Chapter eleven

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Nikki walked down a hall, light by small lights. Lily Evans was by her side, they both were heading to Slughorn's Christmas party he held for the students in the Slug club.They both decided to go without dates, even after Lily tried to get Nikki to ask Severus to be her date.

"Are you excited for your first Slug club  Christmas party?" Lilly asked, Nikki thought for  a moment, was she excited? Was there even anything to be excited about? It was just a Christmas party, but according to Lily, they are fun.

"I could do without all this" replied Nikki at last, and motioned  to the dress her mother sent her for the Christmas party "If only it was like the others, not so lavish" sighed Nikki, she felt like a bit like a Christmas tree in her green, sparkly dress.

Lily giggled "You'll will have fun" she promised  "And maybe you will be able to dance with Severus" added Lily teasingly, Nikki looked away quickly, knowing her cheeks were turning a bright shade of pink.

Nikki shook her head quickly "That won't happen" she replied, still looking away. Nikki was still avoiding Severus, even when he made attempts to talk to her, she would find an excuse to leave. And even though her heart told her not to avoid him, she couldn't help but do it.

Suddenly, Lily grabbed Nikki's wrist and dragged  her to an open door, when they stepped into the room, Nikki looked around wide eyed. Slughorn's office was decorated differently than it usually is, there was multiple colored hanging, that made the room feel more cramped. As well as a soft blue glow from a lamp in the center of the room.

On the other side of the room, Severus stood with his back against one of the hangings, his eyes were shut. He was trying to block everything out, so when someone nudged him in the side, he opened his eyes with a scowl "What?" asked Severus in a bitter tone of voice.

"Look who is here" the person who nudged him said and pointed with his thumb, Severus turned his gaze, and his scowl vanished from his face. He expected Lily to be here, but he figured Nikki would bail, with how much she has been avoiding him.

Severus watched as Professor Slughorn immediately went to greet Lily and Nikki, probably wanting them to meet someone or telling them how brilliant they were at potions, and once again suggest teaching potions one day. He did that a lot with his top students.

It felt like forever until Slughorn moved on to another person, and when he did, Severus stared as Lily said something to Nikki, who nodded in response and looked down at her feet as Lily left to go somewhere. Severus could feel her discomfort from across the room.

Taking this time to ask why she's been avoiding him, Severus moved from the hanging, without another word. He didn't understand why he cared so much, or why Nikki avoiding him actually hurt him, It wasn't the first time someone avoided him, so why did this time feel so different?

" I didn't expect to see you here." said Severus, making Nikki's head snap up. Nikki's hazel eyes met Severus' black ones, her words and breath caught in her throat,  she tried to think of something to say but her thoughts seemed to be jumbled.

Nikki nodded slightly "Its better than sitting in the common room, listening to James complain, and Professor Slughorn would never let me hear the end of it if I skipped out." replied Nikki " I should go find Lily" she added quickly.

Severus reached out to stop her from leaving, but stopped himself "Why are you avoiding me?" asked Severus, making Nikki tense up "You say that you like me, then you avoid me, why is that?" he added, staring at her while waiting an answer.

Dropping her gaze to her feet, Nikki sighed softly "Because I never wanted you to know I like you" she confessed quietly,  Nikki had rather kept it to herself, she felt like things were better off if no one knew how she felt about Severus.

A  look of confusion crossed Severus' face, but was gone as quick as it came "Why?" asked Severus, why wouldn't she want him to know that? Severus briefly wondered if there was something wrong with him that made Nikki not want him to know.

Nikki looked back up at Severus "Because I know you love Lily, and that you have since you were like nine. So by telling you that I like you, it wouldn't of changed anything" replied Nikki, keeping her voice down, afraid that someone could be listening.

Severus tried to think of something to say, to try and make this a little better. But when he glanced up slightly, he suddenly wondered from what he saw, what it would be like.. When Nikki went to turn away to leave, Severus spoke again "Nikki." he said, before touching her wrist.

Nikki looked at him with a slightly confused expression, she saw no point in standing there, or staying with what she had just said. She expected Severus to say something then leave, so what happened next took Nikki by complete surprise.

In the crowded room, amidst the people, under the soft blue glow. And without thinking Severus leaned down slightly, and he kissed Nikki. Shock ravished Nikki's mind and body, she didn't know what to think or what to do.

Once Severus realized what he was doing, he took a step back, Nikki was staring at him with wide eyes. Severus took another step back before turning and leaving the room, leaving Nikki staring at him as he left, unable to move.

Nikki raised her hand and touched the tips of her fingers to lips, he kissed her then left... She wasn't sure what to think or how to feel, when she looked up to see what Severus ever so slightly glanced at, she spotted mistletoe. It made her wonder, did the kiss even mean anything? Or was it nothing and it was just because of the mistletoe?

Severus walked down the corridor to head back to the common room, his mind was racing. Why did he kiss Nikki? He loved Lily, didn't he? If he loved Lily as much as he thought he did, he wouldn't of even thought about kissing Nikki, wouldn't he?

But, he loved Lily a lot, and he has for a while. But, why was it that when he did kiss her,  it was different from what he expected? Why was it that he liked it when he kissed her? The kiss meant nothing.... Right?

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