-captain" he continue "hakkai shiba" luna just staring the girl with long hair said "let's go already"

Hayako,takemicchi and hina walk with hakkai and yuzuha while luna with blank face she thought 'why i got drag too' while walk luna see a vending machine she walk they dont notice.

Hm,i just buy this for they i take out my money and buy.

I turn they already gone i clik my tongue and take out my phone i use gps becuase i alway told hayako to turn on her gps when i got her location i start to walk

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I turn they already gone i clik my tongue and take out my phone i use gps becuase i alway told hayako to turn on her gps when i got her location i start to walk.

-after few minutes-
Luna walk with hand full of coffee she turn see a group block they way luna walk slowly she turn off her gps,hayako notice she said "moon" luna ask to black hair guy "why you block the way?"the guy thought 'she don't know who we are' he look at moon blue eyes and said "oi don't mess with us bitch" luna ask "i see can i know what gang are you?".

'what the fuck' the black hair guy thought hakkai said "this is black dragon and infornt you is hajime kokonoi he is captain guard and guy with scar is seishu inui he is attack squad".

Luna put a blank face before said "so hakkai this is you brother gang?"hakkai shock because he dont told anything to her takemicchi ask "how you know?" hayako giggle before answer "our moon dont need information" everyone got silent.

While luna take off her mask and tied up her hair she staring at them.

Well guys i want tell you something but before that thanks for read my novel and i love you guys so my twin make wattpad (atcually i force him☺) so guys please read he story but i have to help him first ...okay guys stay safe

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