xlviii. real life

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The Oscars hands down was the best night of Jasmine Bulsara's life. She didn't know she could feel so much love and be so proud of a group of people and feel all these emotions all at the same time. The feelings buzzing around her body made her feel like like she was going to burst. There was no other way to describe how she was feeling apart from 'She was on cloud nine' and she didn't think she was coming down anytime soon.

After the main event; Jasmine had slipped away to slip into her second outfit of the evening to attend the infamous Vanity Fair Oscars Party and she couldn't wait to let her hair down. The final event of the season was over and though she was somber, that once again she wouldn't be able to see her friends that had become her family on a daily basis now they had to go back to their day jobs. She was forever grateful that her gorgeous Freddie brought these people into her life and she was never letting them go, not even for a second.

After body weight's worth of champagne and tequila had been downed by the cast, Jasmine was on the hunt for carbs and just craved to be tucked up in bed with a greasy pizza. Glancing at her phone the time flashed '03:08'  at her and despite the fact she was having the time of her life, she knew it was time. Incredibly impressed that she had surpassed Joe's time out, having already been sent a video of himself and Ben in a 7/11 nearly an hour ago. Jasmine already had her bragging rights! Pressing play on the video again, the brunette giggled as she watched the two boys sing along to Michael Jackson and after clocking eyes on the handsome blonde, she was now craving Ben.

Dragging herself through the crowds of people, Jasmine graciously thanked Darren Criss who was hosting said get together as people sung around the piano before flagging down Rami to give him one more congratulatory kiss and leaving towards the hotel. As the elevator advanced towards her floor; the butterflies in the stomach were going wild at the prospect of confronting Ben but she had just enough liquid courage to get the answers she wanted.

Knocking on the door softly; she prayed that he was still awake and when she heard the click of the door unlocking, Jasmine whipped her head up where she was focused on her feet to see a dishevelled haired Ben answer the door. Upon realising it was Jasmine stood head to toe in her all her gold glory, his eyes widened, suddenly ten times more awake than he was a moment ago as he watched an old re-run of friends.

"Hi."  Jasmine whispered softly, "Can I come in?"

Without saying a word; Ben stepped aside opening the door wider and allowing Jasmine to make her way into his hotel room. Gesturing to his unmade bed he had clearly just left to open the door, Jasmine asked softly over her shoulder, "Do you mind?"  When Ben shook his head, Jasmine quickly slipped off her shoes and climbed on in, the blonde quietly following and settling back into his nest of blankets next to her.

The two adults sat in silence for a moment; the blonde watching the brunette and wandering why she was currently in his bed. Turning to look towards Ben, she found his eyes already on her and smiled shyly, "You mind if I order food? I'd kill for a pizza right now!" Jasmine laughed. 

Smiling fondly at her, Ben couldn't help but stretch his smile into a beaming grin at the girl. Always thinking about food no matter what they were doing and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle before replying. "Sure, you want to split a Hawaiian?"

After the pair had tucked into the greasy delicious carbs; Jasmine bit the bullet and turned until she was fully facing Ben and catching his attention. "Just tell me what the fuck is going on? I physically cannot take it anymore? And apparently neither can any of our friends. I want to know what your're thinking and don't lie to me Jones, I don't think my heart could take it."  She let out a sigh.

"Fuck! Okay -- I like you and it's killing me inside that you don't feel that way and have made your way back into Richard's arms."  Ben sighed.

"So Rami didn't talk some sense into you, okay got it."  Jasmine muttered to herself before lifting her eyes up to meet Ben's. "You really have no idea, do you?" Jasmine whispered.

"Have an idea about what?" Ben asked.

"How miserable I've been without you in my life because I'm infuriatingly in love with you!"

Silence rang through Ben's hotel room as the two sat staring at one another, Jasmine waiting and hoping he'd say something. "You're in love with me?"  Ben's whisper reached her ears, causing Jasmine to finally lift her gaze from her lap to Ben's soft features and nodding. 

And without a seconds hesitation; Ben's hands were cradling Jasmine's face and was pressing his lips to hers in a fiery kiss. After a moment of shock; the brunette realised what was happening and slotted her lips against his, moving her hands up to the back of his neck to pull him in deeper. The pair relishing in the heat of the moment before pulling away, resting their foreheads against one another as they caught their breath again.

"We need to discuss the past few months before anything goes any further Ben because I need to what the fuck was going through that head of yours because it's been a long confusing few months."

"I didn't think we'd waste all these months apart to be honest. After the premiere, after that night we shared. I thought we'd be able to move forward but then I saw Richard comment on your post and I got all up in my head about it and I should have just dropped it but I was just being stroppy about it. Then you said you were going as Richard's date to the globes and it reignited the strop that was simmering away and you looked so god damn beautiful that night and you spent most of it with him and it KILLED me!"  Ben stressed.

"You're an idiot. Why didn't you just ask me about Rich? Instead of making both of us fucking miserable?"

"Cause I'm stubborn and had my stuck up my ass as I wallowed in my own self pity but I don't want to waste another day without you."  Ben reached out; taking her smaller hand in his and squeezing it gently.

Taking her initiative; it was Jasmine's to close the gap between the two of them as the brunette pushed her lips against Ben's, who gladly pulled her in closer until they both toppled backwards. Finally pulling away, Jasmine snuggled her face into the side of his neck, wrapped up in his arms and that's where they stayed until Jasmine felt Ben press her kiss to the crown of her head and she looked up to find his eyes already on her.

"When did you know?"  Ben asked softly.

"That day on set when you kissed me."  Jasmine replied shyly, "What you said to me, made me feel all funny inside and I was like shit, here we go again! You?"

"That day you found me crying in my apartment. I thought you were ignoring me but you came straight to my side and made me feel better, let me cry in your arms and then you took us away and no one has ever done something so selflessly for me. That's when I knew for sure I knew I had feelings for you."  He smiled shyly at Jasmine.

"If we want to do this. You have to talk to me Ben. Communication clearly hasn't been our strong point here and I want this. I want you. I don't want Richard. I don't want George. I want you Ben Jones but you have stop being stubborn and talk to me." Jasmine told him firmly.

"I promise, I'll never stop talking your ear off!"  Ben whispered gently.

"We're really doing this?"

"We're doing this Princess." 

Staring at his handsome features, Jasmine couldn't believe they were about to take the leap of faith. Finally pulling herself out of her own thoughts; the brunette pushed her lips back against Ben's, sighing deeply as they pressed up against one another, kissing each other deeply as they relished in their love for each other.

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