How She Dreams - Part 8

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Chloe lay with her head propped up on pillows, her knees bent towards her chest acted as a writing desk for the slew of complaints that were flowing from her sick ridden mind onto the thin note book paper. Although Chloe was running out of complaints she continued to write. To her brother who was standing in the door way, concerned for her health, it looked as if Chloe was attempting to cure herself by writing the illness and all its germs onto the paper. This was exactly what Chloe was trying to do, although she knew it would never work, it at least kept her occupied.

"Chloe?" Jackson waited a moment, when she didn't respond he repeated himself louder "Chloe?" she looked up from the paper but left the pencil in her hand, she did not stop writing furiously, even while she acknowledged her brother. "You don't look well at all, do you want me to get you anything?" even at the age of eleven

Chloe was bed ridden for a week, her parents would not allow her to go to school despite her protests. Chloe hated to miss school, she missed her friends, she was getting behind in her homework and most of all she was left alone all day with no distractions from the impending thoughts of the boy and her dreams. She constantly replayed the strange meeting in the park and much to the disappointment of Chloe the memory got clearer and more vivid every time it played in her mind. The look on the boy's face when their eyes met was engrained in her mind, soon Chloe realized it was a look of horror that was being displayed. It was if her thoughts of terror of this unknown situation were being reflected in his face.

Along with the image of this mysterious boy, the dreams continued to haunt her sleep. Although the dreams continued they were less vivid they were unclear and they appeared to be fuzzy around the edges. The dreams were harder to remember when she was awake and yet she could still not get them off her mind. It must be this cold, my brain can't focus properly right now, no-wonder my dreams are unclear.

By Friday afternoon Chloe began to feel better, she still had a cough but her head was no longer pounding and she felt energetic enough to walk around the house. She was sitting on the couch watching a mindless soap opera that was boring her to death when something struck her. Not physically but mentally, in the park, those group of boys she knew some of them. Well not actually knew them but knew who they were, they were twins that went to her school. What are their names again? Chloe wasn't sure what their names were but she knew she had heard them before. Chloe hit the off button of the television leaving the house in comfortable silence. She pushed herself off the couch and ran to her bookshelf. On the bottom left hand corner of the shelf Chloe's yearbooks were hidden underneath lose peaces of papers and a pile of soft cover books. She had put her yearbooks in a place were she hoped no one would find them, Chloe didn't want some unknowing person reading the weird comments her friends always left in the back cover of the books.

She quickly found the previous year's book and returned to her spot on the couch. Now, what grade are they in? Chloe started looking through the pictures of the kids in her own grade not expecting to find them, she had a feeling they weren't the same age as her. When she reached the end of her grade she continued searching through the grade above her. Wade! That's them. When she saw their names it was as if a light bulb went off in her mind. Of course the Wade brothers how could I forget? The twins Darren and Devon had preformed a skit at the last talent show that had left the audience roaring with laughter as they exited the stage. On a dare the brothers had dressed as girls and preformed a self written and choreographed song. Of course the song was no good but to the audience it didn't matter. They were a hit. Chloe laughed as she remembered the performance. She then turned back to the more interesting thought. How do they know this guy? They must know him since they were hanging out with him. Maybe I should go talk to them and see what they know, but that would be too strange. If I was them I wouldn't want a stranger questioning me about my friends. No, I can't talk to them I'll have to find another way.

Chloe didn't know what to do, she was currently at a loss of ideas. Instead of continuing to debate the situation with herself she took a nap. When she woke up she felt less stressed and managed to push the thoughts out of her mind for the rest of the day.

Thankfully the weekend passed quickly and Chloe was once again at school, she had piles of homework to catch up on yet she was cheerful. At the end of the day Chloe, Whitney and Liliana sat together in a deserted hallway. The afternoon sun beat down on them through the windows basking them in heat and making it feel like a summer's day.

"So, Chloe do you feel better? You were a wreck." Whitney had her eyes closed with her head tilted to the ceiling as she talked.

"Yeah, I guess I was, but I feel ok now."

"Only ok?" this time it was Liliana who was talking. Chloe shrugged.

"I'm just wondering about what happened at Courtney's party. About that guy. You know the Wade brothers were there, maybe we could get to know them, what do you guys think?" Chloe was careful in choosing her words, she didn't want to seem obsessed with finding out about the boy with the gray eyes.

"Awe does Chloe have a crush?" Whitney was using her best baby voice in an attempt to get a reaction out of Chloe with her tease.

"No, I don't!" There was a pause in which her friends considered what she had said.

"Well Darren is pretty good looking I wouldn't mind getting to know him, but I don't know about Devon."

"Liliana, they are identical twins how is one better looking than the other?" Liliana laughed in response.

"I'm joking Chloe, they are both attractive, and extremely funny." Chloe knew Liliana was thinking back to their singing. When Liliana turned her head to Chloe and winked they couldn't help but to burst into fits of laughter. Whitney took her eyes away from the ceiling to see her friends lying on the floor laughing like hyenas. She began to giggle and soon the three friends were laughing as if their lives depended on it.

After a few moments the girls pulled them selves together, as they repositioned themselves against the lockers only the occasional giggle escaped their lips.

"No one ever answered my question." Chloe was ready to get a real response from her friends and she hoped they would hurry up and answer.

"I don't see the harm in it, what about you Liliana?"

"I am so up for this!"

"Thanks, I felt too silly to do this by my self." Chloe felt relieved to have her friends support but she also knew she would have to get to know the boys on her own. They couldn't corner the boys and demand information, it had to be done subtly.

"I have a question." It was Whitney. "If you don't like this guy why do you want to know about him? You only met him for a total of three seconds before he bolted. That's not great boyfriend material, good thing you don't like him." Chloe hesitated, she was going to sound crazy, but she figured she already did, what was the harm of becoming more insane in her friends eyes. Lowering her voice she began to tell her friends about the gray eyed boy in her dreams, once again she was careful with her words. She needed support, not two friends that were going to think she was mentally unstable. Fortunately Chloe's friends could never think of her as crazy they knew her to well for that.


What do you think? let me know what you like what you dont like.

As I said earlier this month is crazy for me but I'm going to try to post something new every few day so it would be worth all the work for some more feed back thanks for reading :D

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