Chapter five

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The next two weeks seemed to blur by for Nikki, her classes have kept her more than busy enough. And of course, every so often Nikki would over hear the praise from teachers about James. Nikki was beyond used to being out shined by James, it didn't bother her anymore.

He is a role-model student after all Nikki thought with a roll of the eyes, she's heard a teacher say that before. It was definitely not helping James' ego at all,  there was some days that Nikki found it down right silly that they saw James as a role-model for students. If only they saw the true him Nikki thought shaking her head.

But all in all, it had been a pleasant first two weeks for Nikki. There was only one thing that put a damper  on Nikki's mood, the begining of this week, Nikki finally gave decided to stop lying to herself, she finally let herself realized that she did have a crush on Severus.

Yet, Nikki couldn't bring herself to stop biting her tongue and try to make James stop bullying Severus, no matter how much she wanted to. Just as Nikki went to go into the great hall for breakfast, she was stopped by none other than Severus himself.

"Good morning." greeted Nikki cheerfully, she had started hanging out with Lily and Severus last week. But of course considering how things were, it had to be done in secret. They almost got caught once by Remus, who was already suspicious. But Lily covered for Nikki, saying she was just hanging out with her.

Today, Severus' hair looked unusually clean, Nikki assumed that he was trying to impress Lily. As much as Nikki would hate to admit it, but she knew that Severus' feeling for Lily were strong, and as far as Nikki knew. Lily wasn't as close to any guy, or possibly anyone as she was with Severus

"Are you still meeting with me and Lily today?" asked Severus sounding cautious, just in cause someone came around the corner. Severus would be lying if he said that since he and Lily started to spend more time with Nikki that he wasn't more surprised with her.  It seemed at times that Nikki understood him better than Lily did, even on the rare times he would bring up the dark arts.

Nikki shook her head sadly "Can't today, or possibly this week. It's that time of the year." said Nikki pausing for a second to frown "Quidditch try-outs, James is going to be grilling me to try out for the time." Nikki continued with a sigh.

This strangely saddened Severus, he enjoyed talking to Nikki, but he understood why she couldn't go. He just hoped that Lily was still able to meet up, but with how busy shes been, he's not too sure if she will be free or not.  Severus also hoped if she couldn't make it, that it's not because of James.

When Severus didn't speak up, Nikki did "Well, I will talk to you some time soon I guess." said Nikki with a small wave before going into the great hall, and she started to wonder if it was a good idea for her to be spending time with Severus. Not that she didn't want to, but she knew that Severus liked Lily, she didn't want to seem like a third wheel. And she didn't want Severus to get hurt if James found out.

As Nikki walked down to the Gryffindor table, she couldn't help but sigh when she spotted James and another member of the Quidditch team wearing their Quidditch uniforms, there was no game, only try-outs. But they were wearing them anyway.

"And, it has been confirmed that I will be the captain next year." said James, his hair was messy, he had done that in hopes to get Lily's attention, that it would impress her. But much to James' disappointment, Lily seemed to be paying no attention to him whatsoever

Nikki walked over to the table and just as James went to speak again, she cut him off " It's because you've been in Quidditch since your second year and the captain was so impressed by your skills he made you co-captain, I think we all heard it before." said Nikki rolling her eyes.

James glared irritatedly at Nikki, as if she interrupted one of the best stories, in his eyes, it was one of the best. James saw himself as one of the best, if not the best Quidditch player on the team, the only other person who James thought could be better than him was the Seeker as it was the most important position on the team.

Sitting down next to Sirius, Nikki looked at the two girls who were sitting by James, listening to every word he said about the 'story' he was telling "Don't you two have something better to do rather than drooling over my brother?" asked Nikki.

The older one of the two girls, who looked to be in James' year,  whipped the side of her mouth with her sleeve. Seeing this made Nikki slam her head onto the table and shake her head, this got a laugh from a decent amount of people at the table.

Still not realizing that Nikki didn't mean it literally, the eldest girl spoke "Well, I can't help it, James is just that, cool and amazing." she said with a slightly cheerful tone to her voice, this made Nikki want to repeatedly hit her head against the table.

When Nikki looked up again, she noticed James was smirking and had a victorious look in his eyes "Don't say that, you are going to inflate his head bigger than it already is. If it gets any bigger its going to explode" complained Nikki, getting a laugh from Remus and Sirius, while getting a cold look from James.

Frustrated by his sister's actions, James used the first idea that came to his head "Now, don't be jealous Nikki." said James with a hint of smugness to his voice. This got Sirius and Remus listening eagerly, clearly more interested than they were when James was telling his 'story'

Hearing this made Nikki laugh un-amused "And why would I be jealous of you for?" questioned Nikki, the expression on her face showed she was even more un-amused. The exact opposite of what showed on Remus and Sirius' faces.

"Simple enough, you  are jealous because people like me more, including mum and dad, you see how they treat me compared to you. I am better at more things than you, I can see why you would be jealous." said James, by the tone of his voice, it sounded like he meant every word.

Rage and sadness exploded in Nikki, she was used to knowing this, she was used to people thinking of this. But for some reason, hearing someone telling her all these things to her face, hit her hard. Nikki felt like she was going to be sick.

Sirius and Remus were no longer watching in amusement but they were now watching Nikki, waiting to see how she was going to react.  Nikki stayed silent, trying to calm herself some before speaking again, she felt as if it was dangerous for her speak right now.

From the Slytherin table, Severus couldn't help but stare as Nikki and James, he saw it as Nikki was hopelessly trying to defend herself. It only made Severus feel more bad for Nikki, the way James treated her sometimes, it made him feel as if what James did to him was nothing.

Finally feeling able to speak again, Nikki stared coldly at James "You are so bloody full of yourself." snapped Nikki, her voice trembled with anger "James, its time to wake up and smell the magic. And get over yourself!" continued Nikki, making James go speechless.

Feeling as if she was on the verge of tears, Nikki got up from the table and began to walk off. She didn't know if she was about to cry because shes angry, or because she was frustrated or even plain and simple. Because she felt hurt.

Severus watch as Nikki walked out of the great hall, he was worried that she was about to cry. After silently debating whether to go check on her, he spotted Lily walk past James, shooting what he could only assume was a very dark look, and walk out after Nikki.

Still quiet,  James, Sirius and Remus  didn't even look at each other. They were all stunned, they had never seen Nikki get so angry before, they never seen her blow up like that.  Sirius was surprised that Nikki didn't make something happen to James from being so angry.

James wasn't affected by Nikki's outburst  that much, he was more affected by the look Lily had given him. Even though he knew that it made him lose a lot of chance of being with her, James wasn't going to give up, even if it meant hurting people around him. He was going to be with Lily someday.

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