How She Dreams - Part 3

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(Dedicated to another one of my best friends, the girl who got me addicted to wattpad, thanks Gaby I really mean it)  :D


   On Thursday night Chloe, Whitney and Liliana were sitting at the counter in Whitney's kitchen. They had been readying the last of the decorations and food for the next day's party but they had gotten distracted by the chocolate cupcakes they had just made. Instead of packing them into the containers the girls had taken a break to sample their baking.

"I really hope Courtney is surprised and that she hasn't found out." Whitney was slowly pulling apart her cupcake while she talked.

"She is differently going to be surprised, as long as Jeffery hasn't said anything to make her suspicious." Some how Liliana had already finished her cupcake and was now picking at the small pile of crumbs that was the only evidence that there had been a cupcake in front of her a moment ago. "Chloe did you talk to Mrs. Sadler about getting Courtney out of the house?"

"What?" Chloe had been distracted by her thoughts once again and it took a moment to pull herself back to reality. "Oh, yeah, Courtney and her mom are going shopping after school and they won't be back until the party is ready to start, Mrs. Sadler is going to call just before they arrive so we can get ready for the surprise."

"That's perfect! Thanks for organizing it Chloe." Whitney had a huge smile across her face and was jumping up and down in her chair with excitement.

"No problem" Chloe answered in a daze, she was slowly starting to sink back into her mind. The dreams were once again intruding her thoughts and she was finding it hard to concentrate on the conversation.

   Chloe had come to the conclusion that the obsession with these dreams was just some sort of faze that would soon pass, the dreams couldn't last forever. This was the only way she could explain the strange feelings she encountered each night and the only way to pass the days with her sanity, for the most part, intact.

   When Friday morning finally rolled around Chloe realized how right she was and yet how far she was from reality.

Friday January 7, 2011

Things have changed, I'm not sure if it is for the best. Last night's dream was completely different from the others, I can actually remember parts of it. But that is not the only change, there were people last night unlike the other dreams that were just colours and feelings. On the other hand, who knows maybe there were people in the other dreams I just can't remember them, I don't think this is the case though. This was different and yet it was still the same, it had the same atmosphere and I could feel the same struggle my mind had on controlling the thoughts. There is one part that stands out to me although I cant put my finger on it, its like a glitch in my mind in which this one aspect of my dream is a blur while everything else is only slightly out of focus. I know I have not mentioned these dreams for many days but they are always on my mind, I just could not bear writing my thoughts down. It felt like if I had written them down I would have lost the last bit of control I have over my mind. But now that these dreams have changed my mentality has changed and I need to get these feelings out, I can't hold them in any longer. I just don't know if I should tell anyone, what if no one understands? Being left alone with this is the last thing I want, I need someone who can appreciate the way I feel about this. Everyone will just be even more confused than I am. Hopefully my friends will help me. They are my friends they will know what to do.

   Chloe headed to school extremely anxious, all morning she battled with the decision to explain the situation to her friends. By lunch she had come to the conclusion that it would be best to get these feelings out. The problem was that the day had become so busy that she had no chance to explain things. Somehow school flew past. She did not realize what was going on around her until that night. At 6:00 she found her self dressed for a night out, hiding behind a couch waiting for Courtney to arrive unsuspecting to her surprise party. Chloe was unsure how she had arrived at this point in time but she had only a minute to question it, for at that moment there was a creak of the door and in walked the birthday girl. Immediately there was the unsuspected noise of people leaping out from behind furniture and yelling "surprise!" As expected, Courtney was shocked, so shocked, in fact, that she had to sit down. Her reaction brought a chorus of laughter from the fifteen or so people crammed inside the comfortable living room. Jeffrey went to help Courtney to her feet and the party was officially started.

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