chapter 12

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your p.o.v

"hahaha, you'll never beat me kiba!!" i was just a bit ahead of him, but it's always fun to tease him. as we came close to the small river that marked we 1 mile away from the village i sensed 3 enemy. i stopped dead in my tracks and kiba flew by me.

kiba: "what's wrong rose, out of breath?" he turned his head back to look at me.

" KIBA NO! LOOK OUT!!" he turned back around and was slammed in the side by a chunk of earth. the force sent him straight down into the river, the chunk of earth still on him. akamaru was able to avoid being hit.

hinata and shino caught up and stopped beside me.

"hinata use your byakugon. i think you missed some vital spots in some of those ninja you fought. i can sense 3 of them here. we can all take one on. shino use your bugs and get the one to the left. i'm going for the one 19 meters ahead of us."

they both nodded their heads and we all took off for our targets. i finished mine off pretty quick and got back to the river. shino and hinata were still fighting, but i didn't see kiba anywhere.

i put 2 fingers up to my mouth and whistled. akamaru came up out of the river. one look at him and i knew kiba was stuck under the water. i ran to the edge and dove in the water. swimming to the bottom, by senseing his chakra i was able to find him in the murky dark water. he was pinned by a gaint rock. 'so that earth user put a rock in the center, great, just great' kiba was pushing against the rock, but since over half his body was stuck under he couldn't get the force he needed to get it off. just as i was about to push the rock off him, kiba couldn't hold his breath anymore, i could see the air bubbles float towards the surface. i quickly put chakra in my fist and punched the rock. it shattered into little pebbles, i easly pulled kiba out from the rubble and with a arm around his chest i swam for the surface.

as i pulled him out of the water and layed him down on the grass akamaru, hinata and shino all ran over to me.

akamaru whinned and shino was quiet. hinata looked really worried as she poked her fingers together.

i leaned over, put my head on his chest and listened. after a few seconds i jerked back up.

"he's not breathing!!!" 'oh, what do i do?? what do i do?"

kiba's p.o.v

this huge peice of earth hit me from the side and i went straight into the river. i hit the bottom of the river with a bit of force. the peice of earth was still on top of me, pinning me under the water. akamaru was soon by my side tring to help me push the peice of earth off. after a few minuts the earth was washed off by the water reviling rock underneth. my lungs were burning by now and my head was starting to pound.

i could faintly hear a whistle go off, akamaru looked at me and i nodded. akamaru swam for the surface. i remember teaching rose that whistle. akamaru could tell her where i am and she could get this thing off me.

i was right, it wasn't very long after akamaru left that i could see rose by me pushing on the rock, but i just couldn't hold me breath any longer. i let it out, the air bubbles floated towards the surface. i looked at rose as my eyes closed and my arms went down to the muddy ground, wondering if this was the last time i would ever see her.

my body feel heavy. somethings keeps pushing on my chest and what's this warm feeling on my lips? now it's gone. it's back. what is this? what is going on? my body feels lighter, but my head is pounding.

??: "come on kiba!! breathe you baka!!! breathe!!" the warm feeling is back. was that rose? am i not dead?

i forced my eyes to open just a crack. rose was kissing me? her lips left mine as she sat back up and started to push on my chest. i suddenly felt the water in my throat, jerking myself up i coughed out the water. my body went back to feeling heavey and my eyes were closing against my will. i felt someone put their hands on my shoulders and pull me down. before i passed out i looked up and saw rose's face, my head was in her lap.

rose: "it's ok kiba, rest." my eyes shut and i blacked out.

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