chapter 8

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-this might skip around a lot, sorry-

your p.o.v

the written test wasn't really hard. i got my number and sat down. i was 2 rows and a little to the left of kiba. some guy explained the rules and after looking at the paper i was highly confused until i realized they wanted us to cheat. just not get caught. i would have found a way on my own, but i could hear akamaru from was i was, so i was able to hear all the answers. i knew hinata could use her byakugon to see the answers and shino could use his bugs. so i knew we were all covered.

were standing in the middle of the forest of death, shino's skills helped us get the scroll we needed almost right after we started this thing. so we just running through the forest, trying to get to the tower, but we stop to see and group of sand ninja facing off against a group of rain ninja. the red head killed all the rain ninja in seconds without a second thought. the rest of my team all looked pretty scard, but for some reason, i saw that the red head had some issues, that's true, but he also just needed someone to be friends with him.

hinata: "we...we sho...should le..leave." everyone else nodded and started to back up slightly, but we all froze when the red head turned and stared right at us. i'm not sure why, but i decided to mess with him. useing the body flicker technique i learned, i left my spot and appeard a few feet behind the group of sand ninja's.

"hi guys." they all spun around to look at me. "not to be a bother or anything but can i ask for your name's? mine is rose by the way."

the girl and the other boy looked worried "i'm temari and these are my brother's kunkuro and garra." kunkuro waved a bit, but garra kept his arms crossed, face giveing no emotion. i smiled a little bit , looked in garra's direction and appeared in front of him. sand started to come out of his gord.

temari: "garra don't!" garra didn't even look in her direction, his sand started to attack me. so i had to start dodgeing for my life. in between jumps "you don't....have to be.....alone.....there are....people who are to.....hard see it." i used the body flicker technique and appeared right in front of him again, pulling him into a hug. everything went completely still and silent. garra's arms were frozen in the air and it looked like temari and kunkuro were to shocked to move.

"i'll bet if you weren't so mean to your brother and sister. you would see that they do really care for you." i jumped back away from all of them "that all i wanted to do. see you guys later." i waved to them and my body flickered away.

i appeared back in front of my team and they all jumped. with a quick glance back at the sand team "let's go."

kiba's p.o.v

what i just saw probably just scared me for life. hinata studdered even more than normal saying we should leave, but right as we were about to rose left us and appeared in front of them. this girl has a death wish!! i almost screamed at her to get back, but i kept my mouth shut.

hinata: "rose. ohno." i glanced at her and she was slightly shaking, so was akamaru.

??: "garra don't!" sand started to attack rose. she was jumping all over the place and saying stuff i couldn't make out. then she was hugging the guy. we were all standing there shocked and confused. rose jumped back, waved and appeared in front of us. i think we all jumped, but rose glanced back at the sand group saying 'let's go." so we all took off running.

it took us another half day to reach the tower, but we made it. after another day the doors were closed signaling the time limt was up. everyone was called to the main room. for some reason we had to have preliminary fights, because there were to many people that passed. everyone headed up to the railing on either side of the room leaving the floor for the fights. rose had the second fight.

your p.o.v

second fight and it's mine turn, o well. i jumped over the railing landing gracefully on the floor. the other guy, a rain ninja, just walked down the stairs and over to us. the producter explained the rules to us.

rain ninja: "i can't fight a girl."

i put a hand on my hip and leaned to the side "why, afriad you'll get beat."

rain ninja: "ha! no, i want a challenge not a girl." he smiled at me like he just dissed me or something.

"i would like a challenge to, but aparently i'm not going to get one. so let's fight you sissy." the rain ninja sure looked ticked now. i just kept my stance and smiled at him.

the producter: "fight!" and jumped back out of the way.

"what'cha waiting on? come at me." the rain ninja took out a kuni and charged at me. i kept leaning to the side, with a hand on my hip, until he was 2 feet away. the hand at my side grabbed the wrist, that the kuni moving it out to the side. the hand on my hip made a fist and punched his gut. the ninja went flying, but i appeared behind him. i spun around bringing my heel into his side pushing him to the floor. i flipped back , put my hand back on my hip and looked at the producter.

producter: " since he is no longer able to fight, rose wins." i made a peace sign and disapeared, reapearing next to hinata.

"told you it was no challenge."

kiba: "way to go rose."

the next match was kiba's. i couldn't help but remmeber how he had used that technique on me. he was using a lot of fang over fang on naruto. i was starting to think naruto didn't stand a chance, but then i was proved wrong when naruto farted in kiba's face. naruto ending up winning and kiba had to be carted off to the medical room.

hinata's turn came and she was against destiny boy, her cusion. the fight went horible, neji was saying stuff about fate, again, and hinata wasn't doing well at all. neji made one more comment and i yelled at him.

"would you just shut up destiny boy!! can't you see she has changed and is trying to get better!! why do you have to be such a jerk!"

naruto: "don't give up hinata!! you can do it!!" hinata looked at me and naruto and smiled. she weakly stood back up. they fought for a little more, but neji landed a direct hit to her chest. hinata coughed up a whole lot of blood. he was about to hit her again, but i appeared in front of him, grabbing his wrist moving it to the side, similar to my fight, and put a hand to his head.

"that would have been a killing move and you know it." hinata started to fall behind me, but i caught her. kurini was instantly by her side and medical personel weren't far behind. as hinata was carted off naruto appeared beside me. he looked at the pool of hinata's blood on the floor. then he knelt down, put his finger tips in it, stood back up putting his hand into a fist and glared at neji.

naruto: "if we fight, i vow to win for hinata." i put my hand on naruto's shoulder and glared at neji to.

"the same goes for me." neji just glared back at us, then swiftly turned and went back up the stairs.

the rest of the fights went by pretty quick and everyone that wasn't in the medical room had to line up and pick a number. we had a month before the final round and i was supposed to go against another rain ninja. now all i had to do was wait.

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