How She Dreams - Part 18

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So here is the next part. :) There may be some added to this, I'm not sure yet.

Enjoy, and remember to vote, fan and whatever else if you like it. :D

And if you don't like it I would still like to know!


   Chloe ungracefully maneuvered into the house on her crutches. She found them cumbersome and unnecessary; she could do without them but the doctor had insisted that she stay off her ankle for a few days.

"Chloe! Are you ok?" Jackson ran towards her as she entered the house.

The combination of the pain medication and her bruised head made her brain foggy and inhibited her from replying. Instead she gave a comforting smile to her brother.

"A friend of yours called while you were out, he sounded worried and I think he wanted you to call him back right away. I think he said his name is Marc."

Chloe Froze; He called me? When he just left me behind a strange building with a concussion and possibly a broken ankle? He's dreaming if he thinks I'll call him. Jackson noticed her reaction and Chloe gave him an awkward thumbs-up in an attempt to comfort him and conceal her unease.

   Lost in the thought of the unexpected call Chloe wobbled on her crutches up the stairs to bed. As she lay down her head pounded, she reached over to her bottle of painkillers and swallowed one to dull the pain. Quickly she fell into a deep sleep and once again she was hunted by dreams.

            ...The Prince and the Lady were in love, they spent countless hours together outside of the castle walls. One day as they sat against the iron gates the Lady turned to the Prince and asked him to marry her. He was shocked, for a moment all he could do was sit with his mouth agape.

He stuttered, he chocked. "I can't, I'm sorry." He stood and ran towards his castle shutting the gate behind him with a slam."...

   Slowly Chloe woke and regained her sense of reality. There were tears in her eyes. I thought this was a story with a happy ending. Chloe couldn't control her emotions; she rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face into her pillow. Tears continued to fall from her emotion filled eyes. The bruise on her head pounded and pulsed but Chloe's inner hurt overwhelmed her senses and masked her physical pain. Chloe needed to get her emotions out but her fatigue prevented her from writing; instead she lay in bed with a jumble of thoughts running through her head.

   I'm so sick of these unexplained dreams. Why can't I get a straight answer out of the one person who can help me? I just can't go back and beg for an answer from him; as much as I want an answer I'm not going to sacrifice my dignity to him for that answer. He's going to have to come to me and apologize properly first. Although maybe I do need to apologize for stalking him, but not until he makes more of an effort to apologize than a phone call.

   Chloe sat up, her vision no longer spun, although her head was sore from the bruise. The clock read 6, usually Chloe would have gone back to sleep and taken advantage of another hour of rest but today she needed to get her body moving to clear her mind. She moved slowly on her crutches and it took her until 7:30 before she was dressed and ready to leave the house. Despite the fact that Chloe had taken longer than usual to get ready she was for once in her life at school early. The halls were empty and her crutches made an uneven clinking noise against the tiled floor. The sound was ominous to her; it reminded her that she was alone both physically and mentally. She had no one to turn to, no one to consol her feeling with. Liliana and Whitney would stand by her but they could never fully understand what was happening to her. The only person who could possibly help her at the moment was the one person she did not want to talk with. She was angry with Marc, he had dug himself a hole; first by not properly answering any of her questions and secondly by leaving her injured in a strange place.

"Who does that?" Without realizing what she had done Chloe had spoken her thoughts allowed. "What kind of person can be that thoughtless and uncaring?" Her voice rose and filled the hallways with frustrated echoes that bounced off the brick walls unable to free themselves from the confining presence of the building.

   As Chloe walked aimlessly around the school not realizing where she was going the school began to fill with students. People passed her in the hallways giving her sympathetic glances. The more she walked the more eyes watched her. People she knew well and people she had never seen before were watching her. Chloe began to feel uncomfortable. What's happening? Why are people watching me? My crutches aren't that abnormal, are they? More and more people crowded around her she couldn't breathe, she needed space.

"Stop staring at me!" Chloe screamed with all her voice.

   She woke up. Somehow Chloe had made it to her first period class and had fallen asleep without realizing that she had ever reached the classroom. I was dreaming? But it felt so real? No one was watching me. No one had been watching her in the hallway but she had let out a scream as she woke up and the class was turned around in their seats to see what she was yelling about. Silently she put her head back on the table to hide her embarrassment.

   Chloe drifted in and out of sleep throughout the day. She found it difficult to stay awake and many times she found herself absorbed in realistic dreams that she could not differentiate from reality until she was woken. By the end of the day she was disoriented and frustrated by her inability to grasp an understanding of what she was dreaming and what was truly going on around her.

   When Chloe walked through the front door of her house the first thing she saw was the blinking light on the answering machine. With an automatic instinct she hit the play button to check if her parents had called before she had gotten home. The moment she pressed the button she regretted the action immediately, there was a rustling on the other end of the phone, it was as if someone was shifting the phone from hand to hand, then a familiar voice filled the kitchen.

"Chloe, if your there please pickup." There was a silence as Marc waited for no one to answer. "Well, I guess your not there, or you're ignoring me, which I suppose I deserve." There was more rustling, a muffled curse. "Why am I doing this?" Marc's voice was quiet and obviously not intended to be part of the message. The recording cut off.

The next message played automatically after the first.

"Hi, Chloe, I'm sorry about that last message, could you please call me when you get this?" There was a silence before the recording cut off this time, but Chloe was not around to hear it, the moment the second message had begun she had left the kitchen to occupy her mind else where.

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