chapter 10

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kiba's p.o.v

it's been over a week since the attack. we found out the sand was tricked by the sound and their kosihoke was dead, just like ours. naruto left with jiriya to find the next hokage and rose is still unconsious in the hospital. the docters don't know why she is though, all of her injurys were healed before she was even brought in.

i've stayed near rose's side the whole time. right now i'm sitting in a chair next to her bed, just staring at my hands.

rose: "fudge, i'm still alive." i jerked my head up to look at her. she had propped herself up on her elbows and was scanning the room. her eyes stopped when they saw me. "kiba?"

"yeah, it's me. you've been here for over a week rose." all she did was sigh.

rose: "kiba, ca...can i tell you something?"

"yes." rose looked down at sheets and was silent for awhile, before she spoke.

rose: "i appearently have a wolf spirt inside me and i really would have died, if she didn't help out." we both were silent for awhile.

"wolf spirt, that's kinda cool." rose looked at me confused. "what? you know i think naruto has something similar in him." she shook her head and smiled at me. "now can i tell you something?"

rose: "shoot."

"i kinda like you to." rose's cheeks imediately went pink. "would you mind, you know going on a date with me?"

rose: "yeah, i'd like that." she smiled at me and i couldn't help but smile back.

your p.o.v

a day later they let me out of the hospital and i went on my date with kiba. we've been dating for a few months now and were both really happy.

i'm on my way to see what lady tsunade wants. she had me called to her office. i haven't had any missions in awhile. maybe she wants to give me a mission. -knock knock- i heard enter from the other side. as walking in i noticed jaryia was also in the room.

"morning lady tsunade, what did you need me for?" she justured to jaryia.

stunade: "you know master jaryia right? one of the legendary sonien."

" you mean pervy sage, yeah." what can i say, i picked it up from naruto. he's become like a brother to me. jaryia eyes went all white and yelled at me.

jaryia: "I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" i just shrugged my shoulders.

stunade: "due to your wolf spirt, i'm sending you with naruto. to train under master jaryia."

"how long will i be gone? isn't naruto leaving for 3 years?" i was slightly panicing. i don't think i could make it 3 years without seeing any of my friends or kiba for that matter.

stunade: "you will only be gone until jaryia sees you are fit to control your wolf spirt. go pack, you leave in an hour." i'm already in good control of it and she, well i think it's a she, is a very gental spirt. so this shouldn't take to long.

"yes lady stunade" i bowed to her, then turned to face jaryia. i leaned foward a bit and pointed at him "you remmeber what lady stunade did to your shoulder?" he nodded his head. "if i ever catch you perving on me, it will be much worse." then my body flickered away leaveing the two sonien. i made myself apear infront of the hokage building. i've got to say bye to kiba, so i headed off for the inuzuka compound.

i walked up the stairs to his house and knocked on the door. hana answered and smiled at me. we had become like sisters over the past few months.

"hey hana, is kiba here? i gotta tell him something."her smile dropped.

hana: "no he's off on a mission right now." i sighed.

"well i won't be around, for a long time. i have to go with naruto and pervy sage to train. i don't know how long i'll be gone."

hana: "i'll pass the message along. now give me a hug for you go." i laughed.

"ok ok." i gave her a short hug and we said good-byes to each other. then i took off to meet naruto at the gate.

apon reaching the gate i saw naruto and i jumped on his back, startling him.

naruto: "o hey rose." i jumped off his back and smiled at him.

"guess what! i'm going with you!" naruto's eyes bugged out.

naruto: are you serious!!??"

"i'm not kidding around, i'm seriously going with you." naruto glomped me in a hug.

naruto: "awesome!!!"

"haha, ok naruto. you can let go of me now." right after he let go, the perv himself appeared.

jaryia: "let's head out." he turned around and started walking. so me and naruto started following him. that is until i heard someone yell me name. turning around i saw kiba running towards us.

kiba's p.o.v

as soon as i walked in the house my sis yelled at me.

hana: "KIBA GET YOUR BUTT TO THE MAIN GATE. YOUR GIRLFRIEND IN LEAVING WITH NARUTO FOR TRAINING. YOU MIGHT MAKE IT IN TIME." but naruto is leaving for 3 years. holy crap!! i ran up the stairs to my room i shared with rose and grabbed the small box off my desk. then bolted out the door yelling thanks to my sis.

i ran as fast as i could to the main gate. rose was just starting to walk out.

"ROSE!!" she stopped and turned around. i made it over to her and panted a few times before i spoke.

"didn't think i'd let you get away without a good-bye did you?" she smiled and laughed.

rose: "i was hoping not." i reached into my pocket and pulled out the small box.

"here," as i gave her the box "i got you this." she pulled out the small silver locket. "it's got a picture of us and akamaru."

rose: "thank you." i helped her put the necklace on and came to a descion.

"make sure to find me when you get back." i quickly pecked her lips and ran off into the woods. i wonder what she will think, when she finds the message.

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