How She Dreams - Part 9

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Hello to those of you who are reading and thank you :)

Just wanted to say that untill I get some more comments or fans I may just stop posting... so if you like my story so far let me know otherwise you don't get to read any more... :P


   "Chloe just go!" Whitney was exasperated. She and Liliana had been trying to get Chloe to go through with her plan to talk with Darren and 

"If you don't go right this second, I'm going to make you go against your own free will." Chloe saw the gleam of mischief in Liliana's eyes. Chloe hesitated she didn't know what to do. In that moment of hesitation Liliana grabbed Chloe's pencil case off the table, dropped it by her feet and kicked it under the tables were it landed halfway across the cafeteria. Chloe had to admit that it was a good shot, her pencil case was now sitting directly under the twins table were they sat uncharacteristically alone. As she stood up Chloe sighed, she turned to Liliana and gave her friend an angry look. Liliana returned the grimace with a breath taking smile knowing that she would be forgiven soon enough.

   Chloe walked grudgingly over to the boys table, when she got close they looked up. Their faces were completely identical right down to their expressions of curiosity directed at Chloe. Their skin was tanned a light bronze and their identical black hair fell into their dark green eyes. Wow. Liliana was right, these guys are good looking.

"Uh," Chloe was struck with a mind blank "hi." She was never good at talking to guys especially when she didn't know them.

"Hi?" one of the twins replied confused.

"Oh, my pencil case got kicked under your table, I just came to get it back."

"Oh, ok." This time it was the second twin that answered, he smiled reassuringly. He glanced under the table and gently kicked his brother.

"You get it, it's closer to your chair." The first twin leaned down and picked up her pencil case, handing it back to her.


"No problem"

   "You're the Wade brothers aren't you?"

"That would be us." Replied the first twin. "I'm Devon he's Darren." Devon indicated his brother with a nod of his head.

"Nice to meet you," Chloe smiled "I really liked your performance at the talent show." The boys laughed.

"Thanks, that was my fault for getting us tangled up in the dare. I think Devon is still mad at me, he doesn't like all the attention."

"I can understand that, I'm sorry for interrupting your lunch ill leave now." Chloe didn't want to over intrude. Before she could turn to leave Devon started to talk.

"Wait a minute, were you that girl Marc ran into in the park last Friday?" Chloe's heart raced and she felt tingles of excitement run throughout her body. His name is Marc?

"Yeah that was me." Chloe felt embarrassed at the memory of falling to the ground. I must have looked pretty silly lying on the ground like I was. A deep laugh pulled her from her thoughts.

"That was pretty funny when Marc ran for it, it was like he thought you were a ghost or something." It was Darren laughing, or at least Chloe was pretty sure it was him she was already forgetting which twin was which. "Oh, now I can't wait to tell Marc that we go to school with you. I'm sorry what's your name?"

"It's Chloe, but please don't tell him, that's just embarrassing."

"Darren loves to embarrass people so that's not the best thing to tell him." Devon looked at Chloe and winked at her. Then he laughed. "Darren, your already embarrassing her, look she's turning red." Chloe wasn't sure how to respond any more, instead she turned her back to the laughing boys and headed back to her table full of confusion. She heard one of the twins, probably Darren, calld after her.

"We'll let you know what he says!"

   When she sat down at her spot her friends immediately started to ask questions even though Chloe knew they had been watching the whole time. Her only response she had was to turn to Liliana.

"You would fit in so well with those boys." Liliana smiled.


Hope you liked this part, what do you think of the twins? Personaly I love them but that's just me :)

Dont forget to comment, like, fan whatever you want. I will return the favour :)

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