Chapter three

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Nikki walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, a class she normally enjoyed but today she found herself quite bored. Nikki assumed that the reason she didn't enjoy it as much was it was the first class of the year.

It was a perfectly beautiful day out, which made Nikki want to go outside, but unfortunately she only had one outside class today and that was Astronomy at midnight. While the fourth years this year had Herbology first period this year.

On her way to her Charms class, Nikki was suddenly pulled into a large crowd of people, mainly fourth years "James! What are you doing!?" snapped Nikki as she tried to pull her arm away from her older brother, but failed at it with him being stronger than her.

"You must see this" said James, still pulling her through the crowd and stopped once they got to a small clearing. And what Nikki saw enraged her, Sirius and Remus had what Nikki could only imagine was a iron grip on Severus. She knew what was going on.

They were bullying Severus again, this wasn't the first time Nikki seen this, but this time she felt guilty "Really, James?" questioned Nikki quietly, she hoped that he could hear her over this crowd, some where cheering James on, some were just watching.

"Yes." replied James before he pushed Nikki forward "Do something, go on" said James with a evil tone to his voice, Severus just stared at Nikki, waiting to see what she was going to do to him. What spell she would cast at him, if it would be bad as her brother's or worst.

Nikki shook her head"Are you crazy? No, I'm not getting involved with this" snapped Nikki, this gained a curious look from Severus, she wasn't going to bully him? From what Severus seen of Nikki, she obeyed James a lot, so why wasn't she now?

This seemed to surprise and anger James "Why not?" asked James angrily, Sirius and Remus were now listening in as well. Remus was the only one who an a slight idea as of why Nikki wouldn't do something to Severus, even then he didn't know if it was true.

"Because I am not a bully, I'm not like you." replied Nikki starting at James " I'm not going to go around bullying people, so you can forget about it and leave me out of this." continued Nikki,  James didn't say anything after this, he seemed to be processing what Nikki said.

Nikki took this silence as a time to leave, she didn't want to be late for class, if she ever wanted to be a Professor at Hogwarts. Nikki knew she would have to stay near top if not top of the class, some classes came easier to her than others.

The class Nikki struggled the most in was History of Magic, she found it incredibly boring, but she somehow managed to get better grades than some students. While her best class was Potions, she absolutely loved Potions class.

Another thing Nikki wasn't looking forward too this year was the double Defense Against the Dark Arts on Wednesday classes, it was with Ravenclaw and she didn't get along to well with some of the students in Ravenclaw, it was a mystery why.

This year was going to be different, Nikki knew that since it started out different. She hoped that different was good, and this will be a year to remember not one that was going to be hard. Nikki wanted it to be the best year ever, not that she really believed that it was going to happen.

After Charms class was over, Nikki started to head to the great hall for lunch, she didn't have any other classes until Astronomy and that was not for a few hours. She planned to head to the library to study until dinner since she had nothing else to do.

"Why?" a familiar voice said, Nikki looked over her shoulder to face Severus "Why didn't you do anything earlier? I assume you know plenty of jinxes and curses" continued Severus with no expression on his face,  and barely any emotion in his voice.

Some Gryffindor students stared at Nikki and Severus as they passed by in confusion, a Gryffindor and Slytherin talking "Well, did you want me to bully you?" asked Nikki slightly confused, was she supposed to bully him? Was that something he wanted.

"No." snapped Severus and continued to walk with Nikki, who shrugged at his response "But, why didn't you?" asked Severus for the second time, he really did want to know why she didn't follow in her brother's footsteps and why she didn't bully him.

Nikki sighed, and stared up at him, she didn't see why it mattered "Like I said before, I am not like him. I am not going to bully people I don't like, plus I am tired of him trying to control my life."explained Nikki as if it was completely obvious.

Staring for a moment longer, Nikki was beginning to hope that her feelings were nothing. That she was not developing a big crush on Severus,  it was the last thing she needed to happen. Things were already difficult between her and James lately, this wouldn't help.

"I should go, before James decides to come find me and figure out why I did what I did back there, and you really don't need him giving you more crap. Sorry for the way hes acted to you" said Nikki breaking the silence, it didn't seem right to her, apologizing for what James did.

"Yeah." mumbled Severus grumpily, it wasn't something he could forgive at least not easily. It didn't help with the fact that he loathed James, or that they were in rival houses. It was a constant fight between them, a war even, one that wasn't going to be won anytime soon.

Nikki bit her lip before speaking once again "And, thanks for helping me on the train, it was really sweet of you..." said Nikki softly "See you around" Nikki added before she continued her walk to the great hall, feeling as if she at least accomplished one thing.

Staying in one spot, Severus stared after Nikki. He couldn't figure out how someone so sweet and caring could be the little sister of someone so rude and in a way, evil. There was a lot of things about Nikki didn't understand, a part of him wanted to figure them out.

Severus figured that he and Nikki would be good friends if they had a chance, besides Lilly Evans, Nikki seemed to be one of the only ones who seemed to care about him. But with James being her older brother, he knew that a friendship would never workout for them.

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