chapter 4

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you p.o.v

kiba: "looks like you'll be staying at my house. i think my mom's on a mission, but i can intruduce you to my sis."

"ok..." he carried me all the way to his house and set me down on what i guess the liven room couch.

kiba: "i'll see if i can find my sis. you can sit here and akamaru will keep you company." i nodded, so he went off to find his sister. i was playing with akamaru until i heard a growl behind me. i jumped up, spun around  landing in a defensive pose.

???: "who are you? how did you get in my house?" she stopped and looked closer at you "your wearing my brothers jacket."

"hehe um, yeah. well.." before i could explain why she charged at me, landing a punch on my stomach. "aaahhh!!" i screamed, man that hurt. she backed up and i held my stomach.

???: "hhmpf not real strong are you?"

"sister or not, i'm gonna get you for that." she glared down at me, but not for very long. i launched myself at her. in a matter of seconds i had her pinned to the ground, arms behind her back, growling a challenge at her.

THUMP! i looked up and there at the base of the stairs was kiba. face planted on the floor.

??? :"kiba! help me you baka!" Kiba jumped up looked at us, then prosided to laugh. kiba's sister growled underneth my hold.

kiba: "hana, this is rose. she will be staying with us. hokage orders. rose you can get off her now."

as soon as i loosed my hold on hana, she flipped us over and put her knee to my stomach. i screamed again, shutting my eyes from the weight on my injury.

ompf! the weight was gone. i opened my eyes to see that kiba had tackled hana off of me. kiba got up and started to walk over to me. i put an arm across my stomach and tried to scoot away.

kiba: "hey, hey it's ok. my sis just isn't good with new people she hasn't been introduced to. are you ok?" he was knelt down, close to me. his face did show concern, but something else. what was it?

"heck no, you sis has one heck of a punch and she nailed me in my stomach. we probably have to change the bandages now." kiba's eyes grew wide and he told his sister to grab some wrap. she kinda mumbled remarks as she walked away. kiba looked at me and scratched the back of his head. sighing i un-zipped the jacket and pulled it off. just as i thought there was fresh blood seeping through the bandages. kiba looked at me with sorry written all over his face.

"you know i don't blame you for this. you didn't mean to hit me." i gave him a small smile. kiba's cheeks gained a light pink color. i laughed at him.

hana: "KIBA!! don't look at her!" me and kiba turned to see hana holding some wrap and ointment.

"it's fine, he's already seen me like this at the hospital." hana's mouth hung open and she stared at me. "um...could you stop staring and help me with this?" she shook her head and walked over to me and kiba. after hana got the bandages off my stomach she said "whoa, what happened to you?" i jerked my thumb in kiba's direction. hana turned to kiba and hit him over the head. which made kiba hold his head and yell at his sister. which only made hana yell right back at him. i laughed at the sence. both of them turned back to look at me, then back at each other. hana finished wrapping my stomach and told me she was sorry for earlyer.

kiba: "sis, do you know when ma will be back?"

hana: "she should be back around time for supper. so in an hour or so." she turned to look at me "i'll get you one of my shirts."

"thank you" i stood up and went over to sit on the couch. where akamaru was still laying down. after a minute hana came back down and gave me a shirt.

hana: "would you like to help me make supper?"

"sure." i stood up, patted akamaru's head, then followed hana into the kitchen to help.

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