Chapter eight

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A light layer of snow coated the grounds of the courtyard area of Hogwarts, Christmas was already fast approaching. Students were filled with excitement for the holiday,  but this year Nikki wasn't, it only meant she had to go home with James.

When Nikki went to adjust her Gryffindor scarf, she stopped when someone grabbed her wrist, she opened her mouth to speak as she went to face the person. But it  wasn't James like she expected instead it  was Remus and Peter "Oh, thought you guys were James... Where is he anyway?" asked Nikki.

Remus and Peter exchanged looks before they both grabbed her arms tightly, Nikki cringed under Peter's touch, she was never too fond of him "I'm sorry." whispered Remus only loud enough for Nikki to hear, and  they began to drag her off in the opposite direction of where she was heading.

"Let me go!" Nikki snapped while struggling to break free from their grips, but being younger,shorter and obviously weaker it made it useless " I said let me go! now!" said Nikki again, but they just ignored her,  this only made her more angry and frustrated.

When the lake came into Nikki's field of view, she knew instantly where they were taking her and why. This made her words get caught in her throat, for a moment she didn't know if Peter had used a spell on her, or if she was just couldn't make herself speak.

Hanging upside down from a tree, Severus barely spotted Nikki being dragged over with a miserable look on her face. Though he was the one being bullied, he felt worse for Nikki, she couldn't escape James like he could, she had to deal with him in the dormitory and at home, where as he didn't.

Severus watched as Remus and Peter gave Nikki a small push forward and that Nikki had no time to regain her balance when James and Sirius pulled her into full sight in front of the tree he was hanging from. Nikki looked from James to Severus than back at James.

What Nikki did next surprised a lot of people, including Severus, Nikki shoved James back in pure anger "Back off, James! You're such a bully!" shouted Nikki, Severus wished that Nikki wouldn't stand up for him, he knew that Nikki would only get hurt more by James.

Nikki took a step back when James walked back over to her,  she knew what she did was a bad idea, but he makes her so angry sometimes she wasn't thinking "Nikki, you are going to do something to him, I am not going to let you back off this time" said James.

This made some people start chanting to do something,  but for Severus he just waited to see if she would do anything. Part of him wanted her to do something just so James would get off of Nikki's back about it, so she wouldn't have to worry about James as much.

Nikki's lips moved but Severus couldn't make out what she said, but judging by the look on James' face it wasn't good, James' lips were next to move again he was unable to figure out what he said, so he was glad when he was able to hear Nikki next "I said no James!" she snapped.

"Why? Why wont you? Tell me, and don't give me the excuse of 'you aren't like me' I want a real reason!" shouted James, everyone was now waiting to a fight to break out between them, for spells to start flying, for  someone most likely Nikki to get hurt.

"You want to know so bad why I wont bully him!?" said Nikki angrily, she was obviously fuming with anger "ITS BECAUSE I LIKE HIM!" she blurted out making everyone fall silent, her hands quickly cupped over her mouth and she turned pale.

James' face was livid,  Remus looked as if he been hurt, while Severus was just purely shocked. Nikki turned away and ran off, shoving past the people and didn't even look at Lily as she ran past her. Nikki couldn't believe that she blurted that out.

The spell that hung Severus up stopped, making him drop to the ground with a thud, but he made no effort to get up. He just laid there, still shocked from what Nikki had said, something in Severus knew that it was not just something she said to annoy James.

Something told Severus that Nikki really did like him, which only made him feel guilty, guilty for saying some things he did. For talking to her so much about Lily, while he was to oblivious to the fact that Nikki liked him, it made him wonder how she was able to stand it.

If Lily had talked to him about some other guy Severus didn't know if he would be able to listen to it, even the thought of it made Severus feel a little upset. Severus sat up to see James was still standing where he was before, with the same livid expression his face, but some of the people had left, including Remus.

Just as Severus stood up, James snapped out of his anger included trance like state "Snivellus" said James in a dangerous sounding voice, Severus wished he had gotten up sooner, but that slipped his mind when he heard Nikki accidently confess her feelings "Did you slip my sister a love potion!?" he snapped.

"I didn't slip her anything" said Severus with a scowl, in fact he was pretty sure doing that would be breaking some school rule. And even if he was advanced in potions they wouldn't be learning love potions until their 6th year, and that's still some time away.

"Stay away from my sister, if I catch you or her near each other again, lets just say I know more curses and spells than what I've used on you " threatened James darkly,  he was planning to go deal with Nikki after he was done with Severus. He couldn't believe his own sister would like Severus.

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