How She Dreams - Part 20

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So here it is, I hope you like it. I really love this it was so exciting to write :D 

Tell me what you think! Is there anything I could do to make it better? 

Oh, and I hope you liked the plot twist in the last part!!


   Silence filled the room as if imperceptible waves were washing in through the windows. The noiseless water filled the room with a hushed silence as it rose to fill Chloe's lungs. A scream rose in her throat but was repressed by the flow of water entering her body and mind. She was no longer consciously in control of her body; her emotions were now the epicentre of her actions.

   The moments in which the waves filled Chloe's life were stretched to feel as if the world had been put into slow motion. Chloe grabbed control of herself and pushed the waves out of her body through tears that fell down her face. She tasted salt as the tears passed over he lips reinforcing her ability to see the water that had in-expectantly crashed over her life. 

"I don't understand." Chloe's voice cracked. 

"You're adopted, the people you know to be your parents are actually your godparents. You were left in their care after the accident." 

"And my brother?" 

"He's your adopted brother." 

Chloe sobbed; moments ago she had believed that she could no longer cry, but she had been mistaken.

   As Chloe sat on the couch opposite Marc, the boy with the grey eyes watched her. Slowly he stood up, approached her and sat down on the couch. The boy and the girl sat side by side as Chloe cried. Marc looked concernedly at Chloe; his face was contorted in pain as he watched the fabrication of her life fall to crumbles. Carefully Marc placed his hand on her arm in a consoling gesture. His fingers were warm against her cool skin, a tingle of an unfamiliar emotion radiated through her body as he ran his hand over her forearm. Slowly, delicately, Marc moved his hand into hers. Their fingers intertwined and encircled each others in a silent gesture of comfort. Her sobbing ceased and a thoughtful silence filled the room. Chloe's bright, tearful, blue eyes looked up into the smoky grey eyes of the guilt-ridden boy beside her.

   Cautiously, softly, Marc moved closer to the blue eyes that called to him. The moment was peaceful and unexpected. As Marc approached the unending ocean in her eyes he himself felt a wave of her pain wash over him. He closed the gap between them, tenderly his lips pressed against hers. A wall of emotions hit him as her soft lips were against his; a single tear ran down his face.

   Chloe could taste Marc's tears as the single droplet of his sorrow collided with her own. A feeling of warmth filled her body, his lips were gentle but she could feel the weight they were placing on the both of them. As un-expectantly as the connection had started it ended. Their lips broke apart just enough to break the moment. Marc's lips felt like a feather brushing against hers as he quietly broke the silence. 

"I'm sorry."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2011 ⏰

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