How She Dreams - Part 12

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   Marc swore loudly, the women walking down the short hallway gave him a dirty look. Marc was furious with himself. What is wrong with me? This was the second time he had accidentally run into Chloe. As much as he was intrigued with her he didn't want this to happen. I need my job, my future depends on it, what if I get fired? Marc stomped over to the washroom and violently kicked the door open. The bathroom was outdated and in shambles. One of the stall doors was missing and the single florescent light hung precariously from the ceiling creating an eerie glow and deep shadows on the walls. Marc tried to turn on the hot water to wash his face with but the tap appeared to be broken. He tried the second sick but there was only cold water. Marc splashed a handful of water on his face cringing and shivering from the icy feel. There were no paper towels so he dried his face with the bottom of his light blue shirt leaving a visible wet mark but he didn't care.

   Marc leaned against the sink trying to sort out the situation, I can't stay here, I have to leave, the more time I'm around her the more likely Mr. Fuller will know what happened. I'll just go tell everyone that I have to leave early and I'll go home. Marc took a deep breath and readied himself to see her. He took a look in the mirror before leaving the washroom. His face was contorted in a state of great thought and concern, he took another deep breath focusing on returning his face into a casual state. The overall look on his face now looked natural but Marc could still see the concern deep in his own eyes. Marc flattened his hair with his hands, it had become ruffled and was standing up at odd angles during his state of frustration. After making himself presentable and not appearing as a maniac he turned to go.

   Back in the bowling alley his friends were taking their first turns.

"Hey, Marc hurry up your turn is next." Ethan called across the room. Ethan was sitting at a lane with his friend Justin, Devon, Chloe and the girl Chloe had arrived with. Marc had missed her name when he was distracted by the realization that it was Chloe who was being introduced to him. The rest of the group was sitting at the lane adjacent to the first playing their own game of bowling. When Marc was standing behind the small group of chairs he spoke quietly.

"I have to go, my mom wants me home."

"That's ridicules you haven't even had a turn yet." Devon jumped out of his seat and walked to Marc's side. "Your mom will be fine if you stay a few more minutes, besides you don't even have a ride home." Before Marc could protest Devon had thrown his arm over Marc's shoulder and was leading him to the open seat beside Chloe. No, please no! Marc tried to squirm out of Devon's secure grasp but he was unsuccessful, he was forced to sit on a cold, hard seat next to Chloe. Marc now had no choice but to stay, at least until he could invent a better excuse to why he had to leave. The moment he sat down he could hear a soft buzzing in his ears and feel the presence of excess static electricity throughout his whole body. Marc sat staring straight ahead trying not to move a mussel. To his friends it appeared as if Marc was trying to hide from a tyrannosaurs rex. Marc was trying not to draw attention to himself by moving as little as possible but it had the opposite effect as he had wanted. His friends were now watching him curiously, Marc remained oblivious to the eyes on him until it was his turn. As he stood up from his seat he noticed that the group of people that he was playing with were watching him more intently than they normally would.

   He walked over to the ball return and picked up a heavy blue ball, it was cold and uncomfortable in Marc's hands. He approached the lane and rolled the ball, as Marc had expected it rolled off course and landed in the gutter, the group behind him laughed knowing that they couldn't do much better than him. Marc took his turn slowly prolonging when he would have to return to the seat beside his nightmare. As slow as he took his turn it eventually came to a close. He had only managed to knock down three of the ten pins meaning that so far he was losing.

   This is extremely strange, what do I do? The boy named Marc was sitting beside her in the next seat. He looked uncomfortable, she thought that maybe it was because he was bad at bowling, he did have the lowest score. Chloe didn't blame Marc for looking uncomfortable, she felt as uncomfortable as he looked. Liliana was talking and laughing with Devon, the two boys Ethan and Justin were joking around with the rest of the group by throwing multiple bowling balls down the lane at once. The man behind the front counter was watching the group of teenagers closely, obviously concerned for the safety of the building. This left Marc and Chloe sitting quietly side-by-side absorbed in their own thoughts, ignoring the other. After a few moments of awkward silence Chloe turned to Marc.

"So." Marc glanced at Chloe but didn't respond. Chloe was embarrassed that he had ignored her. "Looks like we wont be playing a real game of bowling." Chloe gestured to the large group of people rolling bowling balls down the lanes.

"I suppose not." Marc replied without looking in her direction. Despite the coldness with which he spoke his voice was as soft as a blanket encircling her and as smooth ­­­­as­­­ a warm glass of milk. Marc once again returned to a state of silence.

"Why are you ignoring me?" The question slipped out of Chloe before she could realize what she was saying. Oh, no. Did I just say that out loud? Chloe clasped her hand over her mouth in reaction to her embarrassment. This is why I don't talk to boys, I always just end up embarrassing my self. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that, please don't answer." Chloe murmured her words through her hand. There was another moment of silence.

"You know why." Marc replied in a whisper that he hoped Chloe wouldn't hear.


"You Know why." Marc repeated louder.

"No, I don't." Chloe was confused by Marc's comment. I have no clue why he's ignoring me, I'm not a mind reader.

"Are you embarrassed or something?" Once again Chloe talked before she considered her words. Her face turned red.

"Yeah, of course." Marc's answer didn't convince Chloe. She turned her body more to face him properly, even though he was still staring straight ahead.

"Ok, so you're not embarrassed, what's the real reason?"

"I told you, you know why."

"No, just tell me!" Chloe was getting irritated. Despite that she laughed. "You're not ignoring me anymore." As much as Marc tried not to he smiled.

"I guess not."

"So, can you please tell me what you mean?"

"If you thought about it for a moment you would know." Marc got up from his seat and walked towards the snack counter. Chloe was left sitting alone so she jumped out of her seat and followed him. He was leaning against the counter when she caught up. Chloe ordered a lemonade and leaned next to Marc at the counter. When her lemonade arrived she pulled a toonie out of her back pocket and handed it to the girl behind the counter. As she sipped her drink Chloe thought about why Marc didn't want to talk to her. Maybe it's possible he knows about my dreams, it seems like anything could be true. But how do I ask him something like that, he'll probably just think I'm insane, and maybe I am. Carefully Chloe started to talk, for some reason being around him had made her forget to think before speaking and she didn't want to say something spontaneous again.

"If I guess why you won't talk to me will you tell me if I'm right?" Marc contemplated Chloe's deal.

"You could try guessing but I don't think I'll tell you."

"Well I have a theory, but you can't laugh or think I'm insane." Chloe looked sternly into Marc's eyes and felt a tingle of a strange sensation course through her body.

"Tell me what your theory is and then I'll decide whether or not I will laugh, but I do promise that I won't think you're insane." Chloe was happy enough with Marc's answer so she began to tell him her theory as to why he was trying to ignore her.


I hope you enjoy this part of my story, I'm sory if its not the best, I was writing most of it during class and it was kind of noisy, and I havent done much editing to it :P

If you like it or not let me know, any suggestions on how to make it better?

Comment, like, vote, fan whatever I will return the favour :D

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