What? A Kiba Inuzuka love story

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Your p.o.v

You woke up slowly, for some reason you couldn't remember really anything about your life. Just your name and that you loved to fight.

As you come to reality, you were in a forest, in the middle of the day and you were tied to a tree.

"What the?......Where the heck am i?"  I looked around a bit and noticed another girl tied to another tree. She had short purplish hair and was small in frame. After looking around a bit more, i noticed the fire pit and 7 guys sitting around it. They looked like they were drinking and probably slightly buzzed at the moment. 

-ep!!- turning my head around i could see the girl was awake, looking very scared.

"Hey, over here." She turned and looked at you. "Do you remember how you got here? I kinda don't remember anything...by the way my name is rose."

"Hin...hinata....um...me and my team...got sep..separated on our...mi..mission and i found you passed out o...on the ground, but then i wa..was knocked ou..out."

"wow...ok one you stutter a lot and two i have no idea how i got there, but i'm not staying here. do you think your team is anywhere near by?"

"I...i can check....byakugon" The veins by her head grew. "Yes, the....they are running our way a...about 13 minutes a...away. Ki...kiba can probably sm..smell us."

"Ok then, how about we get out of here?"

"ho..how do we do th...that?"

"Like this," I used my strength and the ropes holding me snapped. I quickly got up and pulled the ropes binding hinata. The noise made the men look over at us. "and now i suggest we RUN!!" grabbing hinata's hand we ran in the direction she said her team was.

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