chapter 6

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kiba's p.o.v

i woke up to someone gently shaking me saying 'kiba, wake up, come on, kiba' when i opened my eyes i could see rose leaning over me.

"i'm up, i'm up." i sat up rubbing my eyes, trying to get the sleepyness out of them. then hana decided to bust into my room, smiling, i hate that smile, it means she's gonna do something.

hana: "i'm going to take rose shopping. i'll drop her off at the training feild when were done." she didn't even give us time to answer. she just grabbed rose's hand and dragged her out of the room.

looking at the clock i was i had maybe 20mins to get to training. "great" so i jumped up, got dressed and grabbed a peice of toast while running out of the house. when i got there everyone else was already there.

kurini sensi: "kiba, where is rose?"

"my sis deicided she was going to take her shopping, then drop her off later."

kurini sensi: "well then,"she turned to look at hinata and shino "rose will be joining are group and i expect you all to work together. now let's get to training. guy's team will be over in a bit for sparring."

we all nodded our heads and did are normal workouts and ran a few laps around the feild. after a few minutes of resting akamaru took off running towards the feild enternce. i turned to look and saw rose come walking in. she was wearing a dark red top that stopped right above her stomach and had netting underneth with black pants that went to the middle of her shins. she also had standard black ninja shoes, black gloves that went half way up to her elbow and a black headband, but what stood out to me the most was her necklace. it was a black chocker and it had a small red heart on it with her name. it reminded me of a dog coller.

rose walked right up to us, holding akamaru in her arms "hi guys, i was told i would be joining the team."

"that's true. you already know hinata, but this is shino." i pointed my thumb in his direction. rose walked over to him and held out her hand. shino shook her hand and let a few bugs come out of his sleeve. rose leaned closer and said "bugs? that's cool, keep the spiders away from me and we'll be cool." she smiled at him then walked over to hinata to talk about something. i looked at shino and he was just staring at rose. i guess she's the first person not to say his bugs were gross.

??"we will fight with the power of youth!!!" we all turned to see lee come running into the feild, followed by the rest of his team. lee ran straight over to rose and got right in her face yelling "please be my girlfriend, i will protect you with my life!!" rose freaked out and punched lee in the face, sending him at least 8 feet away before he even hit the ground.

rose: "dude to close!" then she sat on the ground and started to pet akamaru.

kurini sighed as the rest of guy's team made it over: "we will begin sparring now....tenten against shino....kiba against lee and rose to test how good your skills are you will go against neji."

rose: "fine by me."

tenten won the first match. i won the second match. now it was rose's turn. i'm a little uneasy about her going against neji, that guy just has issues. rose and neji took their stances and kurini gave the signal to start.

your p.o.v

kurini: "begin" neji narrowed his eyes and waited.

"you can go first."

neji: "that will be your downfall. destiny has already decided your fate." he charged at me without any  warning. i stood still and let him land a few hits on me. his finally hit sent me to the ground. "you have lost. just as fate predicted." i smiled from the ground and propped myself up on my elbows.

rose: "those eyes of yours don't see very well do they?" neji looked questionly at me until my clone poofed leaving him alone on the feild. from my spot on the tree i could see everyone looking around trying to find me, i found it kinda funny, but i had to hurry it up. i made a few handsigns and jumped out from the trees landing 20 or so feet away from neji. "i'm over here, destiny boy." he spun around and glared at me, before chargeing at me. i put my hands out in front of me as he went to hit me. right before he came into contact with me, my hands lit up one on fire and one in frost. a wall shot out from my hands protecting me from his attack. neji jumped back before getting burned or iced. "Burning Blizzard!!" the wall shot at neji. he jumped out of the way, but i moved my hands sepaterating the wall into a ball of fire and a ball if ice. by moving my hands i could controll where they went and while neji was destracted i charged at him. in quick succession i kicked the middle of his back, appeared in front of him punched his gut, then side kicked his face. when the dust cleared i had him pinned to the ground a kuni to the back of his head.

everyone on the side of the feild was standing there stunned so i had to ask "does this mean i win?"kurini recovered first.

kurini: "yes, you can get off neji now."

"awsome" i got up off neji and helped him up "fate is never set in stone destiny boy." then walked back over to my team.

kurini: "training is finished." and she just desapeared.  hinata said she had to help neji home, so she and neji left. shino just walked off and tenten at least said good-bye before running off. guy said something about youth and training while walking on his hand out of the feild. lee was doing the same as him. that left just me, kiba and akamaru.

kiba: "um, you want to get some food?"

"sound good to me. lead the way." i picked akamaru up and followed kiba to wherever it was we were going to eat.

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