chapter seven

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" shine"i said with sleepy voice i sit up and look at my alarm 'what the..IS 12;00!' I walk to bahtroom and take showet after i done shower i wearing clothes.

I open my door suprised see mikey he back off i ask"what are you doing?" mikey answer"i want go to bahtroom but i dont know where"i sigh and said "follow me" i take he to another direction and said "go" i turn to walk but he hold my hand i turn he...

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I open my door suprised see mikey he back off i ask"what are you doing?" mikey answer"i want go to bahtroom but i dont know where"i sigh and said "follow me" i take he to another direction and said "go" i turn to walk but he hold my hand i turn he said "wait for me" i take my hand and stand there with blank face,i staring at wall before realize 'wait what mikey doing here?,did dad told to come when dinner?'the door open mikey look at me before smirk he said "you waiting for me". I turn walk away he run after me.

"so,what are you doing here?" i sit next to my dad meanwhile mikey and draken staring at my dad mikey answer "we want invite you to our place"i look at him weird my dad said "that's nice moon you should go" i look at my dad he smile i sigh and ask "where hayako?" mikey answer "she with chufuya and another" i nodded and said" let's go" they stand up and walk i turn to my dad and ask "really you have prentend?" my dad still smile i walk away.

-at mikey place-
When luna,mikey and draken arrive they see mikey people quiet luna look at mikey with question expression,luna walk close her face turn to blank,she see mikoto and he group holding gun 'oh thats why they quiet'luna thought "moon! sweet enemy" luna look at mikoto.

"what do you want mikoto?" he walk to luna and whisper" to kill you" luna sigh she whisper back "then i kill you like my parents kill you parents"mikoto silent luna slowly take mikoto gun she point at mikoto head mito and omi shout "MIKOTO!"luna look at they with smirk she said " parents head explose"mikey feel he heart beats fast.

"tomorrow we will see who win"luna give mikoto gun back and look around she dont see hayako'where the heck she is' she ask "mikey where hayako?" mikey look around before ask chufuya "where hayako?" chufuya answer "she go to somewhere" luna hear she thought ' tch this stupid girl' mikoto turn luna look at him.

"tomorrow we will see!and i make sure you die!"luna turn and said "hai hai i will see" she walk away,mikoto walk away,luna put her blank face and thought 'hope you dont cry' she sitand wait for hayako.

"oi!...we back!"luna look at voice direction see hayako,takemichi hayako look at luna and smile awkward she walk closer to luna and give dorayaki luna just staring at her before flick her forehead "ouch...moon" luna said "that your punishment"hayako pout,mikey ask "so tomorrow you will fight that crazy boy?luna nodded chufuya come and said "our fight will be tomorrow too" hayako look at luna.

"i sorry but i have to settle this" luna look at mikey black eyes he look away before said" we dont care,we can settle our fight" luna look at hayako and said "you help they us our people to help them" hayako ask"they how about you"luna look at sky her blue eyes see glowing she answer "dont worry" they silent.

"hello"emma and hina bow at luna parents miss akiko take them to dinning room meanhwhile luna take shower she staring at her small hand and thought' i have to finish this' then mikey face appeared luna heart beats she ask herself "no way i falling for him?"luna shake her head and turn off the shower.
She walk out and wearing her clothes

Luna tied up her hair and walk out from her room,she go to downstair when luna open the dinning room door she see mikey smile luna stop hayako notice she  ask "moon are you okay?"her voice make everyone look at her

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Luna tied up her hair and walk out from her room,she go to downstair when luna open the dinning room door she see mikey smile luna stop hayako notice she  ask "moon are you okay?"her voice make everyone look at her.

"moon are you okay?" i hear hayako voice i turn my eyes stop at moon body *ahem* i mean her face my heart start to beat,emma look at me but i dont notice moon parents look at me moon walk sit infornt me she start to eat.

-back to normal-
Luna eat silent while hayako,emma and hina have fun talking with her mom,sunddenly her hpone virbate she look see messeng.

Hello moon.

Who are you?

Your nightmare


We will fight at (name place)

Is you mikoto?...okay


Luna off her phone she look at mikey and ask "so who you will fight?"mikey answer "valhalal i want take baji my friend"luna loading before said "i never hear that kind name?"she countinue eat meanwhile mikey and draken smile.

-after long chit-chat-
"see you tomorrow?"luna said hayako nodded she said "goodluck moon" luna nodded mikey and draken said "hope you  life again?" luna said "same" they bow to miss akiko and mr akiko before walk inside luna bodyguard car

"he so nice"luna face turn to blank after hear her mom said mr akiko look at luna and said "goodluck luna,make sure to beat they ass" luna turn to her father and said "yeah" mr akiko pat her head before said "we will be going now" luna ask "where?" miss akiko answer "to home" luna with confused face miss akiko giggle she said "we do secret mission here and we done" luna nodded even she dont understand

Mr akiko take he suitcase and walk to car before start the engine luna close the door before sigh she walk to her room luna close the door she hold her twin pitcure before said "pray for me natsu, even i just fight with some kid"she lay on her bed and close her eyes.
Hello guys i fine now,so how are you guys?today i so happy because i just got new idea to make novel but before that i want said if you see this 👉 (name place) atcually if you read tokyo revenger manga you know what i mean i dont know what place touman and valhalal fight.

I hope you understand

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