chapter 2

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your p.o.v

running and running, dodging the branches and other stuff in the way. You  and hinata were getting ahead of the men who had 'kidnapped' you two. right when you thought you had a chance of out running them, something big decided to launch out at you.

"hinata look out!!" You jumped in front of her and whatever it was tried to curve away but failed. you stood your ground as it skimmed your stomach, ripping away a few layers of skin and it stung like crazy, but you showed nothing on your face. 

The object stopped spinning when it hit the ground, it turned out to be a person. The new person stood as two other people jumped into the clearing.

Fighting the urge to hug my midsection: "If you guys are the rescue party, suck."

The one who was attacking earlier yelled at me "HEY, WE DO NOT!!"

I calmly looked at him "one we were already free and running. two you attacked us." At two i lifted my shirt to show the damage, i was bleeding, skin was hanging loose in thick slices. 

The woman in the red and white dress spoke, she had to be the leader or something, "KIBA!"

Kiba flinched: "I didn't think i hit her that hard. I tried to stop."

"Well you failed at that and may i suggest we continue running, seeing as we are still being followed." They all nodded and we took off running again, but didn't make it very far. A kuni went right past the little dog in our group, poor thing lost it's footing and fell.

Kiba: "Akamaru!!" He had turned around to see his companion, i think, fall. Which made him loose his footing and fall to.

I sighed, jumping to the underside of a branch, i managed to grab kiba's wrists and swing him back up. Then pushed of the branch down to where the puppy was. Wire was holding him down, a paper bomb about to go off. 'This really just isn't my day.' I quickly got him out of the wire and while turning around/jumping held him close to my chest. The bomb went off sending me threw the air, but before landing i turned again, so i would land on my back. My back slid across the ground for a few feet, scraping it up pretty good, but leaving me otherwise unharmed. As soon as i stopped sliding i  sat up, gently letting the small dog down.

Somewhere off to the side, kiba: "Akamaru!!" the dog sped off to kiba i guess, so i stood up, but felt a stinging pain in my left shin, looking down i saw a kuni in it. 'Man my day just keeps getting better and better.' When i looked up to the other side of the small clearing i was in, i could see the men that had 'kidnapped' me and hinata. Before anything else happened hinata and the rest of her team came over.

Hinata: "wha...what do we now?"

Streching my arms behind my back: "Well, going to try something."  hinata's team looked at me rather strange.

Kiba pointed at the group of men: "You know there's 7 guys right?"

"yep" I made just a few hand signs, then disappeared, "Burning Blizzard!" then fell from the sky kinda into the middle of the 7 men. One of my hands was on fire, the other looked like it was coated in frost with little snow flakes were coming off it. I threw punches and kicks, flipping around and dodging with skill. It may have taken awhile, but i defeated all of them with barely a scratch. I don't think they were really even ninja.

I turned around and faced the team, a smile on my face. They all looked shocked, then hinata and kiba pointed behind me. Without a thought i half turned bringing my foot all the way up. Apparently there was another guy with a sword, but i just kicked him in the jaw, grabbed the sword, spun and stabbed him. His eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground, dead.

Taking a few steps back, i fell down, my arms and legs spread out. Hinata and her team rushed over.

hinata: "are" she looked worried even though she had really just met me.

"huh, o yeah fine. i'm just really tired now."

kiba: "sensi, what do we do now?" he looked from me to his sensi, then back to me, though i may be seeing things from blood loss at this point. i thought i saw worry in his eyes to.

their sensi: "Well, we can't leave her out here. hinata bandage her wounds best you can. kiba your going to carry her back to the village."

They all nodded their heads, then hinata took some wrap from her pack and started dressing my wounds. I could feel myself start to sway. By the time she was done i wavering in and out of reality. I could tell someone get their arms underneth my knees and go around my shoulders, but after i was lifted off the ground i lost the battle of consiousness.

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