Chapter seven

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A/n: Sorry for the wait! Shouldn't be long before the next chapter, the song included is pretty much how Nikki feels ;) and thanks to  nightlight123 for the awesome cover.

Nikki walked slowly into a room, glancing behind her to make sure the door shut behind her. When she looked back in front of her she spotted two forms slowly take shape into two sofas in front  of a fireplace, watching this made a small smile grow on Nikki's face.

The room she was in was the Room of Requirement, a room she and James found last year, she had only ever been it in once last year, but she was glad that she was able to remember where it was to come back to it this year, but not with James.

Nikki slowly moved to the fireplace and stopped in front of it, she slowly lifted a hand and touched the carving in the cold stone. Her fingers ran slowly from the tip of the carving and down its curvy body to the bottom, but she didn't  move her fingers when the carving stopped.

It was a carving of a snake, on the other side of the fireplace was a Lion.  Slytherin and Gryffindor,  together as one, no fighting. Something Nikki hoped for, hoped for it because she didn't like the stupid rivalry, because she wanted to get to know Severus with out worrying what other people from the houses would do.

The door opened with a creak, this startled Nikki and made her turn around on the heels of her feet. Nikki expected to see Lily and Severus, but she was surprised to see just Severus "Oh. Where's Lily?" asked Nikki with curiosity in her voice.

Severus moved into the room, making sure the door shut behind him and slowly disappeared into the wall "She's giving some extra homework to Professor Slughorn" Severus answered, Lily was one of Professor Slughorn's favorite students, Severus couldn't blame him for feeling that way.

At that moment, Nikki wished that the Room of Requirement helped mentally, as she needed words to say but nothing came to mind. The words she wanted to say, she couldn't and she wouldn't say them, not now and probably not ever.

Severus went to sit down on one of the chairs around the fireplace, but then he caught something about Nikki that he had never really noticed before, since his attention was almost always on Lily. He noticed that behind her a few pieces of black hair, Nikki had hazel eyes, darker than the ones James' had. And unsurprisingly, they weren't cold like his were either.

"Are you going to tell her?" Nikki asked, breaking  the silence between them, she kept her eyes away from him. She didn't think she could look at him after asking that and while he replied, she didn't know if she would give something away.

"Tell who what?" replied Severus, slightly confused,   he wasn't sure who Nikki was referring to. Or what Nikki was referring to, surely if she knew about something he should've known right away what she meant, so why didn't he?

A smile that almost seemed sad appeared on Nikki's face "Tell Lily how you feel about her." explained Nikki  when Severus went to open his month to speak, Nikki cut him off "Don't say you don't like  her, I see the way you look at her." she continued.

Severus should've figured that was what Nikki was referring to, he knew she and Lily were pretty close, and he knew that Nikki wasn't stupid and should've known that she would've figured it out "Are you going to tell the person you like that you like them?" he challenged.

For a split second, Severus could've sworn he saw a flash of sadness fill Nikki's eyes, but it was gone as quick as it came "How do you know that I like someone?" Nikki asked, she was now trying her hardest not to blush in front of him.

" I heard you talking at breakfast about it." replied Severus with a small shrug, this made Nikki very glad that she didn't give them a name this morning, or else she didn't know how Severus would treat her if he had found out, or if he ever finds out.

Nikki shook her head at last " I know he doesn't feel the same way about me, so no I'm not going to tell him." said Nikki, glancing away from Severus,  she thought it was somewhat sad that she was talking to him about this considering he was the one that she liked.

Severus stared at her for a moment "I don't see why not,  you are a cool person and a great friend." said Severus honestly, he was starting to feel as if Nikki was one of his best friends, sometimes he saw her more of a best friend than Lily.

"Thanks..." mumbled Nikki, she was trying to hide the fact that those words bothered her. She now knew the slim chances she had of getting Severus to like her back were gone, he only saw her as a friend and that what he would ever see her as.

When Severus went to speak again, he was cut short when Lily entered the room. What Nikki had told him about telling Lily rang in his head making his stomach twist into a knot, he couldn't tell her, not now at least. When they were alone.

"Hey guys." greeted Lily, she took her spot next to Severus on one of the chairs. Nikki gave Lily a small smile then turned her attention on something else, she was waiting for Severus to tell her "Sorry I was late... Professor Slughorn wanted to talk.." she explained.

Severus nodded and they fell into a long uncomfortable silence, none of them knew what to say, all the things they thought of saying they didn't. Normally they could think of anything to talk about, but today was different, it was just silent.

Nikki finally built up the nerve to look at Severus and Lily, and finally broke the silence " You guys can go  and hang out around the castle if you want... The only reason why we have to be here is cause if James found out I hang out with you guys..." she spoke, trying not to look down at her feet.

This brought a frown to Lily's face "You're our friend too, you shouldn't  be afraid of what your brother would think." she said, she didn't want Nikki to feel like this was her fault, when it wasn't. If James wasn't  a bully, they wouldn't feel the need to sneak around.

"I am not afraid of what he will think, I am worried about what he will do, he already bullies Severus for no reason, he picks on me all the time, I don't want you to get dragged into this Lily, and I don't want Severus to get more bullied than he already is." explained Nikki, last thing she would want is for them to get hurt.

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