How She Dreams - Part 16

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   Chloe stood in the cold with just as many questions as she had whenh she woke up. What do I do now? I would really like to know where he works. It wouldn't be that bad if I followed him, just a little ways, just to see what direction he is headed. Chloe knew it was a bad idea to stalk anyone but she felt that she had a valid excuse, to just this once go against what was seen as correct. With her decision made Chloe sat on the cold edge of the sidewalk and waited for Marc to leave.

   Ten minutes later Marc appeared outside, Chloe waved goodbye as he passed her, smiling as she did so. He gave a quick wave back and continued down the street. When he reached the end of the street Chloe stood up and quickly hurried after him. She ran softly down the snow covered road attempting to appear natural. At the end of the road she turned right and saw Marc turning the next corner a few blocks down. Chloe followed like this for approximately half and hour, they were now entering the industrial section of town.

   Marc turned into a parking lot and walked up to an expansive warehouse. Why does he work here? The longer Chloe observed the more curious she became. After watching Marc enter the building Chloe walked around the back. A long window ran around the top of the building, other than a back door Chloe couldn't see any other way to peer inside. A large dumpster sat against the back wall, Chloe closed the heavy lid with a crash. With her weight supported by the cold, dirty container she was able to pull herself onto the lid. As she stood up carefully, avoiding any ice that had accumulated between the groves of the dumpster, she realized the window was still not in view.

   Standing precariously on the edge of the dumpster with her body pressed against the brick wall she stood on her toes and reached her arms up to the window. Using all her strength and using the cracks between bricks as foot holds she pulled herself up to the window. There was a tiny ledge were Chloe was able to hang off of. For a brief moment she caught a glimpse of what looked like a movie studio. Stage lights hung from the ceiling, green screens were held up on stands in the middle of the room and a small group of people stood working either behind or in fount of a camera. There was technology that Chloe had never heard of or seen before, it looked too high-tech for making a movie, but how was she to know? She didn't know much about filming. Just when she recognized Marc as one of the people in fount of the camera her arms gave out, she wasn't able to hold on any longer.

   She fell from the ledge and crashed onto the hard dumpster. There was a small space between the dumpster and the wall and Chloe's body fell between the two. Her arm wrenched behind her and her foot twisted sideways. Her head collided with the wall making her vision spin. Carefully Chloe used her free arm to pull herself out of the crevice. She lay breathing deeply on top of the dumpster.

   A heavy door opened and shut with a bang. She could hear menacing steps pounding the ice and concrete. Chloe scrambled to get away from the building. As she tried to move she felt her foot jamb against the brick wall. She couldn't get free of the steely grip of the dumpster and the confining presence of the wall. She pulled and twisted her leg as she lay helpless on the dumpster. The steps were getting louder and more menacing every time a foot contacted with the ground. With a final tug on her leg there was a tare, a crack, she was free. She rolled off the dumpster landing ungracefully on the floor. There was a smell if rotting garbage and a sharp pain that rocketed trough her body. She felt incapacitated, unable to move but she was determined to get away. She pushed herself of the ground, as she stood the world spun and her legs tried to give way. Chloe caught herself before she hit the ground again. She staggered forward as she felt the footsteps closing in on her. The footsteps were on top of her, they were going to crush her, her heart raced. She threw herself forward, tripping over her own feet she fell on her hands, crawling she turned the corner to the side of the building. Chloe collapsed. The footsteps stopped. She heard unclear voices, only able to catch a few words.

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