How She Dreams - Part 14

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Hey, so in case your curious (and your probably not but I'm going to tell you anyways) I had some plot/continuity problems with this part but I fixed them, for the most part. there is still one I'm struggling with but I just have to work around it some how, although I don't think any of you will be able to catch it, let me know if you do :P

Please enjoy... or not enjoy if you don't like it but either way tell me what you think. I don't want false critiques of my writing I want some brutal honesty so if anyone is willing to give me that feel free to :D Thanks and remember to fan, vote, like, comment whatever you feel like.


   Chloe was lying in bed after returning from the bowling alley. Her mind racing with the events of the past few hours. She had met and talked to a person who should be a figment of her imagination. What is wrong with me? What is wrong with him? He just collapsed to the floor in the middle of our conversation. I hope he's all right, although it's really annoying and dishearten that he didn't even say goodbye. I felt like he was beginning to open himself up to my questions and who knows if I'll ever see him again. Chloe sighed deeply and sunk further into her pillow. She closed her eyes surrounding herself in darkness.

   The night passed and Chloe woke up ready to start a new day, yet constantly replying her second encounter with the boy. All day she thought about the situation and that night she once again lay in bed with her mind racing. Quickly she fell asleep only tonight she was haunted by her dreams.

   Something was happening but she couldn't tell what. She was distracted by the now familiar face that donned gray eyes. He was discreetly watching her through a crowd of people. What's going on? Chloe tried to take in her surroundings. She was standing with what looked to be a protest. A tall old building loomed over her and the others, it looked as if it was a government building. Why am I here? I've never been in a protest before! What's happening? The people around her were begging to invade her personal space. She was being closed in on. On the outside of the crowd she could still see the boy's face. He was moving farther away from her. The protesters were moving closer. The only familiar person to her was leaving, becoming more distant. There was shouting and cheering coming from the advancing crowed. The noise was washing over her like a tsunami that brought wave after wave of sounds crashing over her head. The protesters had become a mob, they were close enough to touch her. There was screaming, Chloe began to panic, she needed to get out. For some reason she was still searching for the boy, as if he was the only one who could save her. He was the one thing she recognized in the bizarre place she had found her self. She tried to breathe deeply to keep herself calm but quickly her breathing became short and fast. The last thing she saw was a glint of grey eyes watching her far off in the distance.

   Chloe found herself sitting up in bed, she was covered in sweat and her breathing was irregular. That's it, I need to know what's going on right now!Chloe was fuming, she couldn't stand the fact that she didn't know what was happening to her, she had put up with her questions for long enough, she was not going to wait any longer for an answer. She glanced at the clock and to Chloe's surprise it was already 7 A.M. It had only felt like a few minutes in which she was asleep but despite her feeling the whole night had passed. She jumped out of bed and ran to the shower in her parent's ensuite. Luckily her parents were already awake so she didn't have to worry about the noise she was making. Chloe took the quickest shower of her life, wrapped herself in a towel and ran back to her room where she grabbed her jeans off the floor and the first clean shirt she put her hands on. In five minutes she was dressed in the same jeans she had worn the night before, a blue t-shirt and had her wet hair pulled back in a messy French braid. As she made her way down the stairs she nearly tripped in her hurry.

"Where are you going?" Chloe's mother called to her from the living room as she raced past. Chloe stopped in her tracks, where am I going? She'd been in such a rush she had never considered the thought that she didn't know were or how to find Marc.

"Um," Chloe hesitated "I'm going to a friend's house."

   Half an hour later Chloe was banging on the front door of the Wade house hold. Over the phone she had quickly gotten the address from a sleepy and confused Liliana and then made her way hastily across town looking for the house. Chloe figured the twins would know where Marc lived. The door creaked on its hinges as it swung outwards to reveille one of the sleepy-eyed, ruffled hair Wade twins who was dressed in boxer shorts and a t-shirt. He was startled to see a girl standing at his door so early in the morning and his face clearly showed his confusion.

"Hi." The twin said hesitantly. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yeah, are you Devon or Darren?"


"Ok, I need to ask a favour from you." Chloe was speaking as fast as she could.

Darren interrupted her flow of words. "I'm sorry I've forgotten your name."

"It's Chloe, I went bowling with you and your friends two nights ago and I go to school with you." Chloe was impatient.

"Ok, I remember now. So what's the favour?" Before Chloe could explain Devon walked up behind his brother.

"Well, well, well, look who's here." As always Devon's voice was playful and devious.

"Hi Devon," Chloe's voice was impatient "I was trying to ask your brother a question."

"Well you know you could ask me, I could probably answer it."

Chloe groaned internally, she didn't want to be dealing with Devon at the moment. "Thanks, but I'm good." Chloe turned back to Daren. "You know your friend Marc?"

"Yeah." Daren was getting more and more confused the longer he stood in the doorway freezing.

"Well I need to know where he lives."

There was silence as Daren pondered the puzzling situation. Before he could reply Devon interjected.

"Oh la la, why do you need to know?"

"I just need to talk to him, and it's none of your business." Chloe was using a calm and quiet voice but inside she was furious with Devon for making this take longer than necessary and at herself for being impatient.

"Just talk?" Devon raised his eyebrows. "Whatever you say little love bird."

"Could you please just tell me?"

"Of course, what kind of friend would I be if I denied Marc of a visit from a nice girl like you?"

Daren rolled his eyes and walked away from his brother. Chloe heard him whisper as he left the doorway "He's going to hate you Devon."

Devon ignored the comment. "So, Chloe, let me draw you a map."

   Luckily the directions were simple and she didn't have far to go. Devon had elegantly drawn his map and directions on a napkin, Chloe clutched them as she walked two blocks then made a left and found herself on what was supposedly the right street. On either side of the street rose tall brick houses, cookie-cutter houses. Usually Chloe disliked subdivisions were every house was the same, but this street had a certain charm to it. Trees lined the snow covered gardens and vines encircled each house creating patterns across the red bricks. Chloe was looking for house number 80, she walked past each house carefully checking the brass numbers that hung beside every door. The street started at house number 96 Chloe walked passed a few more houses. 92, getting closer. 90, 88, I hope I'm on the right side of the street. 82 it should be the next one. 80. Chloe stood and stared at the house. There was nothing spectacular about it, it was exactly the same as every other house she had passed. If there's nothing different about it then why am I suddenly scared? Probably because this was an insane idea, why would he answer my questions now when I'm basically stalking him? This was a bad idea I should just leave now. But I am already here, I would be wasting my time if I left now. Chloe's first decision to find Marc took over her worries. Chloe climbed the short flight of stairs and knocked on the hard wooden door.

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