How She Dreams - Part 11

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   It had been three days since Chloe's conversation with the Wade brothers. Since that day she had not talked to either Devon or Darren and she had been anticipating an embarrassing confrontation with them. Chloe had taken Devon's threat about talking to Marc seriously. As much as she was embarrassed by the thought of the conversation that would occur between the two boys she was curios to know how Marc would react.  Chloe was beginning to think that her instinct to believe Devon had been incorrect.

She was standing at her locker when Liliana jumped on her.

"Chloe!" Liliana was shrieking in her ear. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing." Chloe was confused by the sudden appearance of her friend and the ringing in her ears was not helping her concentrate. "Why do you want to know?" Liliana started rambling about a story Chloe was finding hard to follow. All she was able to grasp was the name Devon and something about bowling.

"Chloe, pay attention! Are you going to come tonight or not?" Chloe snapped back to reality.

"I'm sorry what are we doing tonight?" Liliana sighed exasperated and out of breath from the long explanation she had already given.

"Long story short Devon asked my friends and I, meaning you, to go bowling with some of his friends tonight. You have to come, Whitney doesn't know if she can come, Courtney is already going out with Jeffery and I don't want to go alone!"

"No offence but why did he ask you?"

"Well I've been talking to him after school for the past few days and when I mentioned that we weren't doing anything tonight he asked if we wanted to tag along with him."

"Well I guess so."

"Yay, thank you! I'll be at your house at five." Liliana ran down the hallway laughing. Chloe thought it was strange that Devon had invited Liliana to hangout when he had only talked to her a few times. Well Liliana seems happy, that's all that's important.

   At five Liliana bounded into Chloe's room.

"Hi, Chloe."

"Hey." Unlike Liliana, Chloe sounded unenthusiastic.

"Aren't you excited about tonight?"

"I guess, but you have more to be excited about, you like Devon don't you?" Liliana blushed.

"Yeah, he's so funny and really good looking." Liliana was staring off into space with a dreamy look in her eyes. For once it was Chloe bringing Liliana back to reality. When Liliana returned from her daydream she immediately jumped into action. She opened her backpack and pulled out a pile of outfits. "Chloe come help me pick something to wear." In half an hour Liliana was satisfied with her outfit. She was wearing a loose purple top with black skinny jeans and tall brown boots. Chloe decided to stay in the clothes she had worn to school; blue jeans, a bright green long sleeve shirt and cream coloured boots.

   "Oh" Liliana sounded flabbergasted "we are suppose to be there already." Liliana had just looked at her watch for the first time since she arrived and was amazed at how quickly the time had passed. The girls hurried out of the house pulling Chloe's mother behind them. Chloe and Liliana slid into the back seat together while Mrs. Acker sat behind the wheel.

   Ten minutes later they were pulling up in front of the bowling alley. The outside of the building was covered in chipped white paint and a glowing neon sign that should have read Bowling hung over the rusting blue doors. The sign was old just as the building was and as the result of poor maintenance, the unfortunate sign now read Bowing. Chloe pushed open the cold metal door and stepped into the bowling alley. The inside was also in a state of disrepair. The paint was starting to chip off the walls but to lesser of an extent as the outside. The tiled floor of the entrance way was scuffed and cracked. The sight of the ten lanes, the rundown snack counter and the outdated arcade filled Chloe with memories. She had come to this bowling alley many times as a child, her elementary school sometimes come here for field trips and most of her friends had thrown at least one of their birthday parties here.

   Devon was leaning against the snack counter at the other end of the building when Chloe and Liliana walked in. He waved and headed towards them.

"You two are late." Devon's voice was full of mockery, Chloe suspected it usually was. Liliana was embarrassed and turned pink. She looked at her watch to check the time again.

"Were only ten minutes late!" Liliana appeared to not have understood that he was joking. Devon laughed.

"Go get your shoes, the rest of us are already over there." He gestured to a group of people sitting at the last two lanes. There were about ten people gathered around talking and joking, they appeared to mostly be guys around the same age as Chloe. Chloe sighed inwardly. This is going to be fun, not awkward at all, Chloe thought sarcastically to herself. At least I'm with Liliana, she's good in these kinds of situations.

   After getting their bowling shoes, size nine for Chloe and size eight for Liliana, and after they had placed their boots on the lopsided shoe rack they walked over to the group of people. Devon jumped up from his seat to introduce everyone. As Devon introduced Liliana and her to everyone Chloe smiled at each person trying to remember all the names. Halfway through the group Chloe froze, sitting across from were she stood sat the boy she had met only once and yet felt so close to. Her heart faltered and her brain went blank. All the names she had just learned were forgotten and she was no longer listening to Devon's introductions. Chloe stared into his deep gray eyes and he stared back for a moment before breaking his eye contact and looking around the room as if she was not standing in front of him. Devon had finished his introductions and the conversation had once again started. The boy named Marc excused himself and headed to the washrooms near the small arcade in the front left corner of the building. Chloe sat in the hard plastic chair shocked that he was here, what are the chances? This is not normal.


Hope you liked this part, tell me what you think :)

I am also trying to think of a new title for this story so if you have a suggestion let me know, I already have a few possiblities that I have thought of but I want to know what other people think would be a good title.

Comment, fan, vote I'll return the favour :D

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