chapter 5

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your p.o.v

i finished making the rice and went to the cabinets to get some bowls. asi went to turn around a kuni was placed against my neck. i dropped the bowls and they shattered across the floor. my hands were instantly holding the arm that had the kuni.

???: "who are you and what are you doing in my house?" she said it right next to my ear. this lady was freaky. i could feel her breath.

hana: "MOM!" the lady turned her head to look at hana and i saw kiba walk into the kitchen. without a second thought i elbowed the ladys chest and threw her over me. then dove behind kiba holding his shoulders, putting him in front of me like a human sheild. kiba was looking at me peeking over his shoulder staring at his 'mom' on the floor.

hana: "mom she's cool. rose is staying with us for awhile. hokages order."

"can i just ask why all of you want to attack me as soon as you see me? is it a family trait or something?"

kiba's mom stood up and dusted herself off: "it might. what my son do to you?"

kiba:" i kinda hit her with my fang over fang." both hana's and kiba mom eyes widened.

hana: "how are you still moving? anyone who gets hit with that justu would be in the hospital for at least a week."

"it wasn't a direct hit, like when you punched me, but it sure hurt like heck. it still does acutally."

kiba's mom: "well, your a strong girl to withstand the fang over fang. my name is tasume." she reached out her hand. i was still hiding behind kiba, so i had to move out from behind him, but i shook her hand. "welcome to the inuzuka house. now wheres supper, i'm starven." after welcomeing me she promply turned around and was looking at the curry on the stove.

When we all sat down to eat, we had small talk and i learned a bit about kiba and his justu that he hit me with. akamaru sat on my lap the whole time.

hana stretched and got up from the table: "well rose, i don't really have space in my room. so you'll be sleeping in kiba's room." meanwhile kiba went into a choking fit, i had to hit his back a few times before he got it under control.

after the rest of us were done eating akamaru barked at me'do you want to shower before you sleep?' "that would be nice"

kiba: "wait a minute. can you understand akamaru?"

"yeah, but don't ask me how. cause i don't have a clue." akamaru barked at me again 'follow me' so i waved bye to kiba and tasume and followed akamaru upstairs. the little dog led me down the hall and into a room. there were cholthes, chip bags, and old cany wappers all over the floor. 'this is kiba's room isn't. akamaru barked 'yep, bathroom is over there' i turned my head and there was another door in the room. i went in and turned on the light, yep bathroom. on went the water and off went my cholthes. the hot water felt really good, i made sure to get all the dirt off of me and my hair squiked. after getting out and dring off, i had a little trouble wrapping the bandages but managed to get them on. then i noticed some cholthes on the counter with a little note. 'thought you could use these to sleep in, hana' with nothing to loose, i put them on and walked out.

when i walked out the room was dark. i couldn't really see anything. "kiba?....... akamaru?"

kiba: "right here" i jumped, because the sound came from right behind me. "it's ok rose. it's just me." he took my hand and led me over to the bed. once i felt it, i crawled in and waited, but i heard no movement.

"kiba, where are you sleeping?"

kiba: "i'll be right here on the floor. i got my sleeping bag."

'oh, ok. goodnight"

kiba: "night."

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