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"Wanda, will you listen!" Lorna shouts as she dodges the objects being thrown at her. Her sister tossing everything she can in the room towards Lorna.

Wanda was yelling and crying in Sokovian. Words that even their parents would pale at hearing.

"Како се усуђујеш! Лорна! Како си могао да сачуваш овако нешто од мене!"

"I'm sorry! Please just stop throwing things!" Lorna shouts her green forcefield up and protecting her against Wanda's anger.

"You lied Lorna! Why didn't you tell me? Tell Pietro?!" Sorrow was filling Lorna.

She didn't like this, she felt like a hypocrite.

She was a hypocrite.

And a horrible sister.

Lorna watched as Wanda fell down, bringing her knees to her chest. A red bubble appearing above her. To not let Lorna in. Lorna sighs and drops to her knees.

"I'm sorry Сестра, please, let me explain." Lorna says softly, feeling as if she's consoling an injured animal. Wanda had ignored her. Lorna let a curse out under her breathe. She looks over to the door, surprised no one has barged in yet due to their screams and the sound of everything breaking.

Maybe they knew to stay out of family affairs.

Wanda had calmed down - slightly, more crying now as she sits on the floor and buries her head into her knees. The bubble of energy still around her, Lorna could feel a slight heat come from the bubble.

"Wanda . . . I'm sorry, you need to know how sorry I am." Lorna whispers as Wanda's red shield starts to crack and fall away.

Once the forcefield separating the sisters had dissipated, Lorna reaches out with hesitation, placing her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Please hear me out, Sister. Please." Wanda looks up from her knees and meets her green, teary eyes with Lorna's concerned ones.

"Speak." Wanda says brokenly. And a new wave of guilt consumes Lorna.

"I'm a . . . horrible sister - I know I am. This was never something I should have kept from you." Wanda scoffs. "You think?"

Lorna continues; "I found out a little before everything went south there - a couple weeks before the avengers came. I was having issues fighting them - and torture wasn't working." Lorna says with a humorless chuckle as Wanda's head snaps up as she looks at Lorna.

"Wait Lorna - What?" Wanda asks, shocked but Lorna continues without answering her. She never wanted anyone - let alone her siblings know the lengths HYDRA went to get Lorna to conform to their will.

"What Strucker finally used to break me, was the truth about our father."

"Couldn't he be lying? They did that." Wanda says and Lorna shakes her head.

"It makes sense though. Why we're the only ones that survived touching the scepter. If our father's a mutant - we'd inherit the gene, it has a chance of coming out or not. And touching the stone triggered us. It also explains why none of us look like Papa." Lorna had reasoned. She did at first - believe they were lying to her to break her spirit. But as she thinks about it - the more she knew that they were telling the truth.

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