chapter thirteen

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(after luna done with her mission)
*dringg*dring*luna wake up because of her phone ringging she look it's hayako luna pick up
Hello moon!?

What? You dont need to shout

The toman gonna attack some geng!

Huh?!,where are you now?

Me and  our geng with mitsuya,hurry come to toman hideout!?


------------------------End call-----------------------------
Luna go to take shower after few minute she done luna wearing her clothes and tied up her hair.

Luna take her pocket knife some gun before run out from her mansion she just worry about hayako and her geng after hour luna arrive they already not there she sigh open her gps and and see hayako location

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Luna take her pocket knife some gun before run out from her mansion she just worry about hayako and her geng after hour luna arrive they already not there she sigh open her gps and and see hayako location

(yokohama bay)
*breath heavily* luna walk and hide she peek and shock see toman gang bleeding luna look around to find hayako but she can't sunddenly her eyes stop at fingure lay on ground bleeding like pool luna feel really angry she walk.

'I will kill who make hayako like that 'luna  said to herself.

I was sitting with kisaki and hanma sunddenly my Eyes caught a silver hair girl walk i look at kisaki and ask "who is that?" kisaki look at where i point he sunddenly freak out "she is moon the fear mafia but what she doing here?" i point at girl i fight"maybe she is her friend?" kisaki got more shock.

I walk to hayako but someone just threw inu infornt me,i turn glare at guy with big body he look at me and come close but stop when i kick he leg and kick he face too,everyone look at me,i help inu stand my eyes stop at kokonoi he notice and start to slowly back off, in one blink i was infornt him i punch kokonoi face.

"hee..." i here someone behide me i turn see guy who look like girl he about to hit me but i back off,the guy said "you should go home help yout mother" i said "you should wearing some dress" the guy start to pissed off he start attack me but i dodge everything.

Sunddenly blue hair with tears comeout from he eyes knock them i blink and walk to takemicchi he suprised look at me but change to sad i put hand on he shoulder and said "dont'worry" he smile
"this fight in ours hand!" angry said they shout back "let's go!?"

Sunddenly the same guy name mochi take blade and about to slace angry but takemicchi pull him away luna stand they she look up her eyes meet with kisaki,hanma and guy with purple eyes luna thought 'what a wonderfull color' her thought got cut by takemicchi sunddenlly pull her away.

"argg..."i look see the scars guy punch takemicchi i stand up and run to him but  kisaki point gun at takemicchi i sigh take out my gun and shoot he leg "argg!?" i walk slowly to him and said "you..kill emma"kisaki smirk takemicchi punch him in face i look up dont see the purple eyes guy.

"let me kill everyone here" i turn see he already kick takemicchi i shout "takemic-" but the guy choke me,he giggle and said " cute" takemicchi run he about to punch but he got another kick "t-takemicchi" the guy threw me,i stand up takrmicchi again infornt him about to punch but stop i smile see mikey.

"moon!"luna turn see hina she run to her and ask "what are you doing here?"hina tell everything luna smile sunddenly hina back off luna look at her weird before feel someone behide her luna turn see mikey look at her worry he cupped her face and ask "izana do this to you?" luna look at he confused because she don't know who izana.

He pat luna Head and walk to izana he said "after losing shiniciro and emma do you feel empty ...or i just need to kill that girl" izana kick mikey,luna got little shock see that they,start fight.

Luna find hayako but she not move her body is cold luna tears slowly come out she see hayako got three stab on her stomach luna stand up she walk to kisski but chifuya stop her luna look st he with tears he loo suprised chifuya slowly wipe.

*bang* luna hear sound of gun she run see izana and some guy with scars got shoot by kisaki luna walk to him and about to punch him but mikey hold me he said "i will never forgive you ..kisaki"
Sunddenly hanma take kisaki draken and takemicchi go after they.

"mikey,wait"luna run fast after they"moon?!" hina shout luna run fast and stop after see hanma bike she walk to another direction see hanma fight with draken.

"draken!"draken turn to luna he shout "what the hell are you doing here!" luna run past they hanma about to pull luna hair but draken stop he.

Luna hide behide building her eyes saw kisaki and takemicchi fight luna decide to clam herself,"hey moon"luna turn see mikey and hina luna ask "what are you guys doing here"hina ask "i want to-hah!?,takemicchi!"

Hina and mikey run luna follow her eyes land on takrmicchi he tun after kisaki luna run follow takemicchi, "takemicchi!" he turn to luna anf ask "what are you doing here?" luna look at kisaki sunddenly everything slowly happend kisaki got hit by truck.

Luna got shock what happend infornt her luna look down and sigh she walk back to draken and hanma.

"oi moon" luna look at draken she smile see draken still alive,hanma look at draken before said "i lost...he properly escape now" luna said "i go back now"draken ask "where hayako?" luna answer while walk pass hanma and draken "she rest in peace" draken shock.

"rest well hayako"i stand up and walk away but sunddenly someone hug me ,i look see mikey he said "cry if you want" l hug he back and cry quiet he pat my head until i done ,sometime i feel warn near he

"yoshi,yoshi,"mikey pat my head after i done i said "thank you"mikey smile he lift my chin and kiss me,i shock don't know what to do mikey broke the kiss and giggle he kiss my forehead said "let'sgo" mikey pull her hand to he bike and ride.

Well guys this new i dont know sunddenly i want make one more anyway thanks for read my story and support me🙂

Stay safe

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