chapter twelve

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*yawn* i walk out from my mansion because i want go to crunch sunddenly black cat with blue eyes appeared infornt me,i pat her head before said "happy christmas" the cat respon i continue walk.

-at crunch-
'huh?' luna look around see many guy lay on ground she look at they jacket before said "this is black dragon geng" luna walk to stair but stop when she hear mikey shout " toman wins!"

Luna stand there with blank face she thought today is her fun day but no they notice luna mikey said "happy christmas moon" luna smile everyone shock mikey run to luna and hold her hand luna blink he shout "did you smile!?"luna said "i don't smile...

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Luna stand there with blank face she thought today is her fun day but no they notice luna mikey said "happy christmas moon" luna smile everyone shock mikey run to luna and hold her hand luna blink he shout "did you smile!?"luna said "i don't smile" they just look at luna and mikey like couple.

Luna ask "you beat them?"mikey answer "is not just me,they too"luna nodded understand "let's go" luna look at him before ask "where?" mikey answer "secret" she just rolling her eyes before ride the bike.

' i have to look at this scene?'luna ask herself she look at mikey before remember something "guys,i need to go home now"mikey ask "already?let m-" but luna cut he words she said "nah,i want walk" luna walk away,mikey pout.

*bell* "welcome" luna walk inside the shop to buy some hot drink sunddenly her eyes stop at two guy luna look at him and  thought 'what are they doing here'luna sit behide they.

The waiter come and ask for oder "what can i get you?"luna answer "i want hot chocolate"  the waiter nodded and go away luna take out her phone to play because they two look like have fun or hang out.

(happy new year)
Luna come with hayako because she force her to go,luna wearing this

-skipday-(happy new year)Luna come with hayako because she force her to go,luna wearing this-luna

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Luna walk behide hayako because so many people look at her sunddenly something fall at her head,luna take see emaa luna take she look around "m-moon" luna turn see takrmicchi blush luna ask "this is yours?" takemicchi nodded fast luna give but mik...

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Luna walk behide hayako because so many people look at her sunddenly something fall at her head,luna take see emaa luna take she look around "m-moon" luna turn see takrmicchi blush luna ask "this is yours?" takemicchi nodded fast luna give but mikey sunddely appeared infornt her luna back off because of suprised.

"woah so beautifull!"mikey said with sparkly eyes,she look away and notice hayako not here luna look around her eyes caught hayako with her hand full of emaa luna sigh.

"ne ne moon,let's writen" luna said "but thats lot of em-"but mikey cutted he words "let's jump!" they shout "three...two new year" luna stand confused.

Luna walk to look around she thought'happy new year natsu' luna turn to walk back at them by mikey infornt her luna ask "are you ghost? Don appeared like that" mikey smirk he answer "if i ghost,i want be your side forever"luna look at him before said " really baka" luna walk away leave mikey dumbfound.

"MOOON!?" luna who still eat stop when hear hayako shout she run to luna and said "we should go to toman meeting!" luna look at hayako weird she ask "why whould we need to go there,we not part of he geng?"hayako said "but he invite us"luna sigh before answer "okay,fine" luna stand up and walk.

-mikey place-
"DRAKEN!?"hayako shout she run to him before smile luna yawn everyone look at them, luna look around see two guy from black dragon she continue walk hayako stand beside mikey,while luna sit on stair takemicchi said "m-moom what are you doing here?" luna answer "hayako said mikey invite us here"luna look at mikey he just staring at tettai.

"tettai kisaki!" luna hear mikey shout she look at tettai he answer "yes!" mikey said "you fired" everyone shock by what they hear hanma come he said "hold up the phone mikey...if you fired kisaki that's mean i'm out too" mikey just silent he continue"of the 450 total Member of toman,the 50 former membet of monbius ,300 former member of valhalla will all leave...and toman just have 100 total"

"you sure about that?"hanma ask,mikey who begin cold he said "i dont care" while luna look at her phone she don't care what they fight or arguament.

After the meeting done luna walk home she lay on her bed and try to close her eyes but sunddenly her phone virbate she turn on and shock see what happend .

(hello dear,we have mission for you)

(what mission?)

(come to osaka)


---------------end chat----end chat------------------
Luna lay she close her eyes dont want thinking about something,she just have to wake up tomorrow and start to pack her things before go.

Hello guys how are you today?

Thank you for read my story and i sorry if you guys can't understand because of my problem maybe.

Stay safe

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