chapter 11

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kiba's p.o.v

rose: "LOOK OUT!" it was all in slow motion. i turned around and there was a sound ninja with a kanta less than a foot away, about to run it threw me. something pushed me to the ground. there was something wet all over my face and chest. i was filled with horror as i looked up to see rose, with her back to me a sword coming out of her back.

rose: "kiba, ok?" the sound ninja pushed her off his sword and ran off. i was able to catch rose before she hit the ground. all i could do was hold her close and ask her why.

she laughed at me, then spit out some blood "i didn't think that one through, o well. it was worth it."

"how?!? how was that worth it?!?" she smiled at me.

rose: "because your safe....before i die..."

"no, no, no!! your not gonna die."

rose: "kiba...i've been..... run... threw with a..... flippen numb....but...i've got to.....tell you...something."

my eyes were filling with tears "what is it?"

rose: "i've..always...kinda...liked you." her body went limp in my arms and a tear fell from her closed eye. i held her close to me and a single tear escaped as i closed my eyes.

i opened my eyes to see sky and tree branches. i've been having that flashback in my dreams ever sense rose left for training. it's been a little over a year and i haven't heard anything from her. right now were on a mission and hinata has been taken hostage. so were on our way to resque her.

your p.o.v

it's been over a year since i've seen any of my friends and i really need to see kiba. the message he put in the locket read 'i love you'. that's probably why he wanted me to find him. when i got back.

my wolf spirt is a gentle one and has never acted up. pervy sage taught me how to talk to her and use her power. so after i was able to stand my ground against him, he said i could go back to the village. so right after i said a quick goodbye to  naruto i took off full speed towards the leaf village. towards home.

ever since i learned how to use my wolf spirit powers my sense of smell and hearing has increased a lot. on my way back, i thought i caught hinata's sent. they must be on a mission, maybe i can just surprise them and help out. i wonder if they'll recognise me?

i jumped off the path home and into the forest. silently i crept from branch to branch, right to the edge of the cleaning where hinata's sent was. as i got closer i caught the sent of a few other people. i didn't recognise any of them. after chooseing a safe distance from them, i looked around. group of 4 ninja around a campfire. their probably all jouin level, but where is hinata? 

??: "Gentle Fist!" a young woman with long purplish hair jumped into the clearing and ran at the ninja. i looked to where she came from, ropes were lieing on the ground around a tree. ah, she was a hostage. i watched hinata attack the enemy, she has definitely gotten stronger since i've seen her. she looks more confident to. after a few minutes all 4 of the ninja's were down and hinata wasn't serious injured, just a few scrates here and there.

hinata turned around and stared right at the spot i was hiding: "come on..ou..out. i know you're th..there." she still stood in her defensive state.

i laughed: "can't hide from those eyes can i hinata?" i jumped down, landing in the small clearing with a hand on my hip.

hinata: " do know"

"ok one, here i thought you had lost your stuttering, because you looked so much more confident. two you don't recognise me do you? by the way you hair sure grew, i like it." hinata lowered her gaurd a bit and looked at me.

hinata: "rose?"

i made a peace sign and smiled at her: "the one and only."

??: "fang over fang!!" both me and hinata jerked to look towards the sound. a dangerous looking spinning object came into the clearing.

hinata: "KIBA! NO!

"AW HECK NO!!" i gathered chakra into my fist and swung down, punching the spinning object straight down to the ground. it stoped spinnging as soon as i hit it and now that i got to look at it, it was a person.

"i would prefer never to get hit with that again." kiba groaned, but sat up holding his head.

kiba: "ow..." he looked suspiously at me "who are you?"

"really kiba? i thought you knew my sent." i could see kiba start smelling the air.

kiba's eyes widened: "rose?"

i reached under the top of my shirt and pulled out a silver locket: "who else?" i was suddenly glomped into a hug. "hahaha, i missed you to. now where's akamaru?" kiba finally let me go and i was tackled to the ground by a huge dog. "this is akamaru!!!??!"

kiba: "yeah??"

"he's gotten huge! he's not that little puppy anymore."

kiba pulled akamaru off of me: "really? i hadn't noticed."

"how could you not notice? he could probably carry you around now." i stood up and noticed shino was here to. "hey shino" i waved to him and i swear i saw a smile come over that insanly high coller of his.

kiba: "well the mission's complete. i say we head on back to the village."

hinata: "yeah."

i looked at kiba and smirked, he looked back at me with confusion written all over his face. "RACE YA!!" i took off towards the village and i could hear kiba in the background.


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