chapter 3

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Kiba's p.o.v

hinata was bandaging this girls wounds, i didn't even know her name, but i knew i liked her. she was really strong i could tell and she had saved akamaru's life. i'd have to thank her for that later. I looked back to this girl, she was slightly swaying. Not long after i noticed that hinata said she was done. so i walked over and gently got one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders. I lifted her up and we all started to walk back towards home. After a few steps her whole body just went limp and her head layed against my chest.

kurini sensi: "She is strong, she was hiding how bad she was hurt. she's unconsious now isn't she kiba."

I looked away from the girls face to my sensi's : "Uh, yeah."

Kurini sensi: "hinata tell us about her."

hinata: "um..i..i do not kn..know is ro..rose and she said th...that she di..didn't really remmeber ....any..anything after she wo..woke up."

kurini sensi: "hhmm, i will talk with the hokage about this."

the rest of the trip was made in silence. all we really learned about this girl is that her name is rose and she is a really strong fighter. we weren't far from the village now, maybe a mile or so left to go. rose tensed in my arms, her face showed she was in pain. Just to see, i held her closer to me and she seemed to relax. i contined to hold her close to me as we made it to the village and to the hospital.

kurini sensi: "i'll check her in, but i will need one of you to stay with her."

i didn't really think, i just said "i will" kurini nodded her head and went to check rose in. a nurse came over and led me to a room, where they could check rose. almost as soon as i loosed my grip and put her on the bed, she woke up.

rose: "ow..." she quickly looked around "ok so i'm not dead" 

the nurse: "No, but we do need to treat your injurys. sir if you would please stand oustide the room for a bit." I nodded to her and started to leave the room.

rose: "he stays." i turned to look at her, her face showed no emotion, but her eyes gave confusion and a bit of fear.

the nurse: "i'm sorry but we need him out of the room miss."

rose just turned to look at the nurse and calmly said "If you want me to be cooperative and quiet, then he stays." the nurse just nodded her head, so i walked back over to the other side of the bed. the nurse pulled out some sisers and told rose to lay down. rose did, but was eyeing the nurse wearily. the nurse lifted rose's shirt and cut it straight down the middle. she pulled the shirt off, then took off the bandages around rose's stomach. when they were off, i felt bad. the skin around her stomach was all torn up and she was still bleeding. how could she have taken that hit from me and still be able to move?

the nurse: "o my...." she quickly got some ointment and more bandages. a slight twich was all i could see reaction wise to the ointment being applied. i knew that stuff stung like crazy. once the bandages were securely around her waist the nurse looked at me: "those will have to be changed once a day, for 3 days. other than that she's free to leave." as the nurse left the room, akamaru jumped up onto her lap. I was still tring to stop a blush from coming to my face.

rose gave a small smile and scooped up akamaru in her arms, hugging him: "hey puppy, i never really got introduced to you two, but your puppy is just so cute." 

"i'm kiba inuzuka and that is akamaru."

rose: "my name is rose, i would say more although i don't really remmeber anything."

"it's ok, by the way thanks for saving akamaru. you know from the paper bomb."

rose: "your welcome. hey, i can't really go outside like this. you know kinda missing a shirt here."

that time i did blush: "uh here." i unzipped my jacket and held it out for her. she set akamaru on her lap and took the jacket. after she put it on, akamaru snuggled under the bottom and poked his head through the coller. "akamaru!" 

rose: "it's ok, he can stay there. thanks for the jacket, it's nice and warm." she smiled at me, then swung her feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. i would have to say she looked pretty good wearing my jacket. she started to walk, but fell. i caught her before she hit the ground and got her to lean against the bed.

rose: "i guess i'm not up for moving around yet." she pet akamaru's head, while looking at me.

i turned around and knelt down a bit "get on my back, i'll give you a ride." rose hesitated a bit, but  after akamaru barked 'it's ok' she got on. could she have understood akarmaru? i walked down to the front desk and checked rose out. once we were outside kurini sensi appeared in front of us. rose tightened her hold, then relaxed once the smoke cleared.

kurini sensi: "the hokage said for you to keep watch over her until told other wise. she will also be joining our team." i nodded my head and she disappeared.

i turned my head to see rose "looks like you'll be staying at my house."

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