Chapter thirteen

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When Sirius snapped out of his awe, he looked at Mr and Mrs. Potter, who look like they had just seen a ghost, in a sense. If he had snapped out like that to his family, it would've earned him a slap to the face and called disrespectful "She is right" said Sirius.

Mrs. Potter grabbed her husband's hand "Maybe we should go look for her.." she said, looking at her husband "Or maybe James..." added Mrs. Potter softly, unsure if looking at their age would be very good for them, she wondered if perhaps sending someone younger would be better.

"I will go, I understand how she feels." said Sirius, he also didn't think that Nikki would want to see any of her family right now. Before any of them tried to stop him because he is the quest, he grabbed his cloak and hesitated before going out the door.

Sirius wasn't too fond of the cold, he preferred the warmer weather. But he would get over the weather to go look for Nikki, he thought of her as a sister, just like he thought of James as a brother.

He felt as if him and Nikki were similar in some ways, they both were constantly were told by family why they couldn't be more like their brother, and they both struggled to find their place in the world. And Sirius was sure that Nikki had a devious side of her that was waiting to break free.

With that being said, Sirius felt that James was out of line with what he did, yet at the same time. Sirius didn't know why he didn't try to stop it. Would he even been able to stop it? Knowing how hardheaded James was, probably not.

Sirius slipped out of the thoughts and went to focus on his mission at hand, but he didn't know this neighborhood, he had no idea where Nikki could have gone. And since its snowing hard it made things even harder.

After awhile, Sirius began to wonder if he should head back and get more people to help, and to also get warm. He was about to start to head back when a strip caught his eye, it stood out against the snow.

As Sirius got closer the black strip started to gain more shape to it, a sense of relief and victory sparked in him, he had done it. Sirius took a step closer “Nikki” he said, glad that she didn't have an invisibility cloak on.

Nikki looked up with a confused face “Sirius, what are you doing here?” she asked, trying to hid a shiver. Her nose was red and her lips had a tiny shade of blue to them, as a result of being outside in the cold for so long.

“You need to come back, your parents are worried about you” said Sirius, and despite being cold himself, and not having that much warm clothes on, he took his cloak off and tried to give it to Nikki, who just shook her head.

“You need it.” said Nikki, bringing her knees closer “And they would only worry about me if I was James. Since I'm not, they aren't worried” she added, and looked away from Sirius “If it was James that was out here they would've went looking for him.” whispered Nikki.

Sirius crouched next to Nikki, not wanting to sit in the snow “I know how you feel” he said, it was one of the reasons why he was leaving home, running away to the Potters. To escape from his family.

Nikki was silent for a long moment, before speaking again, with her gaze still away from Sirius “Why do they keep trying to change us? Make us something we are not?” she asked, and put her head on her knees.

This made Sirius think, it wasn't something he had put too much thought into “I don't know.” he answered truthfully “ It seems like our families can't handle anything less than perfect, or people do don't believe in things they do” said Sirius after a moment.

Being the only Gryffindor in a family of Slytherin made things difficult, not to mention Sirius did not agree with a lot of the things his family believed in, because of this it made almost all of his family not want him to get the inheritance, despite being the heir. They thought it should go to his younger brother, Regulus.

“I'm glad you're going to come live with us” confessed Nikki “Its going to be nice to have someone other than James to talk to, and someone that will understand about all this stupid stuff with family” she continued, finally looking at Sirius again “Even if it means that James will start more trouble with you in the house” added Nikki, that was one part she was dreading.

Sirius grinned hearing this “Well, its not like we can to that much damage, we aren't allowed to do magic outside of school yet.” he stated, he stood up and brushed the snow that made its home on his cloak “We need to get back” he said.

With a sigh, Nikki slowly got up, her body visibly shaking “Fine.” said Nikki in defeat, and when Sirius turned around, a idea popped into Nikki's mind. She bent down and stuck her already red and numb hands into the snow, grabbing a big hand full of it “Sirius.” she said.

Sirius turned around to see what Nikki needed, he had expected for her to ask something, so it surprised him when Nikki threw the snowball at him, hitting him in the shoulder. Taking this as a challenge, Sirius grabbed some snow as well, with a wide grin on his face.

The snowball that Sirius made hit Nikki in the face, which made Nikki flinch in surprise. She quickly grabbed snow to return fire, she didn't care that she was cold, she always loved snowball fights. Even still now that she was a teenager.

Soon as Nikki threw the snowball, Sirius went to make another one, only just getting brushed by the snowball Nikki had just thrown. Nikki ran past Sirius, nearly tripping in the process, when a snowball went flying by, Nikki couldn't help but laugh.

By the time that Nikki and Sirius had gotten back to the house they both were laughing and making small snowballs with their frostbitten hands, they walked into the house, happily welcoming the warmth.

“What happened to you two?” asked Mr. Potter, walking out from the kitchen, and noticing the fact they were both shivering and covered in snow “Where have you two been?” he added.

Nikki went silent, not sure if she wanted to speak to her father “Snowball fight” answered Sirius, still shivering “Not sure where we were, don't know this area” he added, with a shrug and a grin still on his face.

Mr. Potter shook his head, slightly amused at the childish game “Go warm up by the fire you two” he said, knowing that it was very likely that they were too cold “And, Nikki” he added, making Nikki stop when she was walking towards the fireplace. To Nikki's surprise, he hugged her “Love you, kid.” said Mr. Potter.

“I love you too, Father” said Nikki with a confused edge to her voice, her father wasn't one to hug. Once her father let her go and warm up, she sat down next to Sirius “You know, the war isn't over.” she said, making Sirius look at her “proper gear tomorrow, the snowball warn continues” added Nikki with small grin.

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