chapter 14

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your p.o.v

i slowly opened my eyes to see kiba's face. wind was rushing by us. my whole body still felt heavy and sore.

"kiba?" he turned his head to look at me, a smile breaking out on his face.

kiba: "your awake. hey you even have the marks now."

that confused me: "marks?"

kiba: "you know the red triangles, like the one's on my face."

"oh" my head dropped a bit, but i jerked it back up.

kiba: "your still a little out of it aren't you?"

"i guess."

kiba: "well don't worry, were back home now." kiba's pace slowed down to a walk and i turned my head to the side to see the familar sight of kiba's house.

when we got close to the porch, the door opened to reval hana. kiba let me down, but since i wasn't really with it still, i leaned against him.

hana: "kiba, who's this?? i thought you liked rose?" kiba let out a laugh.

kiba: "i don't like rose, hana. i love her and.."

i cut him off: "you may not recogize me for not seeing me in a year, but it's me." i gave her a peace sign.

hana's eyes grew wide: "but your have our clans marks!! kiba, did...did you..."

kiba: "yes i did, she agreed. she's my mate now."

hana: "how long ago did you claim her?"

kiba: "this morning, she woke up when we got into the village."

hana shook her head: "that's just like you rose. when a person is claimed they are usally out for a few days not a few hours."

i laughed a little: "yep, you know me, but i'm still pretty out of it. if you must know, it's quite a challenge to keep standing right now." not even a second after i said that, kiba swept me back into his arms, holding me bridal style. "thanks" i leaned into his chest and shut my eyes.

hana: "AW!!!"

i lifted my head up as kiba started to walk inside "and for kami's sake, make sure your mom knows not to attack me."

kiba: "will do rose, will do."  with that he carried me inside and into a new begining in my life.

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