Chapter twelve

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The Hogwarts station faded into the distance as the Hogwarts Express carried students away, to go celebrate the holidays with their families, while some stayed behind to celebrate while at Hogwarts.

Nikki laid back in the compartment that she shared with Lily and another one of their friends, the kiss was still on her mind, and even though it was two days ago she felt as if she could still feel it on her lips. The same tingling feeling like it had just happened.

It confused Nikki that Severus kissed her, then he left and didn't come back to the party. It confused her even more that he did that when he had feelings for Lily, someone who Nikki had grown very close to this year.

Nikki stayed silent, staring up at the ceiling of the compartment while in deep thought. It wasn't until Lily said Nikki's name and poked at her that Nikki snapped out of her thoughts "Nikki, what is going on? You and Sevvy seemed so uncomfortable around each other today." mentioned Lily.

Sitting up, Nikki looked around "I will owl you about it, I don't want James to find out, him and his huge ego wouldn't like it." replied Nikki, she dreaded the moment that James found out that Severus kissed her, she wanted to keep it from him as long as possible.

Lily stared at Nikki, completely puzzled. She couldn't think of anything that could've happened between Severus and Nikki that would make them uncomfortable around each other, and yet  that James wouldn't like. Not that James liked anything that involved Nikki and Severus.

"Promise you will write me?" asked Lily, she really wanted to know what happened, but she understood why Nikki wouldn't tell her on the train.  Lily found James to be very rude, and she didn't get what the other girls saw in him.

Nikki nodded "Of course, I will write you once I get home." she informed "My family will be to busy welcoming James home to notice me slipping upstairs to my room." Nikki added with a roll of her eyes, it was clear that James was the favorite.

The rest of the train ride went pretty smoothly, with only a few interruptions, once by Sirius and Remus, and twice by James, all of which were attempts to get Nikki to come sit with them. But Nikki rejected each attempt, not wanting to spend more time with them than she had to.

It wasn't until Nikki, James and Sirius were walking up to James and Nikki's house that Nikki really wished  that she had stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas this year "Its cold" whined Sirius for the tenth time since they got of the train.

Even though it was annoying Nikki that Sirius said that a lot, she had to agree, it was quite chilly and windy. James walked up the snow covered stairs, a thick Gryffindor scarf was wrapped around his neck, he knocked on the door, since he had no key to get in.

Sirius peered at Nikki, who was looking off in the distant, it wasn't too long ago, just the beginning of the year. That Nikki seemed so close with the four of them, even with Peter,  now she was so far away, and withdrawing herself more and more each day.

As the front door opened, a elderly woman stood behind it, the moment she saw James she pulled him into a hug. This person was their mother, both of their parents were in the elderly age, they weren't able to have kids until late in life.

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