How She Dreams - Part 13

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Hey everyone! So finaly I wrote something new today, this last little while has been so busy with exams and what not so I haven't had time to write. Hopefuly I'll have lots of time in the next week to write since I don't have school that means I hope your all reading this and commenting, becoming fans, pressing the like and vote buttons, telling your friends excetra excetra. I dont realy have to say any of that again since every person say the same thing on every part of every story so its not like any of you are going to forget!!! :P But I think everyone needs to say it eachtime to feel as if when they say it people will actualy listen, because in my experience not everyone does, so don't be one of those people... Now that I've made you all feel guilty and probably verry confused. (I'm confused by myself) please ignore my rambling and read the more important part of the post which is down below :D

And just to let you know I'm kidding I don't want to make any of you feel guilty.... although if it gets more votes and :P


   Marc stood in silence as he listened to Chloe say the words he feared. This was not his biggest fear but it was the event that could lead to his biggest fear. What do I tell her, I can't tell her the truth, but she'll know if I lie. She is perceptive and can see through others actions easily, I see this in her mind all the time. She'll never believe anything but the truth.

"I think you're trying to ignore me because of my dreams." Chloe paused, probably to make sure that Marc wasn't going to laugh in her face. Instead of laughing Marc was in deep contemplation as he stared over her head avoiding eye contact. Chloe continued. "I know this will sound strange but you've been in my dreams, I'm sure of it." Fortunately Marc did have a response to this.

"Well it's probably because of that one time we met. If I was you I would probably be dreaming about the dumb guy that knocked me over." Marc gave her a smile that he hoped was believable. Usually he could convince anyone to believe his lies but Chloe was different.

"No, that's not it! I had dreams about you before I had ever seen you. I just didn't realize what my dreams were about until you ran into me." At this Marc laughed, he didn't know how else to react. A look of upset briefly crossed Chloe's face, Marc had hurt her. Chloe quickly recomposed herself hiding the embarrassment Marc had just caused her. "Great so you do think I'm insane." Chloe turned her back and walked away from Marc.

   As Marc watched Chloe walk away upset, he was struck by unexpected emotions. Since the beginning of their conversation he had been trying to get Chloe to leave him alone but now that she had left him he felt regretful about pushing her away and sorry for laughing at her. Marc had expected to be happy when she left him alone but surprisingly he was lonely. He wanted to talk to this girl, tell her what was happening to her, explain why he had to ignore her. The two of them shared a special bond, a bond between Dreamer and Key, it was a bond that very few people had ever experienced.

   It's not fair that she can't know what's happening to her. She deserves to know. Chloe was aimlessly walking around the bowling alley, the girl she had come with was engrossed in a conversation with Devon and all of Marc's friends were too consumed in themselves to include Chloe. I guess I could talk to her for a little longer, I've probably already ensured my unemployment. Marc groaned under his breath as he reached up and placed his hands on the top of his head. His head was pounding from the conflicting decision he was making. One part of him was yearning to spend time with this intriguing girl. The other part of him was sending warning signals throughout his body, cautioning him to keep his distance.

"Chloe." She turned around immediately when she heard his voice. "I...I'm sorry, I really don't think your insane, I promised you that I wouldn't." Chloe accepted his apology with silence. "I can't tell you if you're right or not. You'll just have to figure that out yourself." Marc's voice was soft and dejected. Chloe's eyes bored at him, she was full of questions, he could tell, questions he was not permitted to answer. Marc tried to change the subject. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" He was trying to be cheerful and joking with his question and from what Marc could tell it had seemed to work.

"Well you could tell me something about yourself. Since I have nothing else to do and you won't give me a straight answer about whether or not I'm correct."

"Hmmm, I think I can do that much for you." Marc gave Chloe a genuine smile, this was a safe topic, a topic he could control. He didn't have to tell her anything about how he was connected to her, he could just tell her about himself, and maybe learn something he didn't already know about her. Together they walked back to their original seats by the bowling lanes. The chairs were still as hard and uncomfortable as they were a few minutes ago but the atmosphere between Marc and Chloe had become more relaxed.

"So what do you want to know?"

There was a silence in which Chloe thought. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Yup, two sisters, Ava and Madison. Ava just turned four and Madi turns ten in March."

"Wow, that's a big age difference. My brother is eleven."

"Yeah, I guess it is but they're still by best friends." Marc smiled again, he loved spending time with his sisters they always amused him with their childish games and young sense of humour.

"I know what you mean." There was another moment were Chloe searched for a question. "Do you play any sports?"

Marc laughed. "Not really, I used to play soccer when I was younger but to tell you the truth I was horrible at it. Most of the time I would sit on the field and look at the grass or the occasional dandelion." Chloe choked on her lemonade as she laughed hysterically. She was obviously imagining a young Marc picking flowers while in the midst of a soccer game. "I do like to run though."

"I guessed that already." Chloe joked lightly. Marc's face burned red. "So, why did you run away from me that day we bumped into each other?"

"I can't tell you." Marc was regretting his decision to continue the conversation. He hadn't thought the topic would change so quickly back to the subject that he could not discuss.

"Ugh, Marc! Why not?" There was a warm sensation that traveled down Marc's spine the moment in which she said his name. His heart felt strange, as if it had forgotten how to work, his brain buzzed with sounds of electricity. He pressed his hand over his right ear where a small scar was concealed by his hair. What is going on? There must be something wrong with my transmitter. "It's the same reason you were ignoring me earlier isn't it?"

"Chloe, I can't tell you." The buzzing was getting louder, it was hurting him. His eyes were unfocused, the world was turning black. Marc leaned forward in his chair and fell to the floor. He couldn't feel any sensation but the buzzing and ringing of his head. His fingers clenched through is hair and onto the tough skin of his scalp. Marc was oblivious to the people clustered around him trying to help.

   Suddenly the buzzing was gone, Marc could see and hear. He was surrounded by a ring of his friends who looked down on him with concerned faces. Chloe was kneeling over him obviously attempting to help him back into his seat. Marc stood up feeling flustered, he had no idea what had just happened but he knew it couldn't be good. There was a silence that filled the room, no one moved or spoke. Marc was the one to break the silence.

"I think I should go home." He turned towards the door, heading for the street. A few friends followed Marc to insure he arrived home while everyone else stood in silence. Marc had once again left Chloe watching after him with no explanation and no good bye.

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