How She Dreams - Part 15

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Marc swore "why are you here?" Chloe was surprised at the foul language which was obviously aimed at her. Marc, realizing what he had said quickly apologized. He had let his inner thoughts show through his foul mouth. Chloe recomposed herself remembering why she was standing in Marc's doorway.

"Marc, I need some answers and I think you're the only one who can give me them."

"I can't talk right now." Marc proceeded to shut the door. For once in her life Chloe reacted quickly and stuck her foot in the door jamb.

"Stop avoiding my questions!" Chloe's voice was rising to an irritated scream. "You obviously know what's going on, so you better tell me right now." Marc looked quickly around him to insure that his neighbours weren't going to investigate the shouting.

"Chloe, please don't shout." Marc was scared of Chloe's rage; he didn't know how to handle it.

"Don't tell me not to shout, I'll make all the noise I want until you tell me what's going on!"

"I'm really sorry but I just can't tell you."

"Tell me why then!"

Marc sighed. "If I told you I would be fired."

"What?" Chloe shouted. "You won't tell me because you're afraid to loose a job you have in high school? You can't be serious."

"I am dead serious, I could be fired just for telling you that much."

"You're such a coward!" Chloe was furious. "There's something wrong with me, you know what's happening, obviously, and yet you won't help me because of a job." Chloe paused to think about what she had just said. "Wait a second; what do I have to do with your job? Why would telling me anything get you fired?"

Marc stood in awkward silence unsure of how to answer.

"What is your job exactly? Marc, you better start answering some of my questions!" Chloe was irritated; looking behind Marc into his warm house she began to feel the cold air creeping into her skin. "Can you at least invite me in?"

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to go into a stranger's home?"

"You're not really a stranger." Chloe whispered under her breath but she knew Marc had heard.

Marc sighed "fine, Chloe, would you like to come in?"

Chloe answered in a mockery of pleasure. "Yes, I would love to."

The air in the house was warm and inviting. The entranceway was paneled in dark wood creating a cozy atmosphere. Chloe kicked off her soaked boots and slipped off her coat. Marc watched her closely before continuing up the stairs to the second story. After hanging her jacket on a coat peg, she followed the mysterious boy.

He was sitting in a deep cream coloured armchair. Chloe swiftly walked over to a loveseat of the same colour and sunk into it. Like the entranceway this room also exuded a feeling of warmth and homeliness. The walls were a deep, inviting red and the dark hardwood floor was covered in a thick cream rug. A television sat on a dark stand on the far side of the room and a small fireplace in the corner completed the feeling of home. As Chloe admired the room she was conscious that Marc's eyes were observing her from across the room. She quickly refocused her wandering mind.

"So, Marc what question of mine are you going to answer first?"

"I don't know, I already answered one of your questions."

"I wouldn't call that answering the question."

"I would."

"Marc, you're so frustrating."

"I know, I'm really sorry."

"Ok, so how about I'll ask you a question and you have to answer as much as you can."

"I don't know Chloe, I'll try my best."

"Well that's the best answer I've gotten from you so far. My first question is what's you're job?"

Marc hesitated "Um, I'm training to be an actor."

Chloe slowly processed this information. "Ok, What does that have to do with me?"

"Next question." Marc answered abruptly.

"Have you ever had a dream about me?" Chloe blushed as she asked but kept her stern facade.

Marc's face mirrored the red in Chloe's cheeks. "Yes." Before Chloe could collect her bearings and respond Marc directed the question back at her. "How about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever dreamed of me?" Marc realized it was a dumb question since he already knew the answer but he wanted to hear her say so.

"Yes, I have. I already told you that."

"More than once?"


"How many times?"

Chloe wasn't going to answer that if he was still not going to answer all her questions. "I thought I was supposed to be asking the questions?"

"I get to ask some questions about you if you get to interrogate me."

Chloe was exasperated "Fine!"

"Do you like dreaming about me?"

"What kind of question is that?!"

"Sorry, that didn't sound the way I wanted it to. I was just wondering if it was a bad thing to dream about me. I guess that doesn't sound much better."

Chloe spoke uncertainly in a hushed voice. "I don't know if it's a good thing or not right now."

"I know what you mean."

"You do?"

"Yeah, exactly what you mean."

There was a silence between the two as they contemplated their shared feelings.

"As much as this is going to sound ridiculous; does your job have something to do with the fact that we're dreaming about each other?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know! Maybe they combine in someway, why else would you keep something from me if it has something to do with your job and we've hardly met, yet we dream about each other?"

Marc looked at his watch. "Oh, Chloe I'm sorry I have to leave! I have to go work."

"Do you actually have to, or is that just a cowardice excuse to avoid me?"

"For once I actually do have to go."

"Ok, fine, but could we possibly get together sometime? So I can ask you some more questions or just to hangout?"

Marc thought. "We'll see. Give me your number and I'll let you know."

Chloe scribbled her number on a piece of paper Marc handed her. "Can I have your number, just in case you never call?" Chloe smiled innocently at him.

Marc couldn't help but feel for her situation. She's just trying to figure out what's happening.

"Ok." Marc wrote his number on the back of the napkin that she had brought from Devon's and had placed on the coffee table when she arrived. Chloe stood up, retrieved the number from Marc and put it safely in her back pocket. Marc let her out the fount were she stood on the edge of the street unsure of what to do next.


I finnaly finished this and remembered to post it!!!! (its been sitting on my computer for 2 weeks waiting for me to post it :P)

Anyways, I find this conversation verry awkward and it makes me laugh, tell me what you think :)

and please vote, like, fan, tweet.... :D

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