Chapter fourteen

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“So, how exactly did you both get sick?” questioned Remus, his eyes shifted from Nikki to Sirius. They both caught a cold after spending time outside and having a snowball fight the day they arrived at the Potters.

Sirius gave Remus a half-hearted smirk “ No need to seem so jealous, Moony” he teased, his nose obviously still stuffy. As a result, Nikki slapped his arm and rolled her eyes at him, but stayed silent.

Remus looked away “I'm not jealous” he said quickly “I was just merely asking how you two managed to get sick in the short amount of time you were there, while James remained perfectly healthy.” he explained, still looking away.

“They got into a snowball fight, in nothing but the clothes they came in and their cloaks, they were out for about an or two. Nikki was out longer.” said James while Sirius was trying to hold back laughter

Nikki bit her lip at the memory, a grin trying to break onto her face, though that day held bad memories for her. She actually enjoyed the time she spent with Sirius, acting like they were young once again.

Remus looked back, with a puzzled look on his face “Why were you two out in that weather anyway? Not only was it snowing the hardest this year, but it was freezing and Sirius hates the cold.”he asked.

Sirius and James fell silent at the question, Nikki shuffled her feet “Complications” she said, her eyes flickering to James for a split second “Sirius came to help after those complications, then I started a snowball war.” she added.

“She speaks” joked Sirius, which made Nikki stick her tongue out at him childishly. She had not spoken a word since when they first arrived at Kings Cross Station, her cold was slightly worse than Sirius' was, from being out longer than he was.

Remus shook his head at the two of them and how childish they were acting, and at the thought of them being out in the heavy snow “Lets go get on the train” said James, glancing at the barrier that they had been standing by for the last few minutes.

Nikki peered behind her “You guys do that, I'm going to say Hi to Lily” she said, turning away from them, amongst the people hurrying to their stations to catch their trains, she spotted Lily abiding a farewell to her family.

Once Lily said her goodbyes, she noticed Nikki walking towards her “Nikki!” said Lily excitedly and ran up to her, with her trolley in toll “Is it true what happened before the holidays?” she asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

A blush grew on Nikki's face, knowing exactly what Lily was referring to “Yes, but I don't really understand it myself” she answered, looking down slightly at her feet, trying to get the blush to face

Lily giggled and grabbed one of Nikki's hands “Come on, you must tell me about it on the train!” said Lily cheerfully “Lets go so we aren't late” she added, Nikki nodded, her face still red from the blush.

A short while later, Nikki sat in a compartment with Lily, her knees drawn close to her. Feeling the effects of the cold, she hoped it wouldn't last too much longer, she figured that she couldn't get much help at the hospital wing.

“How did you survive being there?” asked Lily “At your home with another boy there and your brother.” she clarified, it bugged Nikki a bit, hearing Lily say that. But she shook the feeling off, knowing how Lily felt about James.

Nikki shrugged slightly “ James I'm used to, and Sirius isn't that bad once you get to know him, he helped me over the holiday break” answered Nikki, glancing out the window “And Remus is actually very sweet, he just goes long with James and Sirius' plans. If you didn't despise James and them, you and him might actually be friends” she added truthfully.

She really did think that Lily and Remus could be friends if Lily didn't hate them for bullying Severus, she also felt that Lily would be friends with Sirius as well. But she wasn't too sure if Lily would be friends with Peter or not.

Nikki wondered what things would be like if James and Severus didn't hate each other, if James didn't bully him. Would Lily actually give him a chance? Would things between be less complicated for Nikki when it came to having feelings for Severus?

Would she and James actually get along this year? These questions wandered in her mind, leaving her silent until Lily spoke to her again “So, about this kiss you had.” she said, grinning “You must tell me about it” she added.

Nikki looked away quickly, trying not to blush again “There isn't much to tell about it, he kissed me then he left. He had approached me when you left, to talk to me about why I was avoiding him, and then he kissed me. I still don't get it” said Nikki, feeling her cheeks turn pink at the thought of the kiss.

Lily giggled at Nikki's reaction to talking about the kiss “Wasn't that your first kiss?” she asked, when Nikki nodded shyly it made Lily want to hear even more details “Was it romantic?” asked Lily, making Nikki blush darker.

“As romantic as it can get in a stuffy room packed with people, and somewhere you aren't too sure as why you are there and were introduced to tons of people.” said Nikki biting her lip to keep from smiling “It was under a mistletoe, though” she added, still failing at hiding her blush.

Lily sighed happily from hearing the tale of the kiss shared by her two best friends, though she never that Nikki had feelings for Severus until the day she blurted out her feelings “Are you and him going be a couple?” asked Lily curiously.

Nikki's heart sank a bit “No.” she answered, her voice hinting at a bit of sadness “Even though he kissed me, his heart belongs to another. And things are ever so complicated even if he didn't love her.” she added, lowering her gaze.

“But how do you know he loves someone?” asked Lily, she hadn't even known that Severus was in love, and she thought Severus told her everything “Sevy never said anything about being in love” continued Lily, slightly confused.

Nikki shut her eyes tightly, to keep from tears trying to form. It pained her knowing that Severus was in love with Lily, and Lily not knowing about it “Because he told me before, those times you were late, and I can see it in him” replied Nikki.

It hurt Nikki knowing that Lily was clueless of how lucky she was to have a guy like Severus to love her, and she was jealous of Lily for that, not that she would ever tell Lily that “Who is she?” asked Lily, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Biting her lip slightly, Nikki wondered if she should tell her, tell Lily that Severus was in love with her, and has been for quite sometime “He didn't give to much of a name” lied Nikki “But she is lucky, and she doesn't even know it” she added silently.

The curiosity burned inside of Lily, she wanted to know these things, and she wanted to know why Severus kept it from her “I should ask him who it is.” she said thoughtfully, she really did want to know who it was.

Nikki shook her head quickly “No, I wasn't even supposed to tell you.” she said quickly, catching a puzzled look from Lily “Not sure why, he just asked me not to tell you” she lied again.

She felt bad for lying to Lily, but a part of her told her she would've felt worse for telling Lily about Severus' feelings. Nikki didn't want to lose Severus, even if he wasn't exactly hers, she didn't even want to lose him as a friend.

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